Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Monday, August 19, 2024



This should disqualify Trump from ever holding any political office. But his cultists didn't care when he insulted and mocked John McCain, Gold Star families, and when he called military men and women who gave their lives for their country, "losers and suckers."

Trump's supporters/cultists are as dishonorable as he is, IMO.

 In this statement by the VFW, they claim Trump "should know better." Trump DOESN'T know better. Trump is a malignant narcissist and will never understand valor or self-sacrifice. Trump is a buffoon and a thoroughly dishonorable nincompoop.


Les Carpenter said...

A man without honor will always fail to see it in others.

Shaw Kenawe said...

“Trump is having a hypomanic episode. Post after post after post. Short posts. Reposts. Probably 30 of them so far today. His gut is a simmering stew of agitation, rage, and desperation. His malignant pathologies rule him, projecting his feelings outward.

What he feels, is fear. So, he fearmongers. Pictures of caravans and all the old hits - fantasies of violence and revenge - alongside "only I can fix it" messages of him regaining his grandiosity.

By any medical, psychological, neurological, or objective common-sense standard, he's ill. Very ill. And he has a NEW fear now - losing his mind - his acuity. He hates himself for it. He hates being pulled back; hearing people tell him he needs to change his message, or pivot.

Neither you nor I can EVER feel the kind of desperation and rage Trump feels now. This is a man terrified that all that he is, and all that he ever said he was - his entire lifetime of secrets and lies and false constructs - is crumbling into the ash of a fake myth.

This is a malignant narcissist -- in deep decline.”

Les Carpenter said...

He is, as is said in Hinduism and Buddhism, his karma (past actions) is coming home to roost.

Trump will, as he has no ability to see himself or the results of his narcissistic personality, double, triple, and even quadruple down. Or more. He's too prideful to recognize his problem let alone seek help.

I know this is not kind, but I cannot help but to feel absolutely nothing but disdain for Trump's character. Even as I shouldn't I am happy he is now beginning to feel the weight of his lifetime of fraudulent behavior and actions.

The more he becomes unhinged the greater divide VP Harris and Walz will open up between them. So, at this point I hope Trump let's it ALL hang out so the margin of victory is very large.

skudrunner said...

You would think he has more than two feet because he keeps shooting them off.
He really needs to go live with barbie and give up on this election nonsense.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I still think there's a decent chance Trump will withdraw from the election before November once he realizes he can't win. Of course he will whine about rigged stuff and being treated unfairly by the media. It's almost like he's setting the stage for his withdrawal now with all the nonsense he says. Yet the magats still love him.

BB-Idaho said...

Vets seem to recognize the guy. Veterans Against Trump is selling T-shirts with the logo 'Some Gave Their All - One Had Bone spurs'. True, but they didn't have my color. As his cult boils and bubbles, we ponder the long shot choice- Pull out as a candidate as being too old and let JD Vance rally the fuming few.

skudrunner said...

Joe, I hope you are correct and I agree it is like he is trying to tank his election. If he withdraws from the race we may have a reasonable choice because anyone is better than the current choice. There are millions who won't vote for flip flop kamala and millions who are anti trumpers so it would be a good day for America.

Dave Miller said...

Can you believe those VFW hacks? Why would they not be supporting the flag hugging American Patriot Trump? They must be RINOs or in on the "deep state" conspiracy stuff.