Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, August 1, 2024


on why Trump did so poorly during yesterday's interview by the NAoBJ.

This describes what Trump is perfectly:

"In deflection and denial, the weird dullard Trump managed to outdo even his own previous displays of rhetorical absurdity. When confronted with a question detailing his long history of racially charged comments and actions, Trump responded with the characteristic indignation of a man who has never been held accountable.

The question, which meticulously outlined Trump's false claims about Barack Obama's birthplace, his directive to American congresswomen of color to "go back" to their supposed countries, and his use of dehumanizing language to describe Black district attorneys and journalists, was met with a response that was as revealing as it was evasive.

"Well, first of all, I don't think I've ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner," Trump whined, clearly perturbed by the audacity of being called out on his own words. The sheer horror of having his bigotry laid bare was evidently too much for the former President to handle.

Trump's indignation at being questioned about his blatant racism is nothing new. It's a tactic he has honed over the years, an art form of dodging accountability while playing the perpetual victim. His response, or rather lack thereof, underscores a fundamental truth about his approach to politics: when faced with inconvenient truths, Trump opts for feigned outrage and deflection.

The list of grievances presented to him was not just a litany of offensive remarks but a damning indictment of his entire modus operandi. From spreading the birther conspiracy to dining with white supremacists, Trump's actions speak volumes about his attitudes towards race. Yet, when asked to address these actions, he resorts to the same tired playbook of crying foul over the manner of the questioning rather than the substance.

It is a testament to his delusional sense of self-righteousness that he perceives the recounting of his own statements as an affront. The reality, of course, is that there is nothing "horrible" about the manner in which the question was posed. What is truly horrible is the content of Trump's rhetoric and the divisive, destructive impact it has on the fabric of American society.

Trump's inability to answer the question is not just a failure of rhetoric but a failure of character. It reveals a man who is not only unwilling to confront his own racism but is also incapable of understanding why such questions are necessary. His response, or lack thereof, is a stark reminder of the moral and intellectual bankruptcy that defines his public persona.

As Trump continues to pander to his base with a mix of ignorance and prejudice, the rest of the country is left to grapple with the consequences of his divisive leadership. The question posed to him was not merely about his past statements; it was about his fitness to lead a nation that is striving for equality and justice. His failure to provide a coherent answer speaks volumes about the depths of his unfitness.

In the end, Trump's response is a fitting encapsulation of his tenure: a blend of outrage, evasion, and a steadfast refusal to engage with the truth. It's a performance that would be laughable if it weren't so tragically damaging. And as the nation watches this farce unfold, one can only hope that the absurdity of it all is not lost on those who continue to support him."

America STILL doesn't know how to talk about racial heritage. Even one of my commenters thought it was important to make a distinction between Afro-Jamaicans and Afro-Americans to prove some point about VP Harris's racial/ethnic background. There is no point, VP Harris heritage from her parents is: South Asian/Indian and Black. Period.

All of that has nothing to do with the fact that Donald Trump is unfit to be POTUS on many levels, but what he showed of himself yesterday at the NAoBJ was the worst of who he is. And this post by Chris Stewart on Twitter explains why.

Rick Wilson says it better than I ever could:

1/ The thing about Trump's disastrous trash fire appearance at yesterday that seems missing in the overt racism, pandering to his alt-white base, and typical mendacity is how utterly lost, weak, pissy, and small he is outside the MAGA media ecosystem.


Shaw Kenawe said...


"The audacity of Mr. Trump, a white man, questioning how much a Black woman truly belongs to Black America was particularly incendiary.

And it evoked an ugly history in this country, in which white America has often declared the racial categories that define citizens, and sought to determine who gets to call themselves what.

“Give me a break,” said Fred Sweets, a contributing editor at The St. Louis American who watched the discussion from the third row. “He seemed to be denigrating her background. She knows who she is.”

Ms. Harris has embraced her dual racial identities. She has long identified as Black and was shaped by several Black institutions. She graduated from Howard University, a historically Black university in Washington, D.C., and there joined Alpha Kappa Alpha, the nation’s oldest Black sorority. She has spoken extensively about growing up in what she described as a Black community in Berkeley, Calif."

Dave Miller said...

And yet there's this, sure from the Mothership, but a deeply held view among many Americans...


I guess it does take guts to be so openly either racist or uninformed about matters of culture, race, honesty, and heritage.

Just like it took guts and daring, as Bill Maher said before being cancelled by conservatives in America, to fly a plane into a building. That however is no reason to celebrate the action.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.,

When I read that blog, I take into account the demographic, which is older, white, conservative, Trumpers.

