Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Saturday, August 24, 2024



RFK, Jr. , suspended his single-digit-approval campaign and endorsed Trump. 

Birds of a feather, IMO. 

RFK, Jr., is perfect for Trump. They both share the same adultery values, with RFK, Jr.'s, anti-vax, and other weirdo conspiracy theories thrown in. (Trump loves to brag about his "warp-speed" delivery of the COVID vaccine -- how does that sit with anti-vaxxer Bobby, Jr.?)

Never mind. 

RFK, Jr.s,' family, the non-crazy Kennedys, do not support him and described his joining Trump "...a sad ending to a sad story."

Indeed. Nothing says "winner" like brain worms and dead bears in Central Park. Right?


"Kennedy entered the Democratic primary for president in April 2023, billing himself as a 'Kennedy Democrat' in his announcement speech at the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston. In October 2023, he pivoted to a third-party bid, calling on his followers to 'declare your independence' from the country’s two dominant political parties. His relatives have largely rejected Kennedy’s presidential bid in favor of the Democratic ticket, as have a number of aides who worked for his father."


"The Democratic National Committee said in a statement that with Kennedy’s endorsement, Trump is 'inheriting the baggage of a failed fringe candidate.' ”


“ 'Most of Kennedy’s voters aren’t loyal to Kennedy. They chose him because they didn’t like Biden or Trump,' ” said John Cluverius, a political science professor at UMass Lowell. “ 'It’s wrong to assume Kennedy’s share of voters will now automatically vote for Trump.' ”

David Frum, The Atlantic: 

"But Donald Trump and Bobby Kennedy—as I’ve referred to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. since we met freshman year at Harvard—have always had many features in common as well. Both are entitled playboy sons of northeastern wealth; both (in Michelle Obama’s words) were “afforded the grace of failing forward” as misbehaving, underachieving adolescents admitted to Ivy League colleges thanks to “the affirmative action of generational wealth”; both were reckless lifelong adolescents, both attention-craving philanderers and liars, both jerks. And Kennedy’s hour-long speech today was nearly as meandering and filled with lies as any average hour of Trump."

RFK, Jr., three months ago:


Anonymous said...

RFK, Jr. is a wreck of a man, reduced from a respected environmental lawyer to a craven opportunist, linked to the biggest and most dangerous faker in American history. Comments from Kennedy family members say it all.

Well, Trump has still more company now: another crackpot has joined him in the campaign. So, in addition to the Yale hillbilly, he has a conspiracy theorist who wants to see the morbidity and mortality of American kids increase.

Les Carpenter said...

A pesky fly in the dining room during diner deserves more notice than looney RFK Jr. and DJT.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Just a reminder for the pro-RFK, Jr., peeps out there:

RFK Jr said "the Covid vax was a deadly Bill Gates bioweapon designed to control and kill people."

Yes, Trump is proud of the warp speed COVID vaccine his administration backed, and now Trump welcomes RFK, Jr., who believes Trump's warp-speed vaccine will "control and kill people."

You can't make this hypocrisy up!

Sam said...

Just look at the facts. How many killer diseases have been eradicated through vaccines? How many lives were saved. How many killer diseases no longer exist. It was so long ago many people forget. I remember standing in line with my family in the High School cafeteria to get the very successful Polio vaccine. I have had all the vaccines of the 20th century. None of them hurt me and I am sure they made my body healthier. Vaccines have extended our life span. The facts tell us vaccines work. JFK jr. and thousands of others refuse accepting those facts. And they call these people intelligent?

possumlady said...

What a loser. Don't people know that Kennedy first asked for a meeting with Kamala's people to talk about a possible cabinet position in exchange for his endorsement? They didn't respond to his meeting requests, so then he goes to trump's people with the exact same request. Of COURSE, trump probably promised him something, and, of course, trump will probably renege on his promise. Some great values there...

skudrunner said...

PL, Isn't that a rumor at this point or is there proof to be found. Much like trump banning abortion, supporting project 2025, leading J6th riots. The media rumor machine has kicked into high gear against the evil one but kamala is left alone with her economic polities and beliefs that are facts not rumors.

Dave Dubya said...

The poorly educated have a new hero. Antivaxxer RFK Jr. can now chime in with his MAGA cult pals with, "Make polio great again".

