Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Sunday, August 11, 2024

From David French, an anti-abortion, Christian Conservative who is supporting the Harris-Walz ticket


To Save Conservatism From Itself, I Am Voting for Harris 

 "While there are voters who are experiencing a degree of Trump nostalgia, remembering American life pre-Covid as a time of full employment and low inflation, there is a different and darker story to tell about Trump’s first term. Our social fabric frayed. It’s not just that abortions increased: The murder rate skyrocketed; drug overdose deaths hit new highs; marriage rates fell; and birthrates continued their long decline. Americans ended his term more divided than when it began. 

 I’m often asked by Trump voters if I’m “still conservative,” and I respond that I can’t vote for Trump precisely because I am conservative. I loathe sex abuse, pornography and adultery. Trump has brought those vices into the mainstream of the Republican Party. I want to cultivate a culture that values human life from conception through natural death. Yet America became more brutal and violent during Trump’s term. I want to defend liberal democracy from authoritarian aggression, yet Trump would abandon our allies and risk our most precious alliances. 

 The only real hope for restoring a conservatism that values integrity, demonstrates real compassion and defends our foundational constitutional principles isn’t to try to make the best of Trump, a man who values only himself. If he wins again, it will validate his cruelty and his ideological transformation of the Republican Party. If Harris wins, the West will still stand against Vladimir Putin, and conservative Americans will have a chance to build something decent from the ruins of a party that was once a force for genuine good in American life."


Sam said...

Every MAGA idiot should read this.

Dave Miller said...

Yes Sam, they should. Especially the evangelical true Jesus loving ones. When I saw this today in the NY Times, that's exactly what I thought. People can disagree with the conclusions French draws, but he intellectually consistent, honest and principled.

And what we used to call a "rock ribbed conservative". A man the GOP used to love having in the party. Now, not so much.

Les Carpenter said...

French represents the conservatism that I respected and at one time was a part of as vice chair of the republican town committee in the town I lived it at the time.

I started to outgrew conservatism generally about 20 years ago as my interests and understanding of the world and reality grew beyond the cultural/societal conditioning/norms that we have all been exposed to, and to a greater or lesser degree accepted.

I will give Trump credit for being the individual that solidified my complete break from conservative ideology in 2016. I haven't considered myself a conservative for several years now and until MAGA, and ALL the Trump sycophants are gone from conservatism and the republican party no republican or conservative candidate will ever stand a chance of receiving my vote. The party MUST rid itself of the stain and stench Donald J. Trump brought to the party and the party ultimately embraced.

Personally, at this point whether the republican party survives or dies is of little to no concern to me. But, unless it changes dying would be the best thing.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Sam, Dave M., Les,

I don't agree on every point David French makes, but that's not as important as the fact that I agree that he is an honorable Conservative and is consistently true to his values and beliefs. That is the opposite of the so-called "conservatives" who now support Trump. They have dishonored themselves and their values by their continued support of Trump. And I don't see them coming to understand for a long time how bamboozled they've been by the con man, Trump.

skudrunner said...

The election was trumps to lose and he lost. He needed to talk about the biden/harris miserable record but instead he launched a personal attack which shows him as a bully. Unlike walz calling republicans weird which is a term bullies use trump cannot get away with it because the media will not let him.

I agree with french about trump being a horrible choice and ruining the republican party and not voting for him. Like him I will not vote for trump but cannot vote for harris because she has policies which change depending on her audience and she was part of the coverup with bidens mental fitness as was the media. I have voted against someone because the other one was the less of two evils but would sit on the sidelines than vote for someone who I think will be a disaster. In this election both candidates are a disaster.

Neither party is good for small business because it is the big corporations and billionaires who have bought them. Biden's mandates during covid and beyond have caused thousands of businesses to close and children to fall behind. That to me is inexcusable and the argument that it saved lives is unproven.

Dave Dubya said...

It's difficult but not impossible to leave a cult.

