Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, August 8, 2024

WTH was that????


NOTICE:  For reasons unknown, I lost two or three of my comments. I thought I had published them, but they seem to have disappeared into the mists of the intertubz. If you don't see your comment, I apologize.

ALSO:  At yesterday's presser, the story Trump told about being in a helicopter with Willie Brown and almost crashing was entirely made up. Fact checkers: "It NEVER happened!"

There's something desperately wrong with Trump.

'Imploding on live TV!' Trump's press conference leaves many onlookers aghast 

"Former President Donald Trump held a press conference at his Mar-a-Lago country club on Thursday — and many viewers expressed shock at what they saw. "Are we watching a mental breakdown in real time? What is going on," asked Chris Evans, a business owner and influencer with more than 250,000 followers on X. 

The organization Republicans Against Trump agreed with Evans, posting that Trump was "imploding on live TV." 


"Former Trump communications director Anthony Scaramucci observed, "Trump is frightened." 

Former Republican and Bulwark columnist Tim Miller posted, "I gotta say once again I am just blown away by the work @LaCivitaC has done to bring discipline to this campaign. I didn’t think it was possible. But this Uncle Rico as an aggrieved ranting grandpa routine is pitch perfect. Laser focus on victory. Impressive." "

Oh my god, he is so rattled by Vice President Harris. The man is melting down over her crowd sizes," wrote writer and progressive activist Charlotte Clymer."

 Of course, the perpetually bamboozled MAGAs thought he was magnificent. A veritable Cicero! 





Dave Miller said...

The no taxes on tips and no taxes on social security income are interesting. both pandering, but interesting. Take our SS taxing and we speed up bankruptcy of the funds by about 5 years, a GOP dream for years.

Nobody, not even Vegas, believes in no taxes for tipping. It's unmanageable and will kill salaries forcing people into an "eat what you kill" scenario.

To the larger point... yes, he's going nutz... He went back to his "my crowds are the biggest ever" rants too, claiming his crowds in DC were bigger than the MLK "I have a dream" crowds.

Anyone remember when the BS conservatives hated Obama because of his supposed ego? But now, for some reason, it's okay, even necessary. To them, it's Trump's superpower.

It's clowns supporting clowns...

Les Carpenter said...

You use the description clowns to describe Trump supporters Dave. And that's an apt word i suppose because clowns are not usually serious. But clowns are also funny and actually bring laughter and joy.

Since neither Trump or his cultists are funny or bring laughter and joy I simply prefer the descriptive word ignorant. Which does not imply stupidity or dumbness. Ignorance is being unaware of reality. Wether it be wilfully ignorant or legitimately ignorant makes little to no difference IMO.

Shaw Kenawe said...


The nation's oldest and largest Latino civil rights organization, the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), will do something it has not done since its founding in 1929 — it will endorse a presidential candidate, CBS News has learned.

The organization's political arm, the LULAC Adelante PAC, will endorse Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday.

Les Carpenter said...

The good news keeps coming in.

Wishing I was a fly on the wall in the strategy room of the Trump/Just Dumb campaign headquarters. The mood I imagine is growing darker by the moment.

The Harris/Walz campaign is showing America that positivity is contagious and joy is possible when the view is clear and the vision is forward looking.

There could never be a more fitting end to Trump's disasterous political run than for him to be handily beaten by a woman. An intelligent accomplished woman with bi-racial heritage. Perfect

BB-Idaho said...

I'm guessing his strategy is run by a hand picked team from the World Wrestling Federation,- scream, threaten, pose, grimace and repeat.
Yup, since Hulk Hogan spoke at the Trumpvention, I'm gonna go with that.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... here's a few notes on the story Trump told about his helicopter ride with Willie Brown.

As you pointed out, it NEVER happened. So Trump was either mistaken, or was lying. But, a helicopter ride DID happen for Trump in 2018. Except it was with Jerry Brown. Now, perhaps I'm picking nits, but no one mixes up Jerry Brown, the former governor of CA and a white guy, with Willie Brown, the former Speaker of the House in CA, Mayor of San Francisco and of course, a black guy.

