Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, August 21, 2024



Trump bragged about LEOs supporting him, a convicted criminal, because he "...believe[s] in law enforcement."

Trump (a convicted felon) claims Kamala Harris (a prosecutor who locked up criminals) doesn’t support law and order .

And Trump's cultists don't see this monumental irony? Maybe they just don't have the mental capacity to?

Republican Voters Against Trump @AccountableGOP ·  

Convicted Felon Donald Trump: "Just about every law enforcement group in the country has endorsed us, as you probably have heard. And there is a reason for that: I believe in law enforcement."

Donald J. Trump:

34 felony convictions
Adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist
Found guilty of massive tax fraud
Facing more felony charges
Incited an insurrection on J6 where his thugs beat up and injured law enforcement officers.

A definitive guide to the key players and legal risks in the four criminal probes of Donald Trump. 
By POLITICO Staff | 6/13/2023 4 AM EDT | Updated 8/2/2024 10:35 AM EDT 

For the first 234 years of the nation’s history, no American president or former president had ever been indicted. That changed in 2023. Over a five-month span, former President Donald Trump was charged in four criminal cases. Together, the indictments accused him of wide-ranging criminal conduct before, during and after his presidency. One of those indictments has now led to the first criminal conviction of a former president; the other three remain pending. 


Joe Conservative said...

Democratic Party Lawfare killed Law Enforcement irony? I agree.

Sam said...

MAGA people are idiots. They cannot tell the difference between the truth and a lie. When faced with the truth, they deny it. Many of them have unearned huge egos, which only bolsters their belief in fantasies of truth. You will not be able to change their beliefs. We must simply put them down. Challange everything they say. Make sure they lose every election. The facts will win out. Make them face the facts.

Dave Miller said...

Maybe what we are seeing is this... the great majority of America is just not that into the current GOP.

They're on the wrong side of abortion.
They're on the wrong side of voting rights.
They're on the wrong side of gun restrictions.
They're on the wrong side of judicial appointments.
They're on the wrong side of protecting democracy.
They're on the wrong side of Jan 6 prosecutions.
They're on the wrong side of the criminality of DJ Trump.
They're on the wrong side of access to health care for all Americans
They don't want to do anything about mass shootings.
They walked away from the most conservative border control law in decades.
They are encouraging Israel to reject US negotiated peace proposals.

The list goes on and on. But the fact is this... poll after poll and a massive amount of data all say the same thing. The GOP is on the wrong side of a majority of Americans on all the above issues.

Sadly, our electoral college system gives the minority outsize importance to small states, allowing them to set policy for the majority of the US.

So, here we are.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative,
Yawn. Don't you have any original ideas? Lawfare?

Grand juries of regular Americans heard enough evidence to indict Trump for his crimes. And a jury of his peers found him guilty. That's what you crybabies call "lawfare," because you can't face the fact that you support a criminal who was found guilty of his crimes.

Typical of people who believe in false prophets: Their cult leaders are always misunderstood, wronged, or martyrs! LOL!

The fact is that Donald Trump is an indecent, immoral, serial criminal. And people like you just don't have the courage to face that fact.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Con, This you?

"Why so many in commercials? Black are the sacred Kouros of the Democratic Party.

A kouros is a statue of a standing nude youth that did not represent any one individual youth but the IDEA of youth. Used in Archaic Greece as both a dedication to the gods in sanctuaries and as a grave monument, the standard kouros stood with his left foot forward, arms at his sides, looking straight ahead."

Your pals over at the Mother Ship are still butt hurting over the fact that Black people appear in teevee ads! LOL! The Captain even took the time to calculate the percentage of Black people in our population vs. the percentage of Black people in teevee ads! She's eaten up by the fact that Afro-Americans and POC are NOT invisible anymore, the way they were when she was growing up.

It's a new DIVERSITY, EQUITY, and INCLUSIVE world out there, and she and many MAGA like her can't handle it because, well, you figure out why.

I understand why she's so "concerned"!

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... the Capitan is correct. More and more POC are showing up in ads across America. But rather than see something cynical in this, perhaps there's a simple explanation the GOP does not want to address.

No company is going to make ads like that, with POC, unless they believe it will help their bottom line. They have a fiduciary responsibility to do what's best financially for their companies, many of which are public.