So ANYTHING Trumps says or does, even the appalling stuff, they will accept and even lionize.

(They're characterizing his appearance at the NAoBJ as emerging from the lion's den. LOL!)

I read this blog because they are a genuine representation of MAGA. I like to see, in real time, what they're thinking and saying. It is more enlightening than reading what the media report about that demographic.

The Mother Ship is absolutely enthralled with what Trump did yesterday, and they are proud of their "Daniel."

The folks on the Mother Ship saw what we saw. They interpret Trump's petulance, ignorance, bigotry, and lies as heroic.

We don't.

It's as simple as that.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's a typical comment on that blog:

"I watched the entire interview with the black propagandists and Harris Faulkner.

He was absolutely brilliant with them.

And Kamala not showing up was gold for him and also shows she fears a debate with him. He would have chewed her up.

(S.K. Trump declined to debate with VP Harris in Sept., maybe this commenter is unaware of that fact?)

He said nothing wrong.

(S.K.: Trump calls himself the greatest POTUS for Black people since Lincoln, dismissing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act and the Fair Housing Act passed by Lyndon Johnson.)

Neither my wife or I saw anything A BIT INSULTING TO BLACKS SOMETIMES.

(I don't know what "SOMETIMES" means, but saying VP Harris "turned Black," is a disgusting and bigoted statement that highlights Trump's essential racist character.

He played to the crowd and they responded.

The applause at the end was encouraging.

He should do these instead of rallies."

(S.K.: "He should do these instead of rallies." ABSOLUTELY! The ONLY group that thought Trump "crushed it," was Trump and his MAGAs. That's it. Trump did not win over ANY more voters. In fact he probably lost quite a few undecideds and independents.)

So, yes. More of this, please!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Mara Gray, NYTimes: "The journalists at the event did the country a service. Much of that work was done by Rachel Scott of ABC News. Her first question was tough, factual and fair — a model of accountability journalism — and deserves to be repeated:

A lot of people did not think it was appropriate for you to be here today. You have pushed false claims about some of your rivals, from Nikki Haley to former President Barack Obama, saying that they were not born in the United States; that’s not true. You have told four congresswomen of color who are American citizens to go back to where they came from.

You have used words like “animal” and “rabbit” to describe Black district attorneys.

You’ve attacked Black journalists, calling them a loser, saying the questions that they ask are stupid and racist. You’ve had dinner with a white supremacist at your Mar-a-Lago resort. So my question, sir, now that you are asking Black supporters to vote for you: Why should Black voters trust you after you have used language like that?

Rather than answer the question, Trump launched a personal attack on Scott, calling her “rude” for doing her job. “First of all, I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner,” he spat at Scott. “The first question. You don’t even say hello, ‘hello, how are you?’ Are you with ABC? Because I think they’re a fake news network, a terrible network.”

He then said he loves “the Black population” of this country — a curious term that sounds like it was drilled into him by a political consultant to replace his usual, “the Blacks.”He also declared himself to be the “best president for the Black population since Abraham Lincoln,” to which Scott quickly replied, “Better than President Johnson, who signed the Voting Rights Act?”

Shaw Kenawe said...

"He said nothing wrong."

Trump said, “She wants abortions in the eighth and ninth month of pregnancy, that’s fine with her, right up until birth, and even after birth – the execution of a baby.”

Facts First: Trump’s claim that Harris supports the execution of babies after birth is false. She has never said anything to endorse post-birth murder, which is illegal everywhere in the country; Trump has frequently claimed that some Democratic states allow such post-birth executions, but that claim is false, too.

MAGAs are so full of Trump's B.S. that they're now immune to recognizing his absurdly stupid lies.

Shaw Kenawe said...

More insight into the bigoted mind of a MAGA:

August 1, 2024 at 7:30 am

"I agree with Ed.. I just happened upon the “interview” by accident.. I didn’t even have the popcorn ready! What fun…and this bit about her Indian heritage was just perfect and got him back on the front burner…best, its true!!

Oh I know, he is the insensitive type.. who cares…."

The MAGA cult thinks it's entertaining to ridicule a bi-racial woman's heritage.

And they don't care that Trump is an insensitive and racist lout.

Les Carpenter said...

MAGA, with its glaring ignorance, bigotry, and racism keeps on doubling down. While it fires up the sewer base of Trumpers it is very likely turning off the fence sitters and independents. The rest of the nation will be voting wisely and voting VP Kamala Harris.

