Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Thursday, March 6, 2025


Last night bombers took off, drones were launched and missiles were fired from Russia. 

Ukrainian air defences knew they were coming, but had no idea what their targets were, because the President of the United States prohibited vital intelligence to be shared with battlefield commanders. 

Last night Donald Trump actively assisted an indicted war criminal to murder Ukrainian civilians. America’s president is now a MURDERER as well as a convicted felon. I’m sure Putin will present him with a medal when he visits Moscow.

This is what the sailors and captain of the Mother Ship call a "kerfluffle:"



Joe Conservative said...

from CTH:

The part that is really interesting to those who have followed the events of the past three years, is literally who has been in control of and deploying these missile and drone attack systems.

All of the intellectually honest researchers know that it is the USA (special forces) and to a lesser extent the collaborating U.K (special forces) who have been operating these systems. Yes, they have been training Ukranians, but they damned sure are not giving them the highly classified and tightly controlled encryption keys within the targeting system.

In reality, this means the USA/UK are the forces doing the actual fighting of consequence against Russia in the geography of Ukraine. A true and genuine proxy war between NATO and Russia has factually been ongoing. This stoppage of the missile/drone targeting system by President Trump is factually exposing this proxy war reality.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Kremlin says Rubio's view of Ukraine conflict as a US-Russia proxy war matches that of Putin

More evidence of how Trump's policies are in sync with Putin, the guy who murders his opponents who dare to challenge his regime. How long before The Felon in the Oval Office is in sync with that?

Dave Miller said...

Remember the movie, "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight"?

That's the Trump Admin as it relates to foreign policy. Trust the Russians? Ally with North Korea and China?

Sure, what could go wrong?

Even their signature policy initiative, deporting 'illegals" and "criminals" is a total bust.

The Trump Admin is deporting fewer ppl that did the Biden Admin in their final year. Why? Because these clowns are focused on TV moments like flying deportees to Guantanamo and Sec Noem playing Ice Barbie. Now we know the Gitmo option is not working and has doubled the deportation cost of every deportee because the Trump Admin wanted to use the military.

This is what happens when you choose the flashy idiocy of the Trump approach to governing over the quiet competence of Biden.

Less deportations, at a higher cost.

Again... what could go wrong?

Can't this Admin take a few minutes, game out various scenarios, make a plan and professionally execute it? Or is it all seat of your pants stuff?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump announced that he's also suspending tariffs on Mexico on various items for one month.

Incompetence on sterioids.

BB-Idaho said...

RE: "they damned sure are not giving them the highly classified and tightly controlled encryption keys within the targeting system." They damned sure better keep them from Trumps small but greedy hands. We got enough troubles in the world today.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Our government is being run based on the fleeting whims of a madman.

Anonymous said...

A mental and emotional midget pretending to be somebody with grear intelligence.

Trump is a total disaster who is perching America on the ledge over which insured failure, or worse, destruction awaits below.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

There is always a 'synchronicity' in truth.