They exemplify Orwell's Big Brother slogan, "Ignorance is strength". This country will not survive more dumbing down of the electorate.

possumlady said...

I got it backwards. Kennedy first went to trump after the republican convention. He then shopped his endorsement to Kamala. When they didn't respond, he went back to trump.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RFK, Jr., went to the Harris campaign to try to cut a deal with them. He told them he'd drop out of the race if Harris would give him a spot in the administration. The Harris campaign wouldn't talk to him (they're smart.) So Junior peddled his conspiracy theories and anti-vax nonsense to Trump, and Trump welcomed him.

RFK, Jr., has no vision for America, only for himself -- like Trump.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner: "Much like trump banning abortion..."

Trump is documented ON VIDEO bragging about getting his judges on the SCOTUS and overturning Roe v. Wade. You obviously read or watch only Trumpy news, because he's all over the internet bragging about ending Roe v. Wade.

skudrunner: "...supporting project 2025..." Again, there are videos of Trump talking about supporting P2025, and P2025 authors telling the public that Trump is fully on board with it. You choose to be a "see no evil; hear no evil" true believer, and then telling us what is clearly untrue.

skudrunner: "...leading J6th riots." Trump was the leader in lying to the American people, telling them that the 2020 election was stolen. He and his lackeys failed in court to bring forward any evidence of this. And then he encouraged his armed thugs to go to DC and "Stop the Steal!" He even tweeted out that "...WILL BE WILD!" Trump's own Secret Service had to restrain him from marching with the armed thugs to the US Capitol to stop the electoral count and urge his mobs to "HANG MIKE PENCE.'

You're NOT going to erase that history with your denials. You can have your own opinions, but you cannot have your own facts. And the fact is that a former POTUS tried to overthrow his own government by stopping the electoral count, and illegally installing himself as the LOSER POTUS!

Shaw Kenawe said...

POSSUMLADY, what is true is that RFK, Jr., has no personal morals or values, morality -- political and personal -- is fungible. Whoever will take him on board is good with him. Their politics and values don't matter to him.

He's a thoroughly distasteful human being. His own siblings are ashamed of him.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Sam, As you can see from some of the right-leaning commenters here, facts, to them, are stupid things.

Shaw Kenawe said...

This is for skudrunner who apparently gets his news only from Trumpy sources:

Trump Brags About Appointing Supreme Court Justices Who Overturned Roe V. Wade

Trump claims not to know who is behind Project 2025. A CNN review found at least 140 people who worked for him are involved

"...leading J6th riots."

Shaw Kenawe said...

"...leading J6th riots"

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former President Donald Trump said during his debate with President Joe Biden last week that the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol involved a “relatively small” group of people who were “in many cases ushered in by the police.”

But that’s not what happened. Thousands of his supporters were outside the Capitol that day and hundreds broke in, many of them beating and injuring law enforcement officers in brutal hand-to-hand combat as the officers tried to stop them from storming through windows and doors. There is ample video evidence of the violence, and more than 1,400 people have been charged with federal crimes related to the riot.

Many of those who broke into the Capitol were echoing Trump’s false claims of election fraud, and some menacingly called out the names of lawmakers — particularly then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and then-Vice President Mike Pence, who refused to try to object to Biden’s legitimate win. The rioters interrupted the certification of Biden’s victory, but lawmakers who had evacuated both chambers returned that night to finish.

Les Carpenter said...

skud, none of what you said is rumor, is, actually rumor. But. We know that anything the red team burps up is your go to position.

Each to their own. No sense wasting energy when someone prefers not to accept truth.

BB-Idaho said...

Will the guy with the brain worm become head of the Trump Health Dept?
Will Trump ever ever tell the truth? How about Elon Musk at the Labor Dept?
It is hard these days to find a Goebbels, Goering, Himmler or Speer, but he's getting close.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

He's (RFK jr) more "up" on the latest mitochondrial research. Are you familiar with the work of Michael Levin? I can't wait for Jr. to take over HHS!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

One shouldn't play around with mRNA vaccines. It's like a box of chocolates. You never know just which one you're going to get.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...but then again, Mitochondrial research isn't "standard science". It's "revolutionary" science (ala Thomas Khun).