Joe Conservative said...

And as I said at Geeez, "Insensitive = not patronizing... something that might sound "refreshing" to Black ears."

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative,

I'm not publishing your other comment on VP Harris's parents because it adds NOTHING to this discussion.

MAGA will continue to root around in the bowels of the internet to find something, ANYTHING, to smear VP Harris's parents, sibling, husband, step-children, etc.

I don't give a flying donut what her father said about her mother when they divorced. None of that is relevant to VP Harris's campaign for POTUS. That is all irrelevant.

VP Harris is a bi-racial American citizen who is qualified to be POTUS. END OF DISCUSSION.

Meanwhile, you and your friends on the Mother Ship are all in for a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, tax fraudster, serial adulterer, who incited an insurrection against his own government to stop the peaceful transfer of power and encouraged his armed mobs to HANG MIKE PENCE!, his own VP.

That's your and their idea of an honorable, decent man for leader of the US?

Own it.

Craig said...

He said nothing wrong

Exactly what a racist would say about a racist.

He played to the crowd and they responded.

Oh dear, bless her heart. They were laughing at him, not with him.

The applause at the end was encouraging.

Trump always has his supporters sprinkled in the audience.(see his speech at "black church"). Also the black journalists in the audience aren't jerks. They politely applauded.

He should do these instead of rallies

Yes, Shaw, more. For his safety. Less chance of being shot at by a registered Republican.

Here's some Mothership history.


Geeezus, that's dumb.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I think the Mother Ship host was referring to this:

"What party opposed the Civil Rights Act?

Since southern Democrats opposed the legislation, votes from a substantial number of senators in the Republican minority would be needed to end the filibuster. Minnesota Senator Hubert Humphrey, the Democratic whip who managed the bill on the Senate floor, enlisted the aid of Republican Minority Leader Everett Dirksen of Illinois. Dirksen, although a longtime supporter of civil rights, had opposed the bill because he objected to certain provisions. Humphrey therefore worked with him to redraft the controversial language and make the bill more acceptable to Republicans. Once the changes were made, Dirksen gained key votes for cloture from his party colleagues with a powerful speech calling racial integration "an idea whose time has come."

On June 10, a coalition of 27 Republicans and 44 Democrats ended the filibuster when the Senate voted 71 to 29 for cloture, thereby limiting further debate. This marked the first time in its history that the Senate voted to end debate on a civil rights bill. Nine days later, the Senate passed the most sweeping civil rights legislation in the nation's history. The House followed by accepting the Senate version on July 2. When President Johnson signed the bill into law that same day in a nationally televised broadcast, he was joined by civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., who had been instrumental in leading the public mobilization efforts in favor of civil rights legislation. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 remains one of the most significant legislative achievements in American history."

The Southern Democrats who opposed integration, the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act PERMANENTLY LEFT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY and became a solid Republican bloc that exists to this day.

Joe Conservative said...

I'm not publishing your other comment on VP Harris's parents because it adds NOTHING to this discussion.

FACTS vs. heritage doesn't matter? SoJus doesn't matter? Are you sure you're still a Democrat?

skudrunner said...

"S.K. Trump declined to debate with VP Harris in Sept., maybe this commenter is unaware of that fact?"

It is suppose to be a presidential debate for the presidential nominees of which she isn't.

He didn't handle his anger well with the moderator but she started off hostile and late. No good afternoon, thanks for coming, I noticed one of the people who accepted showed up or even kiss my as--. Her opening line was attack. Can't say I blame him for being a little miffed.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner: "It is suppose to be a presidential debate for the presidential nominees of which she isn't."

Joe Biden was not the OFFICIAL nominee when Trump debated him in July. Biden was POTUS, but had NOT been nominated by the DNC at that time. Trump debated him, nevertheless.

BTW, VP Harris already has all the delegates she needs for the nomination, it's just not OFFICIAL, like it was NOT official that Joe Biden was the nominee when Trump debated him.

skudrunner: "He didn't handle his anger well with the moderator but she started off hostile and late."

Bad, bad excuse. That wasn't a "hostile question." Rachel Scott, who asked the opening question, did nothing more than quote Trump's own words back at him, and Trump did not like that. (Bigots hate being called out on their bigotry.)

Everything Ms. Scott quoted was what Trump has said in the past about women and women of color, and it is repulsive. Bigots, dislike being exposed for who they are. And their supporters, apparently, don't like them to be exposed either.

