Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, August 10, 2024




Les Carpenter said...

The energy is awesomely positive. Such a fine uplifting campaign. A stark and direct contrast to the negativity and demoralizing campaign of Trump and Just Dumb vance...

As the positive margin movement in all 5 battlegrounds are turning to pluses for Harris.

Trump/Just Dumb should keep doing exactly what they're doing. Keep showing the nation who and what they really are.

Given what we've seen from Trump recently I expect to see an entire meltdown on national TV soon.

Shaw Kenawe said...

“As Harris Leans into Good Vibes, Trump Keeps Pitching Doom”

“Polls show joyful Democrats gaining support in critical swing states as the ex-president doubles down on mean.”
Abby Vesoulis

There are rumors from inside the Trump camp that Trump has called Harris a bitch.

His team denies it- but it sounds just like him. He’s a serial defamer- a serial name caller and he doesn’t respect women.

He even refuses to pronounce her name correctly. How petty is that!

“Trump advisers privately concede his misogynistic language is deeply problematic, and something they worry he will unload in a public debate to his detriment.”
The Political Wire.

Let me say clearly - Nobody wants Trump to unload anything anywhere near us…..

Trump has run out of new material. He’s brought back his old ‘nasty’ comment on FOX and Friends - the one he previously used against Hillary Clinton. Hillary didn’t care and he can’t touch Kamala Harris. She’s too strong.

She’s seen men like Trump before.

He’s incensed - ‘so unfair’ that he has to run a campaign against a powerful woman.

I say to Trump - there’s not much time left. November 2024 is coming fast.
Those old slurs don’t work on thinking people. We’ve had enough of your doom and gloom.

Nasty women and Joyful men and women everywhere will be voting for #HarrisWalz2024

Joe Conservative said...

As Lacan would say, "You must never compromise your jouissance!"

Yes You Can! Enjoy! Such is the positive imperative of the Achievement Society. Positivity. "You can't make people self-exploit themselves without it". Byung-Chul Han.

Les Carpenter said...

What a surprise to see Joe Con show up. But it is much fun watching the goons of the Trump MAGAverse becoming unhinged as they realize Trump the Dump's game is all but done.