Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

What Trump Supporters Refuse to See:


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Jerry said...

Trump University was being sued before he ran for president. It was public information.

Trump foundation was being investigated before he ran for president. In fact the foundation was under a 10 year probation. It was public information.

Trump's rotten character including Trump being the leader of the Birther movement was on public display for the last 40 years.

It's a mystery to me how so many millions of Americans could have voted for him, except they were just stupid suckers.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Well, Jerry, at least we know that those suckers who don't care about honesty, integrity, dignity, and just plain human decency in an Amrican president are only 30% of the voting public. Every country has a certain percentage who would sell their souls to the Devil himself to attain and keep power.

I, too, cannot understand how #45's supporters continue to stand by him, knowing what a thoroughly dishonest, lying, self-serving POS he is.

Kevin Robbins said...

Shaw, I'm disappointed. Nothing on the Artistically Designed Steel Slats? that really sounds like an elitist wall to me.

Les Carpenter said...

The obvious is simply hard for some to see.