Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, August 15, 2024





Dave Miller said...

I make money per year than ever. Inflation, after a world wide pandemic disrupted supply lines around the globe, is below 3% again. My retirement acct is growing. Wages for everyday Americans show growth above inflation. And it looks like interest rates will be cut next month.

It looks like the soft landing ppl said the US needed is going to happen. Despite the naysayers.

This is what happens when you elect a president, as the US fairly and legally did in 2020.

As opposed to a sex offender, convicted felon, 80+ times indicted former president who has said he'd like to terminate the Constitution, will be a dictator at least one day in office and has unleashed health care hell on women and says if he's elected, you'll never have to vote again.

Enjoy your time with family Shaw... peace to all of you.

Dave Miller said...

Given all the great financial news we've had over the last few weeks, what is former pres and convicted felon Trump talking about when he says the economy is the worst in the world?

Heck, now that violent crime is below the levels of the Trump Admin, what is he talking about when he says crime is rampant in the US? What metrics is he using?

The only crime that seems rampant are his actions that we are still waiting to prosecute. But we'll wait.

Les Carpenter said...

He's using special secret Trump Metrics. Apparently.

We all know the dude is blowing smoke out his posterior. However, there is the possibility his ignorant self serving mind actually believes his groundless statements.

Hopefully America still has enough people that realize his severely diminished cognitive capacity and put Harris in the Whitehouse in land slide victories.

Enjoy your family time Shaw.

Namaste to all.

BB-Idaho said...

People complain about high mortgage rates on new homes.
When we bought our first house, the interest rate was 9%
When we bought our second home it was 9.6%
We had a nice place to live, the bank raked it in and that's
the way it was. 'stagflation' over several years and administrations.
The president gets the blame, but economists believe there are
any number of other economic factors. I didn't complain then
and I don't complain now - nor have I ever voted for a felon.

Dave Miller said...

I mentioned the "soft landing" as some call it, above.

Today we see more evidence we are getting there. Retail sales in July posted their biggest gains in over two years, throwing off concerns about a recession and strengthening the case for the soft landing.

Something a convicted felon would never pull off.

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

Anonymous said...

It is shocking that inflation is announced being down two months before the election. I'm sure you realize that inflation is cumulative and the last 3+ years have resulted in inflation in excess of 20% and the 3% for a month is on top of the 20%.

As of July 11, 2024, the annual inflation rate in the United States was 3%, which is a 20.8% increase from the beginning of the pandemic-induced recession in February 2020.

how is kamala going to bring down prices when it was the biden/harris massive spending that caused the 20% increase in prices. Her plan is to destroy oil/gas, increase capital gains, expend the government give away to illegals so how is she going to bring costs down. Oh I get it , tax the rich.

Mike said...

And yet they refuse to see the irony.

Grey One talks sass said...

Anon acts as if financial reports stop when there is an election. ROFL. Wow.

And they repeat the propaganda that Shaw has repeatedly debunked. Do the trolls think that with repetition we will eventually wear down and say OK, fine. You got me. I have facts on my side but your repeating the same phrase without evidence 100 times has me convinced?

Shaw, I read about what you are cooking. As someone who used to cook but can not at the moment, may I say the gift you present to your family will not only feed their bodies but their souls for months if not years. Such a meal I would remember not only the food but the conversation, the laughter, the sorrow, and most importantly, the love. Thank you for the details. You absolutely made my week.

Dave Miller said...

Is Skud posting as Anon these days? Or is that the crazy cabal of Joe/-FJ et al?

Les Carpenter said...

It's one or the other. Different sources, same message.