Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, August 20, 2024



because Trump is a lying liar!

When Trump isn't rage posting on his Truth Social media platform, he's at one of his rallies, lying to his easily duped and gullible cultists.

"The nonprofit, the Centre for Climate Reporting, published a video of the meeting on Thursday – offering a window into the thinking of one of the top policy minds of the MAGA movement, who’s been floated as a possible White House chief of staff. 

Trump has publicly rejected Project 2025 as Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign has sought to tie him to some of the plan’s most extreme proposals. But in private, Vought said that those disavowals were merely 'graduate-level politics.'

Vought said his group, the Center for Renewing America, was secretly drafting hundreds of executive orders, regulations, and memos that would lay the groundwork for rapid action on Trump’s plans if he wins, describing his work as creating 'shadow' agencies. He claimed that Trump has 'blessed' his organization and 'he’s very supportive of what we do.' ”


Dave Miller said...

Shaw... we will see plenty of comments from our progressive friends, some offering the almost reflexive "yeah, but what about [fill in the blank] of the Dems."

Then we'll get half a dozen You Tube links, and a few other links to someone's personal blog, so we can see more videos or copy and paste info.

One thing we will not see from anyone on the MAGA or conservative side of the ledger is this...

Any evidence that what you've posted is incorrect, or wrong. No evidence to prove that what Trump utters or posts everyday is in fact, true or factual.

Perhaps until we see that from our conservative and MAGA country mates, we should just ignore them and let them live in their alternative fact world.

Les Carpenter said...

Sounds like a plan that keeps calmness near all the time.

I betcha 30% of the voting public will go to their graves believing Trump was the chosen savior of the USA.

Bogus BS, but their cherished illusion/delusion nonetheless, Dave.