Maybe that diversity those on the Mothership decry is actually helping grow their 401K's and other retirement incomes.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Oh, and this was pretty funny:

"Joe Conservative says:
August 19, 2024 at 5:48 am

Trump isn’t just a man… he’s also an assemblage. And many parts of that assemblage have their own agendas, and wish to extend them over other parts of that assemblage. Take the Executive branch of the US government. There are thousands of members, each cabinet department with it’s own agenda. But under the Constitution, the Executive branch is a “Unitary Executive” who will be one man, Trump, when he’s re-elected in 2024.

Trump isn’t the only one with plans for the Presidency. Every member of the “assemblage” does, too.

Kamala Harris is also an assemblage, a key and controlling figure behind her being Barack Obama, the original weaponizer of the executive branch."

Your and your MAGA pals believe Barack Obama runs the country. And that's about as realistic as your and other MAGA's belief that Michelle Obama was going to step in and run for the presidency!

You're always wrong because you don't live in the real world, you live in a conspiracy driven, marinated world, filled with fevered paranoia imaginings, there always some puppet master controlling things "unseen." A "cloak," so to speak, over reality.

It is amusing to read your and other MAGA's predictions and conspiracy nonsense.

Dave Miller said...

Maybe as we consider where Trump and the current GOP stands as it relates to law enforcement, we should think about this...

On Jan 6, there are text messages between Stephanie Grisham and FLOTUS Melania Trump asking this...

"Do you want to tweet that peaceful protests are the right of every American, but there is no place for lawlessness and violence?"

This, one would think, is a no brainer. Of course the answer we'd expect would be a resounding YES!

However Melania Trump, likely standing alongside her husband, President Donald Trump, said NO!

How is that even possible? How can any local LEO support Trump given his support of the police beaters of Jan 6?

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... let's face it, many in the older class here in the states are struggling with the impending loss of power and control. Look at the audiences of the two conventions.

One, from the GOP, is mostly older and white. It really is a crystallization of the majority white "Leave it to Beaver" era of the 1950's.

The other, from the Democrats is younger, racially diverse and is emblematic of those commercials the Mothership sailors decry. Because America today and in the future will look more like the DNC. And less like the GOP.

And our country's political views will follow that trajectory too.

Les Carpenter said...

Joe Con gets it. It's all the fault of the Kenyan Hafrican. We're it not for that educated, intelligent, accomplished, honest, and compassionate Black American everything would be just fine.


Joe Con, the modern man with the ethics of the European White Colonialism conquerors. Struggling mightily with our rapidly changing culture and nation. He is experiencing the slowing evolving impermanence of his cherished and reified world view.

Joe Con and MAGA are but a cult of very frightened people. Frightened like it's hell that "their" world IS changing. Whether they like it or not.

Dave Miller said...

Hey Joe/-FJ/Et al... we get you're not a Kamala fan and as such are probably voting for either Trump or Kennedy.

What policies are they supporting that you love, and which ones do you hate?

I keep asking my Trump voting friends some variation on this and all I get is blank stares. It's as if Trump himself is the policy.

I hope you can do better...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Yes, that was me. But I suppose my other comments here are not amusing enough to post. Perhaps my comments with links that utterly destroy your critique, like this one... or this are too embarrassing to you and your comrades?

Shaw Kenawe said...


I'm under no obligation to post any comment you leave here. I, unlike the Captain of the Mother Ship, will not allow you to hijack a thread, or post links to your various blogs.

Also, calling me "comrade," will not get you published either. I know what you're implying with that 1950s style slur against me.

The men and a few women in my family fought in WWII against the Communists in Europe, and my cousins fought the Viet Cong in the '70s. Calling me "comrade" is the last resort of a person who is angry and a bully, and has nothing but slurs to argue with against me.

As an interesting note, however, you probably were okay with the fact that a former CARD-CARRYING COMMUNIST lived in the White House when Trump was POTUS. Melania's father was a Communist, and he and his wife lived with the Trumps in the WH for a period of time.

Les Carpenter said...

Unwillingness to change with a constantly changing phenomenal country and world is, a certain path to unhappiness and suffering.

Seeking truth, accepting compromise, and recognizing we ARE one people is the antidote to unhappiness and suffering.

Dave Dubya said...

Joe Con is projecting again. Weaponizing the law is Trump's patented MO.

Former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly revealed that Trump repeatedly asked him to use the IRS and Justice Department to target political opponents.

