Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Tragedy of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

RFK, Jr., cheated on his wife with 37 women in one year alone -- thirty-seven women -- one year -- with six kids at home. His wife found a diary he kept where he wrote down all the details of his sexual conquests, and she hanged herself.  He was a heroin addict; called the NRA a terrorist organization; and said people should be jailed for denying global warming. He held extremely left wing views his entire life. 

This is not a conservative, not even a decent, principled man of any sort. Who cheats on his wife with 37 women in a year and keeps a diary on all the details?  

Watching so called conservatives fawn over him because he now supports their Golden Calf MAGA god is pathetic. 

We used to aspire to have the "creme de la creme" run for political office. Now, in a person like RFK,JR.,  we have the "crap de la crap."

Trump, the convicted felon and adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist facing dozens more felons welcomed RFK, Jr., with a probable "quid pro quo," because Trump is a transactional felon. Crime-ing is in Trump's blood.


Les Carpenter said...

Two peas of indecency and dishonesty in a pod of ignorance and delusion.

Self serving unethical and immoral A-holes.

skudrunner said...

Kennedy is a democrat from a powerful democrat dynasty so it is not surprising what he did. Now he is prevented from removing himself from the ballot in several states but joey removed himself and put kamala in with no issue. How does that work.
I will have to applaud the democrats for taking action against an incompetent senile candidate. This is something the republicans refuse to do and it will cost them the election. The democrats have control of the media and now it is admitted they dictate what social media ca publish as well so they are in a great position.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Trump is attracted to kooks and low quality people. At least publicly. These dupes refuse to acknowledge that privately he hates them and for that matter, most of the magat nation. I do wonder wtf Merrick Garland is doing. Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr. have been named to Trump's transition team after endorsing this clown. Not sure if Tulsi endorsed him before or after an endorsement. But transition team is a government job.

Dave Dubya said...

Trump has done a bang up job of bringing every racist, neo-Nazi, authoritarian, conspiracy kook, and white nationalist out of the woodwork for all to see.
Not ONE of them is a patriot, and all of them abet a racist criminal and insurrectionist.
No shame. No conscience. No decency.

I have spoken.

Dave Miller said...

RFK and many other politicians are learning that the ways of the past, especially as it relates to how men treat women, are not going to be considered acceptable any longer. Combining the Me Too movement, Trump's off hand remarks about grabbing women's pu**ies, and a score of Hollywood bad juju has simply changed the game.

The well known dalliances of the Kennedy's and others like them of years gone by, will no longer go unreported. We won't have to wait decades to find out about the affairs of our generals, as shown by David Petraeus.

The rich and powerful, men like Jeffery Epstein, Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein and yes, again, Donald Trump, may never change their ways, but their habits will no longer be kept secret by a willing and deferential press.

Then it's up to us to decide what we will accept in our leaders, idols, politicians, civic leaders and educators. But at least we'll be making our decisions with better knowledge.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Kennedy left the Democratic Party. He switched to Independent, then threw his support to the Republican candidate. Maybe tomorrow he’ll change what’s left of his mind again.

You obviously are unaware of the reasons Kennedy’s name could not be removed from some ballots in some states. But a simple search would have revealed the legal reasons why.

Sam said...

A politician begging for power, there's a surprise.

Dave Miller said...

Skud... RFK withdrew AFTER the deadlines in some of those states to change their ballots. Nothing nefarious at all. Unless you're a conspiracy nut, or have no respect for the law. He's a lawyer, he should have known the deadlines.

skudrunner said...

The actions from JFKjr is like an old country song, It's a family tradition

Mike said...

tRUMP the convicted felon. Apparently he can run for office but can he vote?

Les Carpenter said...

In a nutshell... a certain, rather very large number of Americans have determined it patriotic to accept mediocrity, dishonesty, misogyny, racism, authoritarianism, tax fraud, sexual misconduct, and a divided nation in which a criminal, DJT, determines what is to be considered wholesome and righteous.

The decision to accept the above character traits in a man who wants to lead our Democratic Republic reflects on the people of this nation, as well as it stains the character of our nation.

Decency, integrity, truth, and compassion matter. For WITHOUT decency, integrity, truth, and compassion life becomes nothing but an ego hell that yields only suffering and confusion.

Life will go on if DJT is plopped behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office again for sure. And, all that will be left is to accept that We The People could not, and did not, KEEP OUR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.

And so, whether ignorance and delusion leads the country going forward or truth, intelligence, understanding, opportunity for ALL, and decency leads the country is up to EACH and every one of us.

I know my own choice and am hoping that there are a ocean of Americans who continue to believe in the promise of America and ultimately hold on to is HIGHEST IDEALS.

And now, well, the exhausting unreality of DJT, JD Vance, and the Trumpublican Party has taken its toll. Hopefully more Americans wake up to truth and reality. Over & Out.

Dave Dubya said...

Skud regurgitates more Republican propaganda: "The democrats have control of the media...".

Is that a fact? No, OBVIOUSLY not. Any media outlet that's not pro-Trump is "fake news" to Skud. Can Skud show evidence that democrats "control" Fox(R) News, OAN, Newsmax, the Sinclair broadcasting empire, the Wall St. Journal, NY Post, Washington Times, etc.

No, he can't.

"...And now it is admitted they dictate what social media ca publish as well".

More BS. Twitter has been converted into a neo-Nazi haven for pro-Trump lies and hate. Musk is openly interfering with our election by allowing his fellow racists to spew their venom.

The truth is, Republicans control Skud's brain. He is compelled to regurgitate THEIR partisan propaganda every day.