Governor Newsom of CA and then AP reporter Jonathan Lemire were both on that helicopter. It was never in any danger, it never made an emergency landing, the occupants were never in any danger. Also, this ride was when he suggested the way to better control forest fires in CA was to "rake those forests". So it's been widely reported and covered.

But so what? That's the question isn't it? So what?

Well let's go back to Hillary Clinton in 2008. That's when she claimed she landed years before in Tuzla, Bosnia under enemy fire which caused her to have to run to waiting vehicles with her head down to avoid the danger.

It was a great story. But like Trump's story, it also never happened. Which Clinton later admitted.

However, during the 2016 campaign, candidate Trump called her out on that story, calling her a "world class liar" and saying it was proof, because she was a liar, that she could not be trusted in the White House.

FOX News commentators also agreed that this showed how much of a liar HRC was and why she should not be elected. Many of the conservatives who post here, at the Mothership and used to post at Silverfiddle and AOW's sites, said, and continue to say the same, that the liar Clinton cannot be trusted because she's a, as Trump stated, "World Class Liar".

I wonder what that crowd will say now that Trump has shown himself again to be the best liar. A better liar than anyone else. A person who tells more lies than even Hillary Clinton. Probably the biggest liar ever.

Now, unlike decades with the GOP, a liar like Trump at the top of the ticket won't matter. Because his supporters never believed that BS they peddled, still don't today and have been shown to be nothing more than partisan hacks, devoid of principles and in fact, liars themselves.

Sam said...

Trump - hahahahahaha - I just laugh at him.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Willie Brown, Jerry Brown. Both Democrats. One of them dished on Kamala. Does it matter which?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

btw - Did they take any fire from the Taliban after the crash?

Shaw Kenawe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaw Kenawe said...

Yes. It does matter. Facts and truth matter. Perhaps not to MAGA. The presser showed a failing Trump who is not in command of reality or the truth. It’s pathetic

Shaw Kenawe said...

Yes, there is that temptation. But we’re also seeing him fail cognitively before our eyes.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M. , Trumpers are hypocrites. Period. It is difficult to take almost anything they say seriously. They have no problem with Trump’s epic lying, his criminal record, his tax fraud convictions, his complete lack of human decency.

It’s party over country for them.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Bb- Idaho, do you think it’s that professional? 🤣🤣🤣

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump’s presser was all about the size of his crowds! And he insulted VP Harris’s intelligence! This was pure desperation by a very confused and cognitively failing old man.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

If Trump described his campaign as a train wreck I would believe that. Poor guy is showing all the signs of desperation. Probably worried Kamala will release the Epstein diaries,

Shaw Kenawe said...

He’s declining in front of the nation. We need a youthful Harris- Walz team!!!💙💙💙

Shaw Kenawe said...

Whew! Wasn’t Trump lucky not to have crashed and died in that helicopter with Willie Brown that never happened. It’s almost like the story he tells about losing half his ear from an AR-15 bullet!🤣🤣🤣🤣

Mike said...

My comment never showed up. And it was a great comment, the best, absolutly magnificent. I wish I could remember what it was.

Dave Miller said...

Actually -FJ, you have no knowledge at all if either Jerry or Willie dissed on Kamala. You only have conjecture. So, are you saying Trump made a mistake and confused Jerry with Willie? Because all normal folks think he mixed it up because it was a BS story and he was, of course, lying.

Dave Miller said...

What crash -FJ? Trump's total story NEVER Happened. It's a lie. Lust like Hillary's.

Dave Dubya said...

I for one, was inspired by Trump's harrowing helicopter tale.

Next time he tells it, he might just say he needed to take the controls to safely land the aircraft.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Dave Miller said...

Mike... comfort yourself with this quote from Donald Trump after reporter Brian Williams lost his job at NBC for... wait for it, making up a story about surviving a bad helicopter landing...