• Trump also wanted the IRS to investigate former FBI director James B. Comey and former deputy director Andrew McCabe, along with Hillary Clinton, former secretary of state and Trump’s presidential challenger, and other perceived foes, Kelly said last year. Comey and McCabe were audited, the odds of which happening randomly is infinitesimal.
• Trump publicly and repeatedly pushed for McCabe’s firing before McCabe was due to receive full retirement benefits, ultimately succeeding mere hours before that would have taken place.
• Trump told his White House counsel that he wanted to order probes of Clinton and Comey, per the Times. (His press secretary in late 2017 also said prosecuting Comey was “something that certainly should be looked at” at the Justice Department.)
• Trump said publicly in late 2020 that former president Barack Obama and former vice president Joe Biden should be indicted and indicated he had made such a case to his attorney general, William P. Barr.
• He said in 2019 that it would be “appropriate” for him to ask for an investigation of Biden.

Trump tried to strongarm his DOJ to interfere in the election on his behalf and say it was "corrupt".

“I will appoint a real special prosecutor to go after the most corrupt president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden, and the entire Biden crime family,” the former president said in June after his arraignment in Florida.

Joe Con is a shameless and mindless parrot. "Squawk! Democrat lawfare! Squawk! Democrats weaponized the DOJ! Squawk!"

He keeps showing us how an authoritarian follower is loyal to his authoritarian leader.

Stephanie Grisham, a former Trump White House press secretary and chief of staff to former First Lady Melania Trump, accurately described Trump, and his fanatic white nationalist sycophantic parrots like Joe Con/-FJ, with, “He has no empathy, no morals and no fidelity to the truth".

Joe Conservative said...

Funny hoy YOU hijacked this thread with my comments, huh?

Shaw Kenawe said...

You keep forgetting that this is my blog. I choose what gets published and what does not.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Tristan Snell
Trump just claimed you can’t walk across the street without getting raped.

He should know — the Bergdorf Goodman department store where he raped E. Jean Carroll is across the street from Trump Tower.

Shaw Kenawe said...

PS. Just wondering. Do the sailors on the Mother Ship know that Trump calls them "basement dwellers?" According to Stephanie Grisham, Melania's press secretary.

Joe Conservative said...

Plagiarizing my comments from other blogs in the process. Are you sure that you don't moonlight for the faculty of Harvard U?

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... Do they know? Better to ask, Do they care? They'll all say that's Trump being Trump.

Les Carpenter said...

The HISTORY of white European powers was to create separation and division as they subdued and conquered the indigenous peoples all across the globe. White Americans are, essentially Europeans.

That mentality still has influence today in America. Within certain people and groups.

But, times they are a changing and in time America will have changed enough to recognize it's full compassionate potential.

Evolution isn't something with a start and stop function.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Joe Conservative
Plagiarizing my comments from other blogs in the process. Are you sure that you don't moonlight for the faculty of Harvard U?"

Oh, c'mon, Joe. Plagiarizing is when you steal someone else's work and claim it as your own by not citing who wrote it.

Your name is on the copied and pasted comments, which are from public blogs.

Besides, I wouldn't want anyone to think your ideas are mine! 😁😁

Dave Dubya said...

So Joe Con is playing the patented radical right "red card" favored by every neo-Nazi these days. Boss Trump calls us commies, so the squawking puppets must follow dear leader's example.

I haven't posted at the "Eek! A Commie!" mothership at all this year. But that doesn't matter to the deranged delusional dupes over there.

It seems anonymous posts that trigger the reptilian fear center in their amygdala are from "Dave Dubya". LOL!

I LOVE living rent free in their heads! So much empty SPACE!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

This isn't a public blog... you keep telling me it's a private one. You stole my comments.

Shaw Kenawe said...

From Google, which runs Blogger:

"By default, blogs hosted by Google Blogger are public and can be read by anyone on the web. However, you can change the access settings to make your blog private or limit access to certain people."

Shaw Kenawe said...

"WordPress blogs are usually intended to be public, but you can control the visibility of your content on a per post or page basis. You can choose from the following options.'

skudrunner said...

And with all the issues the democrats and the media point out with trump and the numbers of never trump the polls show it is a tied race. That says how unpopular the democrats policies and their candidate is.
Does a cop on the street really care about one of trumps companies cheat the IRS or does he care about being supported and safe. Of course they support trump, he doesn’t support defunding the police and let criminals Stay on the streets and invade the border.
The media supports every lie the dems put forward about trump. Dictator, hitler, federal abortion ban, supports radical religious agenda, all of the things are not accurate but the media is on it all day.
Race is still tied, amazing. Maybe people don’t like it that the dems lied about the economy, tossing an old guy to the curb, choosing a candidate even they didn’t want.

Dave Dubya said...

"You stole my comments."
Aww. Poor Joe Con! He's playing the tired old patented Nazi/radical Right "victim card".
Not fair! Oh, the humanity!

Shaw Kenawe said...


