Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Monday, March 10, 2025



Remember when the guy with the several bankruptcies  predicted this?

It didn't age well, did it.

Cracks are forming in America’s economy. 

Trump is a big reason why. 

Trump the Tyrant is crashing our economy. 

 When the WSJ calls him out for it, it’s true.

CNN:  "Tariffs — particularly the on-again, off-again nature of Trump’s dictates — are sowing confusion for businesses, consumers and investors alike, and they’re stoking concerns about inflation at a time when consumer prices have been stubbornly on the rise again."


BB-Idaho said...

Yep. Market paralleling Hoover's tariff policies (remember the Great Depression) Based on historical market data, I go risky when the Dems are in and lock things down when the GOP is in. Even that might not help. Who was the genius that said businessmen make good politicians Pee Wee Herman? P.T. Barnham ? Sure wasn't Will Rogers.

Joe Conservative said...

The US IC is attacking Elon, MAGA Enemy #1.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Shaw Kenawe said...

Republicans historically are horrible for the economy. The Dems always have to clean up their messes. Who is surprised that a failed businessman with several bankruptcies is going to tank our economy that was humming along just fine.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Rick Wilson
It's almost as if a gibbering degenerate President with zero understanding of markets or respect for the rule of law who is engaged in moronic tariff wars and a wholesale betrayal of our alliances is bad for the market."

Strange how that happens.

R.D. said...

I've been assured that a stock market crash right after taking office only happens with bad presidents.

Joe Conservative said...

The attacks are coming from the Ukraine area...

Shaw Kenawe said...

There's no solid evidence for that claim. Musk did not give any further details about the origin of the attack, including whether he believes it was connected to the Ukrainian government.

It's possible to mask IP addresses and make it seem as though the traffic is coming from elsewhere, and spoofing locations is often offered by hackers-for-hire.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Walsh

Trump was handed an awesome economy. He was handed the best, by far, post-Covid economy of ANY industrialized nation. He was handed an economy with employment way up, consumer spending way up, the markets way up, & inflation way down.

And in only 7 weeks, he’s f**king it all up.

Anonymous said...

The "great" reality show host and five times bankrupt business moron is rapidly crashing the American economy.

Dismantling the very infrastructure that once made America great shall be his lasting legacy

And the MAGA.morons will blame a real President Biden for the rampant idiocy of the Felon of the USA.

Dave Miller said...

I've spent significant time in Mexico the last few weeks. Guess what the number one question is? Yep, what the "HE double toothpicks" is Trump doing?

Let's take booze as an example. One of the major importers of Mexican spirits in the US has decided to halt all products from Mexico for the next 6 months. Why? Not because of the tariffs per se. Rather, because of the unpredictability of Trump and his admin.

You never know day to day if and when any tariff will hit, be removed, reinstituted or anything. Business can deal with anything except unpredictability and a lack of stability.

But those two things and of course KAOS [and yes, that's a Maxwell Smart reference], are calling cards of the Trump business plan.

I have a close friend who has worked at multiple levels of both state and federal government in Mexico. He says his country is stunned. As a recognized leader in Latin American politics, he and his colleagues want to know what has happened to the US. He says they all believed the US was who other countries looked to for inspiration, belief in democracy and the rule of law. Not any more he said.

Then here's what really hit home... He said Trump and his policies have left them without hope. Why? Because if the US is turning their back on freedom, democracy and that rule of law, what hope is there for them?

This is all a mess that did not have to happen, but was foisted on us by a man devoid of any sense of history, business acumen and morality.

skudrunner said...

How many budget resolutions (increase spending) need to be passed before people realize the constant increased spending of our irresponsible and crooked legislators needs to be reeled in. People and cities have to stay within the budgets yet the federal government doesn't. Way to much pork and fraud to be controlled by the elected elite.
Throw them all out and start fresh.

Dave Miller said...

BTW... can anyone explain why the biggest story on Fox News dot com is the illegal deportation of a man for exercising his right to free speech and there is nothing on the stock market drop, the tariffs or the looming recession anywhere on their home page as of 5:30pm PDT Monday?

Mike said...

The only good thing is that the market drop happened to tRUMP. It was getting to high without a correction. You know the cons would be having a hissy fit if this happened to Kamala.

Shaw Kenawe said...

FAUX NOOZ isn’t news; it’s the propaganda arm of the Trumpublican Party. We have to remember that it is not allowed in some countries because it lies. The Mother Ship Captain watches it religiously, that’s why she and her sailors believe Trump is a God-send genius. 😂😂😂

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump was foisted on us by the dead Republican Party that has no honor or decency. Most of their leaders denigrated Trump when he entered the presidential race in 2015, then did a complete hypocritical turn- around and now worship the felon. Also, the people who voted for him, knowing he’s a liar, cheat, and fraud.

I don’t blame our allies for seeing us for what we are: a nation of ignorant, unreliable dolts.

Anonymous said...

That is the trumpublican meme anyway skud... yet it is the conservatives who are most responsible for the explosions in the national dept over the years. Largely due to their excessive tax cutting policies aimed at protecting the special interests of muti- millionaires, billionaires, and corporations.

What the Felon of the USA and his blueprint, Project 2025 is doing to America is to usher in the greatest period of instability and economic insanity since the 1929 market collapse that brought us the Great Depression.

So, keep plugging the con meme skud. Be part of the problem... We know you will.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The Feds under Trump gave the 1% huge tax cuts, and he's going to do it again, according to him. Those tax cuts reduce revenue, as does the elimination of IRS agents that find tax cheats.

Under the first Trump administration my IRA account took a big hit, but it recovered nicely under President Biden. Yesterday my IRA, which I live off of, took another hit, again because of the maniac in the Oval Office. Trump and his billionaire pals keep telling us there'll be discomfort in the coming months as they take a sledgehammer to the government.

Do you think Trump and his billionaire pals will feel any discomfort, or will I and millions and millions of other Americans feel it? That's a rhetorical question.

The plutocrats have you right where they want you, blaming Democrats, and not them, for this "discomfort."

Dave Miller said...

So... as it relates to the US market and economy.

Trump and his team believe the US economy is over dependent on foreign non US goods. Their view seems to be that if the majority of what we need/want is manufactured here in the US, we will be safer and more insulated from future global shocks such as what happened during Covid and is happening within the semi conductor world.

Now, I think reasonable ppl can disagree with that view. Or choose to agree.

But their plan to get there, as best as I can see, is that our economy must go through a period of transition and disruption as we get there.

Will it work? Who knows. Is it worth trying? Maybe, maybe not.

I guess we're going to find out. Or, we are finding out now.