Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Sunday, March 16, 2025



"Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it."--Leo Tolstoy


Joe Conservative said...

Maybe the choked man should stop picking him up and putting him back on his back...

ala Herman Melville's "Bartleby the Scrivener"...

Joe Conservative said...

btw - Is the man on his back his father (the Patriarchy of Communality)? What form of social relations do you think the two men share? Dominance? Communality? or Reciprocity?

Anonymous said...

Right or wrong is quite often a subjective judgement. Based on subjective criteria.

However, the question to be asked before an action is taken is whether it harms sentient beings. If it does not then it is ethical. It it harms sentient beings it is unethical.

Do not harm ought to be the first guiding principal.

A principal lost on MAGA and its unethical leadership.

Grey One talks sass said...

Anon at 2:01 pm, I concur with First Do No Harm as a guide in life. Where I differ is it isn't just MAGA who doesn't follow that creed but the Libertarian mindset too. The questions by the many named troll give the game away, thinking that the person doing the carrying has some beneficial relationship with the one being carried.

I tried the Libertarian way but found they were too dysfunctional with their stance of "I created everything in a vacuum" while privately whining it's never their fault when they fail.

I keep thinking that what WeThePeople face is local only to us but then I watch what is happening around the globe. I'm almost grateful we are going through what we are going through. While providing the absolute worst example many countries are justifiably freaked and are tightening up their own protections to ensure what is happening to us doesn't happen to them.

Perhaps, just maybe, if WeThePeople can pull ourselves out of this death spiral We can join a world that looks more like "Star Trek" than "Escape from LA".

Just saying, if Escape from LA is the winner then I'm going to do my best to manifest a whole platoon comprised of Snake Plissken.

Anonymous said...

I concur with all you said. And yes, after trying on the Libertarian way for a bit I ultimately found it too judgemental, too confused about reality, and nothing more than a self centered ideology every bit as misguided and destructive to democracy and the social order as MAGA.