This person is another example:

...I was a MAGA activist and pundit, and left MAGA, in 2022, after 7 years in it.
What MAGA Americans need to see is others like them—who support(ed) Trump and MAGA for what they thought were the right reasons—who made the decision to leave MAGA; and, the reasons why they left.

MAGA Americans remain in MAGA because it is a community. For those with friends and family in MAGA, you’ve probably made appeals based on facts, citing reputable sources, etc., and you’ve found they have not had any success. MAGA Americans will not leave unless they have a new community to go to; our Leaving MAGA org./team is actively building such a community. Soon, we will publish testimonials of some who, like me, were MAGA true believers, and left.

For those in the thrall of MAGA, facts, policies, etc., will, almost never, have any successful effect. If you want to re-engage your friends and family who are in MAGA, make a sincere effort to try and understand their perspectives, which are likely shaped by many of the everyday concerns and worries most Americans share. If you’ve already done this, do it again—this time, however, ask if they’d be willing to hear my story, and introduce them to our Leaving MAGA org. You will be pleasantly surprised by how many are willing to take a look at my own journey in, and out of, MAGA, as well as our org.

At the upcoming Democratic convention, a brief video of my story will air. I am also co-chairing the Republicans for Harris FL team, because I need to make amends for my past decisions and rhetoric—all of which I take complete responsibility for.

Yes, MAGA will remain, but we must mercy-kill the GOP, electorally, and begin to move on from Trump—someone I helped get elected. A national reconciliation is possible. Thank you.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... I'm not totally in agreement with everything French either. But I do like his consistency and his efforts to hold to his values, rather than conform his values to the situation.

French used to attend a mostly white evangelical church. His adopted daughter is black. After he, his wife and his daughter started getting death threats and his daughter being called a ni**er by other church members, his family left to join a majority black church. So his family would feel safer.

Earlier this year French was tapped to be part of a roundtable held by the Presbyterian Church of America [PCA] speaking about how pastors can better serve their churches during these divisive times.

So many members of those PCA churches, French's prior denomination, objected to French even being part of a roundtable, that the event was cancelled.

Because it was, ironically, divisive.

Shaw Kenawe said...

It appears that our friends on the Trumpian Right are a bit disappointed in the way Trump is campaigning:

"Look at the Olympics! Americans like POSITIVITY, HAPPINESS, JOY!, TALENT! They’re seeing that in that lying sack of s**t, Kamala………and seeing nothing but scowls and nasty remarks from our side. And it appears Trump’s not going to learn and has taught JD to follow suit. I’m bereft, frankly."

It's been NINE AGONIZING YEARS they've been watching Trump and his lies, his anger, his lies, his doom and gloom, and his lies and felonious and narcissistic behavior, AND THAT BLOGGER IS STILL HOPING HE WILL CHANGE!

She doesn't understand that Trump is incapable of changing who he is. He has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It's a mental disorder, and he can't change it or the way he behaves. When will they face this incontrovertible fact?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

God bless they. guy that wrote the article but I still have no idea what "conservative" means to these people. As far as I've been able to tell it at it's core means to hate anything coming from a Democrat or a minority. It has nothing to do with balanced budgets or fiscal responsibillty. Reagan Trump and Bush left huge deficits. I guess tax cuts for the wealthiest among us is a policy. They never really wanted abortion to be outlawed, the ones in charge of the republican party anyway as that was they're go to thing whenever they wanted to get a rise out of the zealots. If they manage to get unions banned and wages and benefits are slashed it will cost them seats as well. It's fine and dandy that Mr. French has come to the realization that Trump is a menace. I do wonder how much longer it takes him to realize "conservative" is just a catch word to manipulate a portion of the electorate but really is a meaningless word and those who think of themselves as such are in reality just pawns for the Heritage Foundation and Rupert Murdoch.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

By the way, I think one of the comments Shaw inadverdantly deleted on a previous thread was mine. Glad she deleted it as it was an unwarranted attack on a fellow reader of Progressive Eruptions. If it shows up my apologies to my friend Skudrunner.