I have no doubt he will vote for Trump and every Republican on the ballot.

BB-Idaho said...

Just wondering. Given that Trump accuses Dems of all the crooked things HE has done, is the brain-worm catching? Can Elon Muskrat get it too?

Anonymous said...

Dube, You forgot ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WP and facebook just admitted they were pressured to keep things silent from the WH. Point out where I said any news organization lies if they are not pro-trump. I'm not pro trump I am just anti harris. No one watches OAN and Newsmax and Sinclair is a network that has different stations with different opinions.
Basically if someone doesn't agree with your beliefs they have no credit. Is it not partisan propaganda that the media was against harris and thought biden still had his faculties. You are far better off subscribing to the DNC talking points page to get all of you information.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I recall your posting here that you thought RFK, Jr., looked like someone you could support. Does he still look like someone you'd like to see in the presidency, now that you know his past history and his allegiance to Trump?

Dave Dubya said...

Skud said "democrats have control of the media", so I showed where he was WRONG.

And then he went WRONG again with this:

"Sinclair is a network that has different stations with different opinions."

Not that he cares:

"TV giant known for rightwing disinformation doubles down on its national news agenda"

Media analysts say Sinclair, known for anchors reciting script in lockstep, promotes conservative talking points.

Sinclair, one of the largest owners of US television stations, has established itself as an influential player in the conservative movement by using trusted local news channels to spread disinformation and manipulated video of Joe Biden, media analysts say.

The company, which gained notoriety in 2018 for requiring local anchors across the country to read the same segment, has since created a national news show that produces stories distributed to its stations – often at the expense of local news coverage, the experts say.

That same year, the company drew scrutiny for forcing anchors at 200 stations around the country to read a script that warned of “fake news”, as Trump often did, and stated: “We’re concerned about the troubling trend of irresponsible, one-sided news stories plaguing our country. The sharing of biased and false news has become all too common on social media.

In previous election cycles,the company distributed segments from people such as Boris Epshteyn, a Trump adviser, labeled as commentary.

...For example, the company distributed stories to its local news websites based on videos manipulated by the Republican National Committee to, in one case, make it look as though President Biden soiled himself.

For clips showing Sinclair stations repeating the same SCRIPTED far right talking points:

Dave Miller said...

Funniest thing I've seen in a while... "Sinclair is a network that different stations and different opinions."


Dave Dubya said...

I'm sure you have sound reasoning and evidence to explain to us if
Democrats "have control of the media", why would they allow Republican ads and show Trump's rallies? Why would they have Trump supporters on discussion panels lying on air for Trump?

If Democrats "have control of the media" wouldn't they most certainly be airing daily documentaries of the investigations and abundant evidence of Trump's crimes?

If Democrats "have control of the media" wouldn't they most certainly be airing investigative reports of the massive amount of lies, corruption and conflicts of interest in Trump's red hats on the Supreme Court?

If they "have control of the media" wouldn't they most certainly be airing footage of Trump's J6 coup every day, and feature a running series of the House J6 Committee hearings?

If they "have control of the media" wouldn't they most certainly be airing feel-good biographies of Harris and Walz, while flattering them with softball interview questions?

That's what I would do if I controlled the media. It wouldn't make any sense NOT to keep exposing Trump's corrupt, criminal, and insurrectionist behavior. It wouldn't make any sense NOT to openly praise Democrats and demonize Republicans, like FOX(R) has done for Republicans and against Democrats.

News for you. Who controls the media? CORPORATIONS and their CEOs who serve the bottom line. They do not serve the Democratic Party. Your BS is absurd and ridiculous.

All you're doing is regurgitating Republican grievances, false accusations, and lies. You clearly hate Democrats, and from your long history of parroting Republican propaganda, we have every reason to believe you would LIE about not voting for Trump.

I'll take your silence as a concession to my points.

skudrunner said...

Dube, You use the guardian as a source. That is like a trumper using newsmax.
I have a number of friends who are democrats. I have no hate for anyone let alone democrats I just don't share their ideas.

Dave Dubya said...


First, you regularly regurgitate pro-Tump media.

Second, you NEVER cite ANY source for your assertions:

"The democrats have control of the media...".

"...And now it is admitted they dictate what social media ca publish as well".

"Sinclair is a network that has different stations with different opinions."

None of these are true. None are supported by evidence.

Third, “I have no hate for anyone let alone democrats”.
You regularly add demeaning descriptions for Democrats. Kamala is “Cruella”. President Biden is “Joey”. But apart from Trump you NEVER do this with Republicans.

Fourth, “Dube, You use the guardian as a source. That is like a trumper using newsmax.”

That is false equivalence. See Media Bias Fact Check:


Questionable Reasoning: Conspiracy Theories, Pseudoscience, Propaganda, Fake News, Failed Fact Checks
Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: LOW

In general, Newsmax is not a credible source with a strong right-leaning editorial bias. They violate all basic journalistic standards for credibility and reliability.


Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: United Kingdom
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Newspaper
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic

In review, story selection favors the left but is generally factual.

Les Carpenter said...

Gosh Dave, you're certainly are a patient person trying to educate skud. Especially since skud works so diligently to remain stuck in his reified belief loop. All MAGA is apparently fine. Except for its creator, DJT. Not sure how that works. And it does stretch ones logic to believe his statements about Trump. I bet he ultimately pull the lever for Trump and te ENTIRE trumpublican lineup.

Dave Dubya said...

Good old Skud. None of this sinks in, of course. He proves how people don't want to learn what they don't want to know. This is especially true for authoritarian personalities.