Dave Miller said...

Skud hits on a point here everyone should consider... Speaking of the reporting that RFK Jr shopped his endorsement to both the Trump and Harris campaigns, he asked this...

"PL, Isn't that a rumor at this point or is there proof to be found. "

It's a method of argumentation that accepts nothing as fact apart from personal empirical evidence. Or, let me put it another way...

If I did not personally see, or experience it, I will not accept it as fact. Because that's the only way I'm not being manipulated.

It's a method of responding that many on the right have used to dismiss the J6 riots, Trump's statements, progressive thinking and more for centuries.

It's the only believe what you yourself have experienced with your own five senses.

It a mode of thinking very popular in the Dark Ages before the Renaissance. Interesting to see it resurrected in the 21st century as a way to deflect unwelcome news and/or facts.

Dave Miller said...

Don't forget the video of Trump riding in the car with the guy he claimed to have never met, the architect of Project 2025.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Where the "Kennedy kookiness" comes from.

Mike said...

tRUMP loves it when they come crawling back.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Well. Trump needed s guy to replace Rudy as the nonsense tsar. Sorry he got the job instead of my good friend Skudrunner. From the way Skuds talks about how hard things are he sounds like he could use the job.

Les Carpenter said...

In Buddhist thought one should accept nothing that one has not personally experienced themselves, or, something one has not experienced, and, for which there is NO empirical data OR evidence to support the claim or statement.

Les Carpenter said...

It also ignores, as most theistic religions always have, that there are dimensions of reality that are assessible only to realized beings like Jesus, The Buddha, Muhammad, and a host of other realized beings both past and present. Although through spiritual connection and practice of time tested methods anyone can experience levels of realization.

Simplistic explanations based only on reified beliefs lacking personal experience OR empirical data and supporting evidence are placing trust in something for which there is no logical or rational reasons to do so.

possumlady said...

Well, there is this from CBS News from 9 days ago. It was not stated as a "rumor".

Dave Dubya said...

Skud truly loves drinking the MAGA koolade. He's a loyal FOX(R) viewer, no doubt.

What's next from him, antifa and BLM stormed the Capitol on J6 and all the convicted thugs are "martyrs" and "hostages"?

Dave Miller said...

Dave... what's next?

Man, from my convos with others, I could tell you. But you'd never believe it.

Dave Dubya said...

What's next from Skud is an easy prediction. It will be directly from FOX(R) and Trump's cult.

From the Party of Trump I expect them to attack our election with their three-part strategy.

1. Suppress the vote.
2. Challenge voters/intimidate election workers.
3. Refuse certification.
4. If Trump can't shut down and steal the election, his cult will clamor for civil war.

Grey One talks sass said...

Dave M you posted "If I did not personally see, or experience it, I will not accept it as fact. Because that's the only way I'm not being manipulated."

This "if I didn't see it" defense I first learned of from escapees of Christian nationalists (both government and civilian). The phrase historically was used to silence victims of sexual abuse (looking at you priest class) or discrimination (looking at you all branches of the military). Basically the human in charge of never had to address the bad behavior of their underlings because if they didn't see it the offense never happened.

It's no wonder the MAGA crowd is using it here, and yeah, I'm totally including skud with that moniker. Just about every one of us (not including the regular trolls) has in earnest provided skud with facts, not opinions, but hard core facts because each of us has stated they want skud to do better and be better now that they know better. And every time skud throws our evidence away, makes up conversations they wanted us to say (we being the bad guy and skud the hero) and argues against a strawman of their own construction. Indeed, weird.

Dave D is correct and to add to their point, MAGA elite aren't waiting for November. Well neither is the Democratic Party. VP Harris's campaign understands the threat of MAGA poses to Democracy and created their own murder of election law professionals ready to counter anything MAGA tries to create out of whole cloth. We are indeed living in interesting times.

Les Carpenter said...

It's simple really. Since so many accept as actual reality the self created storyline running through their minds they actually are fortifying ignorance and accepting beliefs as reality.

One actually creates their own relative reality each and every day. Until they realize... Life is but a dream.

Dave Miller said...

Can't argue with you Grey. And absent links and back up, we shouldn't with Skud either.