Shaw Kenawe said...

George Conway: “He cheats at golf. He cheats on wives. He cheats on his financials. He cheats at elections. He cheats at everything, against anybody, whenever he can. Not just a little, but to a pathological degree.

Trump cheats. And we are here to remind the electorate—and him—of that fact. “

Les Carpenter said...

When will they face this incontrovertible fact?

Simply put Shaw, they won't. Their conditioning, wilfully ignorance, and inability to change gracefully with the times hampers and ultimately restricts their cognitive ability to see and accept reality as it really is.

But I will say that putting any effort into trying to understand the love affair with a narcissistic and dishonest felon like Trump is completely useless effort. Why? Because only someone like Trump could truly understand Trump.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Gee, an OpEd Coluunist for the NY Times is voting for Kamala... Hold the presses!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

This is the funniest part of French's bio, " I’m an evangelical conservative who believes strongly in a classical liberal, pluralistic vision of American democracy,"

Wow. I am a classical liberal and I can't think of a single thing more offensive than that an Evangelical anything. He's a Christian with TDS, no more, no less. And so I COMPLETELY agree with Sohrab Ahmari to be <"a href="">Agsinst David French-ism"

Shaw Kenawe said...

"-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew
Gee, an OpEd Coluunist for the NY Times is voting for Kamala... Hold the presses!"

David French is a bona fide Conservative, not a fake one, like a Trumper Conservative. He can bring the receipts. If you knew anything about him, you wouldn't have posted your comment with those words in it.

I don't agree with him on many things, but I CAN respect him for his honesty, decency, and consistency with respect to adhering to his values and beliefs. Something no serious person could EVER say about Donald Trump, the guy the "situational Conservatives" want to put back in the WH.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Did you read the link? No, you refused to publish it. He's not a "classical liberal". He's not a conservative, either. He's an evangelical, thru and thru.

"Christian promises to make nice with non-Christians, News at eleven"!

Joe Conservative said...

Why does French dislike DJT? Because he's a "sinner". THAT's why.

Shaw Kenawe said...

They still don't get it:

.”if ONLY Trump would stop talking about silly things like Kamala’s race and using AI to make her crowds look bigger…etc etc etc… What’s wrong with him? He’d DO SO WELL IF HE’D STICK TO POLICY….”

Trump can't talk about policy. He never has; he never will. He doesn't know details of ANY policy. Trump has always been a shallow fraud who's stuck on superficial nothings -- crowd size? LOL! He's STILL lying about the size of the crowd on inauguration day in 2021! He's a narcissist, and will never get over the injury of knowing that Barack Obama's inauguration drew a larger crowd.

Trump cannot change! When will these people realize that? Trump has a personality disorder! He is incapable of changing!!!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Oh, you're just in a snit, -FJ, because David French is a REAL Christian Conservative, unlike the people who slavishly support Trump and, of course, unlike the fraudulent Christian Conservative, Trump.

You seem to get of fussy when a genuine, good person who isn't a cultist comes out against the convicted felon, adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist, tax fraudster, serial adulterer, and pu##y grabber extraordinaire!

Les Carpenter said...

Popcorn, peanuts, and crackerjacks. For the adults beer of their choice. Me, i'm kicking back with a superb single malt scotch, Taliskar neat.

The comedy, or should I say tragedy of the MAGAverse and their ignorant deluded narcissistic Fuhrer as he doubles down on losing with vigor is starting to have me grinning from ear to ear.

Watching an Orange Menance with Baboon like characteristics melting down before my very eyes gives a unique feeling of satisfaction. America is moving away from the Human Disaster of this century.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I gifted a bottle of Taliskar to my special guy for his birthday. He is a lover of fine single malt scotch, especially peaty scotch

Dave Dubya said...