Hostile? And MAGA wants him to be POTUS again when he would have to face 10x more hostile situations from foreign leaders than a woman journalist quoting his OWN WORDS and asking him if that is a way to talk about women and p.o.c.

Trump is essentially a weak, little narcissistic man, and he showed it very clearly when he fell apart under normal questioning by a non-sycophantic journalist. He failed miserably.

You have the FAUX NOOZ and Newsmax excuses for Trump down pat. Good for you.

Shaw Kenawe said...

S.K.: "I'm not publishing your other comment on VP Harris's parents because it adds NOTHING to this discussion."

Joe Conservative: "FACTS vs. heritage doesn't matter? SoJus doesn't matter? Are you sure you're still a Democrat?"

You are not promoting social justice. You're trying to hijack this thread with irrelevant stuff on VP Harris's heritage.

The ONLY thing that matters is that VP Harris is qualified to run for the presidency: She was born in America; she is 35+ year old; and she's live 14 consecutive years in the US. She meets all those qualifications; the Constitution says nothing more than that.

The fact that she's been elected by the people of California as DA, Atty. Gen., US Senator, and US Vice President just adds more to her qualifications.

You MAGA will try to make an issue of her Asian Indian/Afro-Jamaican heritage, but that will not happen here.

Go peddle it over at the Mother Ship. They love that stuff. Just ask that class act who called VP Harris a "brown va*ina."

Les Carpenter said...

skud, your man is, as they say, scared sh*tless by the thought of debating a superior intellect, a superior character, a by far more articulate person, an honest person, one with compassion for people, and the list goes on.

BTW, Ms. Scott was outstanding asking a tough pointed question. That is exactly what good competent journalists should do. Sh was not at all disrespectful or offensive. Kudos to Ms. Scott.

Trump cannot handle tough questions anytime. He is an unqualified bumbling cry baby who whines, deflects, lies, rinse and repeat.

Character matters. Trump has absolutely nine. Now, go vote your man skud.

Anonymous said...

The claim that former prosecutor Kamala Harris didn't pass the bar exam came up in 2020 when she was a presidential candidate. Trump repeated it again Wednesday without acknowledging she passed.

Anonymous said...

Shaw’s claim about what Trump said is True !

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous said...
"The claim that former prosecutor Kamala Harris didn't pass the bar exam came up in 2020 when she was a presidential candidate. Trump repeated it again Wednesday without acknowledging she passed."

That's because he's a dissembler, a disrupter, and dishonest. And he KNOWS that his cultists would never fact-check what he says. They tend to be lazy followers, taking anything he says as the truth. It's a perfect crowd for a wannabe dictator.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I just saw this comment on the Mother Ship:

"Someone got ahold of her birth certificate and she is listed as Caucasian -out there on twitter."

See what I mean? This person saw it on Twitter, so it must be true! Lazy minds.

Fact-checkers clarify Harris' certificate does not mention race

Fact-checkers, including Snopes, have clarified that California birth certificates in the 1960s often did not specify a child's race. Harris's team reiterated that her mother’s listing as "Caucasian" does not alter her identity.

A great percentage of Asian Indians are classified as Caucasians, but that doesn't change the fact that they are also South Asian Indians (Indians because they are from INDIA!) VP Harris's cultural heritage is South Asian Indian and Afro-Jamaican.

By birth, VP Kamala is an American citizen. That's all that is necessary for her to be POTUS, plus be 35+ years old and have lived for 14 continuous years in the US.

All of this discussion is irrelevant, except for people who can't get past racial and cultural differences.

Paula said...

Why is her race even a topic of discussion in the first place? 😏

This is the answer. Trump has no interest in policy, and I don’t think he has the capability to hold a thought long enough even if he did. At this point he’s simply running out of spite and to stay out of prison.

Shaw Kenawe said...


You and your other personas always HAVE to have the last word. And this time you want it to be about VP Harris and her cultural and racial heritage.

Vice President Kamala Harris was born in the US to an South Asian Indian mother and an Afro-Jamaican father. She is a woman of color and celebrates both her South Asian Indian and Afro-Jamaican heritages.

End of discussion here, but, I'm afraid, not for folks like you who are obsessed with people's race.

Give it up. And try to enjoy your life.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's someone on Twitter explaining:

Jack E. Smith ⚖️

Kamala is of Afro-Jamaican AND South Asian descent.

Donald is a rapist AND a fraudster.

People can be multiple things.

See how easy that is to understand, Thersites?

skudrunner said...

Paula, because everything is about race.

Les Carpenter said...

Apparently skud with republicans and Trump it is.