Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Saturday, August 17, 2024

"2,000 Mules" Fraud

How many MAGAs missed this from last spring?

I remember reading how certain commenters on a certain Ship swore by this Dinesh crap. Now that the truth has been revealed in a court of law, will they admit they were bamboozled? Again! Nah. 

They've been drinking the Trumpy Kool-Aid for years, how would they ever know the difference between fact and fiction.

They still don't.  


Salem Apologizes, Retracts Dinesh D’Souza’s Debunked Election Fraud Movie ‘2000 Mules’

"Dinesh D’Souza’s movie that sought to prove former President Donald Trump’s fantasy that the 2020 election was stolen from him by widespread fraud has been debunked time and time again. 

Now, years after its release, its executive producer is retracting the film entirely. 

Following the 2020 election, D’Souza released 2000 Mules as an attempt to justify Trump’s loss to President Joe Biden. 

Trump famously held a screening of the movie at his Mar-a-Lago estate and MAGA supporters promoted the film during it’s release in May 2022. The film was produced by Salem Media Group, a conservative radio juggernaut that airs the likes of Sebastian Gorka and Charlie Kirk."


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

An incredible thing about this, and it's not the movie as I've never heard of it, it's the lengths the magats will go to suck up to Trump. And history shows he will do nothing for them that costs him any money or inconvenience.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The fact that so many Trumpers swore by the contents of this fake film again demonstrates how gullible and easily bamboozled Trump supporters are. They didn’t bother to check the veracity of any of the claims in this piece of trash. Trump supporters swallowed the lies in the film just as they swallowed Trump’s lies and fantasies for th last 8 years. They just don’t know how to discern fact from fiction, and that’s what put Trump in the WH in 2016: ignorance.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw said... "They [The MAGA Crowd] just don’t know how to discern fact from fiction..."

They know Shaw. The knew when it happened.

Instead they chose to disregard what they knew in their hearts in service to a lie, a ruse, a scam.

Why? Because they wanted it to be true. Because they wanted power so bad that rather than work together with ppl with whom they disagree, they had let hate consume them.

They've become convinced only their vision of America is valid, correct and will lead to peace and prosperity that they chose to sack the US Capitol building, try to steal an election, prepare to "hang Mike Pence" and savagely beat over 100 US Police officers on Jan 6.

Dave Miller said...

One of the things I've been seeing from conservatives about folks like the 2000 Mule producers, the Proud Boy folks and others who have plead guilty is this...

They don't believe it.

Their view is that these ppl are in fact innocent, but are pleading guilty to avoid a longer sentence the "weaponized" justice system will demand if they go to trial and lose.

The tell is this... not a one, including Trump, has taken the stand and made a positive case for their innocence. Not a one is willing to take the stand and say they did not sack the capitol building, did not beat that police officer, did not call for the VP of the US to be hanged or did not shag a porn star and commit fraud with the payoff.

Les Carpenter said...

I leave their embarrassment, or lack of (whichever it be) to them to deal with.

Ignorance is a tough nut to crack for some.

Anonymous said...

Refugees and people granted asylum, as well as some other humanitarian migrants, are entitled to certain public benefits, including cash assistance related to their initial resettlement though it is not as high as $2,200 each month.

Dave Dubya said...

Authoritarian followers will always follow their authoritarian leaders. It is who and what they are at their core.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

People will say anything once Lawfare becomes the defacto legal double standard. 2-Tier Democrats swear by it.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

It's a shame that the 2-tier legal standard has dethroned the court system as the ultimate arbiter of societal truth. Just ask the Brits and 2-tier Keir.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Is it Saturday Night yet?

Mike said...

I'd never heard of this movie. For some reason it has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. They must pull their rating from the Verified Audience because the all Audience is about 50/50.

Dave Dubya said...

I agree with -FJ that a 2-tier legal standard is corrupt and unjust. Look at Trump's personal team of lawyers on the Supreme Court perverting the entire concept of equal justice under law.

Black Americans are more familiar with a 2-tier system than anyone, including -FJ. Has he even HEARD of such a thing as "driving while Black"?

Of course politicizing the DOJ, aka "lawfare", was Trump's doing, from demanding they interfere in the 2020 election to going easy on his crooked pals.

President Trump has repeatedly and publicly called for the Justice Department and the FBI to investigate his perceived enemies — and in doing so, he's crossed a longstanding line against politicizing our nation's law enforcement agencies.

Since taking office President Trump has regularly called upon the Justice Department to investigate individuals he perceives as political opponents, especially his 2016 general election opponent Hillary Clinton, senior officials within the FBI, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Since his acquittal by the Senate in the impeachment trial, the president has exerted further political pressure on the department, including having expressed his displeasure at sentencing recommendations from prosecutors in the case against his associate Roger Stone — complaints that were apparently answered by Justice Department leadership’s intervention in the case, which was in turn praised by the president.

Dave Miller said...

Mike, you're not alone. Here on Earth 2.0, normal ppl just skipped over most of the BS lies of that "movie".

Dave Miller said...

-FJ, perhaps in a surprise to many here. I loved Merle Haggard. Grew up listening to him and that deep voice. A true classic.

Les Carpenter said...

Willie Nelson and Merle Hagard... We're all going to pot. A great dig!