Your guy has a discerning taste for quality spirits.
A woman who gifts the nectar of the Scottish Isles to a lucky guy is a special gal as well.
I'm such a lucky guy too.
Happy birthday, and a hearty Slàinte mhath to him!

skudrunner said...

Now waltz and trump have a lot in common. From I grabbed my rifle and raced to the living room of battle to I gave a speech at bagrom air base until someone told me I have never been to afganastan .
Kamala learned well from joe. No tax on tips sounds like an original idea or Plagiarism whichever. Is a border wall next because she is hard hitting on the border. When is she going to sit down to a hard hitting interview with a powerful reporter like George or maybe Psaki. Maybe they can ask her the one question everyone wants to know, who does her hair.

I prefer an every man’s drink like Jack. You have to acquire a taste for scotch and a pipe but I never looked good in a silk robe. Good taste though Ms. Shaw

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner:" Now waltz and trump have a lot in common. From I grabbed my rifle and raced to the living room of battle to I gave a speech at bagrom air base until someone told me I have never been to afganastan ."

Skud, if you had taken the time to find out if your statement was true or false, you would have discovered that you read a false statement and ran with it. You have a habit of finding disinformation, gossip, rumors, lies, and without checking their veracity, you come here and post them.

What you posted about Gov. Walz is a lie. But that's what MAGA does. And it's a shame.

No, Tim Walz Did Not Lie About Being at Bagram Airfield or Claim It Was in Iraq

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner: "Kamala learned well from joe. No tax on tips sounds like an original idea or Plagiarism whichever."

Agreeing on a good idea is NOT plagiarism. It's just agreeing that the idea is a good one.

PS. My special guy was born in England raised in London and spent a lot of time in Scotland. As an Englishman, he learned to appreciate good scotch, and there's nothing elitist about enjoying the best of what the Scots have to offer.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

A man that appreciates fine Scotch and was able to woo and win the fabulous Shaw Kenawe is a man to respected.

Shaw Kenawe said...

JoMala: "A man that appreciates fine Scotch and was able to woo and win the fabulous Shaw Kenawe is a man to respected."

It's somewhat of a miracle that we found each other. I'd been a widow for a while, and he'd been divorced for 25 years. We met on a singles app, which I call "Geezers R US! We corresponded via that app for a while and discovered we shared many interests: English literature, fine wine, cooking, sarcastic humor, hiking, opera, Jacques Tatin movies, reading anything by Julian Barnes, goats, and an intense dislike of Donald Trump. I remember telling him that it was so bad here in the US that I wanted to Make America Great Britain Again!

We come from such different cultural backgrounds: Him: Englishman, Me: Daughter of Sicilian immigrants! And yet, almost 7 years later, we still enjoy each other's company, and laugh a lot!

He was granted American citizenship years after he came to America on a full scholarship to Cambridge, Mass.'s most famous University.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... you? Sarcastic? I'm shocked, shocked I tell ya!

Shaw Kenawe said...


skudrunner said...

I didn't say he was and elitist just that you have to acquire a taste for Scotch which I have never done.
Walz is about as respected by the soldiers who served with him as those who served with swiftboat. I will say at least walz served which is more than I can say for everyone since GW.

Dave Dubya said...

"Walz is about as respected by the soldiers who served with him as those who served with swiftboat." - Skud

Skud will BELEIVE every slime job from liars and political hitmen, aka Republicans. And like them, he has no sense of shame or remorse when shown how dishonest and wrong-headed he is.

Joseph Eustice served with Walz.

“Tim Walz. He was a good soldier. I don’t think anyone can honestly say he wasn’t”

Does Skud know better than someone who knows him? No. Skud is not only willfully IGNORANT, but also DISRESPECTRUL.

Skud has no idea what he’s blathering about, as usual. It’s always about his FEELINGS instead his ability to learn.

That's the mentality that gives in to Trumpism.

Les Carpenter said...

If only everyone understood the following...

Row row row your boat gently down the stream.

Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.

Once understood life actually becomes ease.

Relax, breathe, and let things be as they naturally are.