I wonder if Bone Spurs Trump would know bravery if it was nailed to his forehead?

I wonder why he lied yesterday at his Fake News Conference? Or does he believe this stuff?

Sam said...

You write with such clarity. There is nothing I can ad. Nice post.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump claims his plane had to land in Billings because of mechanical problems but in fact he couldn't land at Bozeman because the grifter owes the airport $12,000 from the 2020 election cycle. He also still owes the Billings police department $58,830.

Deadbeat Donny stiffs the police and municipalities in Idaho. His cultists don't care. His their exalted convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, tax fraudster, and bill stiffer. Trumpers like Trump's cheating!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The lie is that the helicopter crashed... THAT is the part that was added by you (et al progressives) that "NEVER Happened".

At yesterday's presser, the story Trump told about being in a helicopter with Willie Brown and almost crashing

Shaw Kenawe said...

"FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew
The lie is that the helicopter crashed... THAT is the part that was added by you (et al progressives) that "NEVER Happened".

At yesterday's presser, the story Trump told about being in a helicopter with Willie Brown and almost crashing."

I'm amazed at how diligent you are about Trump being accurate in telling stories at his rallies!

It's almost as though you'd go out of your way to set the record straight when Trump claims at all of his rallies that blue states allow abortions after birth, and kill the newborn infant, right there in the delivery room in front of the mother and other witnesses! Someone needs to tell Trump the Liar that killing newborn infants in the delivery room is called infanticide and it is against the law in every state, everywhere!

That is a stupid lie, and every sane person knows it. That would exclude, I'm sorry to say, most of Trump's cultists, because I've read and heard them repeat that they actually believe that blue states murder delivered, live infants in the delivery room. Trump's cultists are fools if they believe his insane lie about that.

But thanks for your sincere concern about Trump's made-up story of "Willie and the Helicopter that ALMOST crashed!" We'll be sure to insert "almost," when you Trump and his cultists stop repeating the absurdity about live, delivered infants being murdered (by doctors, nurses OR HITMEN?!) in the delivery rooms. Deal?

Dave Miller said...

Nice try -FJ... Trump was never on a helicopter, or anything else with Mayor and former Speaker Willie Brown. His entire story was a fabrication, or in plain language, a lie.

He claims he has the receipts on this, the flight manifest or report. He claims he is suing over the story calling BS on him.

We all know there will never be a lawsuit. Just like we all know he has no records of the flight. Because it never happened.

And if it did, he would release the official flight records. That small oct of transparency would show what you clowns and Trump always believe, that the media makes up stories about him.

As he said to Obama regarding his birth certificate, just release it and clear all this up. But unlike Obama, he can't, because Trump's records, again, do not exist.

Dave Miller said...

-FJ... and Skud too, I like you guys, I really do. I think you're both serious people. Wrong, but serious. Can you both humor me?

Make the positive conservative case for Trump. Not the he isn't like Harris, or he won't do what Harris does. Rather, the Trump stands for this, will work for this, etc., etc.

I know you both get this, but for instance... Elect Trump because he'll work for, [for example] tariffs.

Can you guys do it?

And yes, I'll be happy to add my positive case for Harris afterwards.

It's called fair dialogue.

skudrunner said...

Sure Dave but I can't say anything good about either one of them. Trump is consumed by his narcissistic ego and harris is a lying leftist who will ruin the country. Trump has completed the task of ruining the republican party. Trump accomplished a lot in the first three years of his term but has fallen off the rails since. he is not fit to be president.

Harris accomplished nothing in he political career and is a lying machine. She was in charge of the border until she wasn't. She supports healthcare for illegals, confiscation of firearms, open borders, defunding police, getting rid of ICE, against fracking, against the oil industry, raising capital gains and confiscating wealth. She is the nominee because she hid the fact that biden was unfit to serve until it was to late for any challengers to be viable. Now she has total support of the news media and is running a hide campaign much like biden in 2020.

I'm sure you have a lot of positive things to say about her so have at it.