Sara Spector

Harris is within 5 points in Texas.
I’ve been telling you about the palpable hatred for Trump among many of my neighbors in Midland Texas.
Texas Republicans have gone too far attacking our public schools and libraries.

Dave Miller said...

Texas... the fevered dream of the Dems. Ain't gonna happen this year, but they might be able to catch Cruz, a squish if there ever was one.

Dave Miller said...

Joe... as to your whining, why not lodge a TOS complaint? Why not sue Shaw?

Just a question... can we quote you from the Stench Trench, as FreeThinke called Lisa's blog? Can we quote you from your blog?

If someone copies and pastes our comments here elsewhere, is that too plagiarism, or is that true only when Shaw does it? When Z at the Mothership, or her other commenters have quoted some of us here, is that too plagiarism?

I'll be honest, I don't expect a serious answer, but maybe you'll surprise me. You have on occasion in the past.

Shaw Kenawe said...

And with all the issues the democrats and the media point out with trump and the numbers of never trump the polls show it is a tied race. That says how unpopular the democrats policies and their candidate is.
Does a cop on the street really care about one of trumps companies cheat the IRS or does he care about being supported and safe. Of course they support trump, he doesn’t support defunding the police and let criminals Stay on the streets and invade the border."

S.K.: You are aware, skud, I'm sure, of how Trump REFUSED to say anything to his armed thugs to stop the rioting during his J6 insurrection against the U.S. government, while CAPITOL POLICE WERE BEING BEATEN!

I'm always amazed at how Trumpers forget that terrible moment in presidential history, when Trump allowed LEOs to be beaten, humiliated, and fatally wounded so that he could illegally hold onto power.

What sort of law enforcement supports that? I'm very suspicious of any LEO that would support anti-cop Trump!

skud: "Race is still tied, amazing."

S.K.: Yes. It was like this at this point in the 2020 election. Remember how that turned out?

SKUD: "Maybe people don’t like it that the dems lied about the economy, tossing an old guy to the curb, choosing a candidate even they didn’t want."

S.K.: Well, looking at how VP Harris has risen in overall approval and popularity within the Democratic Party, that is not true. But go ahead and hold onto your fantasies if they make you feel comfortable.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya, You wouldn't be allowed to post at the Mother Ship because it's an echo chamber. Only MAGA are allowed there.
I read it to get an idea of what older, whiter MAGA are thinking. They NEVER disappoint me in my suspicions about their prejudices!

Dave Dubya said...

"He (Trump) doesn’t support defunding the police and let criminals Stay on the streets and invade the border."

Skud is taking Republican talking points as gospel...again. He keeps proving he's intellectually lazy, or indifferent to facts and truth. VERY MAGA.

Let's count the ways Skud is WRONG.

1. Republicans voted to DEFUND Capitol police.
The House of Representatives on Thursday approved an expanded budget for the U.S. Capitol Police in a supplemental piece of legislation that passed by a single vote.
On the Republican side, 209 voted no, while two did not vote.
The measure, approved by a 213-212 vote, included $1.9 billion for the Capitol Police and Capitol security, requested by the police after they failed to secure the building during the January 6 protest-turned-riot.

2 A: Trump PARDONED his criminal cronies!
2. B: Trump and his fascist Republicans want to pardon Trump's 1/6 THUGS and calls them "martyrs" and "hostages".
2 C: Trump IS A CONVICTED FELON and a multiple indicted criminal walking free!

3. Trump KILLED the BORDER BILL that would have provided more agents, immigration courts and fentanyl detectors. He doesn't give a damn, and neither does Skud. They just want to BLAME Democrats.

Want to know what kind of cops support Trump? The abusive bully cops, The cops who WANT a police state, poorly educated redneck sheriffs, and the RACIST cops.

Les Carpenter said...

What it shows skud is that once a MAGA always a MAGA. A cult in which ignorance and lying is the calling card.

Dave Miller said...

No Skud, what it shows is what we have known for years... the US is a deeply divided country. The only recent election in the last 24 years that went against that trend was Obama in 2008.

But we all know what happened then. The GOP claimed, against all overwhelming evidence, that there was no mandate and that America did not want what Obama was selling. They then set about to demonize him and his admin at every step, poisoning politics to a level that infects us today.

Then, when Trump squeaked by in 2016, the GOP claimed a mandate for him, even though he had lost the popular vote and had nowhere near the majorities or electoral college dominance Obama did.

How come you never ask why the GOP candidates over the last 40 years have been so historically unpopular? I mean in that time they've won what, one popular election vote?