Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Friday, August 23, 2024



VP Harris's acceptance speech outlined a future president's vision for America, her values, her aspirations for the presidency, and her realistic and principled goals. VP Harris will get into the details of how she will accomplish her ambitious programs during the final weeks of her campaign.

IMO, VP Harris hit it out of the park!

Harris Wants America to See Itself in Her 

The vice president’s speech sought to reassure Americans of her values even as many may be unfamiliar with her background.

“I know there are people of various political views watching tonight. And I want you to know, I promise to be a president for all Americans,” she said. “You can always trust me to put country before party and self. To hold sacred America’s fundamental principles, from the rule of law, to free and fair elections, to the peaceful transfer of power.”

On the Trump/Vance vision for America:

"Simply put, they are out of their minds!"


Shaw Kenawe said...

The most Trumpian of Trumpian reactions:


FAUX NOOZ Host: Polls show that she’s having some success

Trump: She’s not having success. I’m having success!

Les Carpenter said...

How the landscape is shifting. Aligning itself so as to look like America today,. A beautiful thing.

The democratic party supports the values of individual as well as collective liberty and they stand as core values. As well as equal opportunity for all.

Meanwhile across the widening divide republicans are rallying to take America back to Jim Crow, voter suppression, authoritarianism, and a contracting of individual liberties. As well as insuring the status quo. IE: Maintaining the white male power dynamics.

Kamala Harris is the future. A compassionate and strong personality with leadership skills this 72 year old responsible fiscal conservative will be very happy and proud to support.

Kamala and Walz are forward looking leaders with vision.

Trump/Vance are backwards thinking and without vision.

The choice is clear, Harris/Vance.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Lincoln Project:

"Democrats serve the American people. MAGA serves Trump, and Trump serves himself. We are not going back to the violence, chaos, and insanity of a Trump administration."

Shaw Kenawe said...

DA Just Asking

What type of decaying, moral-less fool argues against DNA EVIDENCE?

Shaw Kenawe said...

I know you meant to type "Harris/Walz."

Les Carpenter said...

So much for being aware! 🙃

Sometimes clutter accumulates. Causing strange experiences.

Really enjoyed last night and the vision soon to be President Harris has for the future. It is Fitting that it will be an American woman of Indian/Jamaican heritage that should usher in the next chapter of our unique American story.

I note also that soon to be VP Walz gave an outstanding speech Weds. night as well.

Les Carpenter said...

A very deluded man whose belief in his own infallibility makes him a clear and present danger. It is WHY he can NEVER again be anywhere near the levers of power ever again.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... what type of decaying moral-less fool? A MAGA fool. Trump continues to insist on their guilt, despite clear and convincing evidence to the contrary, because he believes it.

Just like those who believe the election was stolen. They believe it because they believe it and their belief in it is their evidence, their truth.

Real evidence is superfluous to this group because they believe the evidence exists but has been hidden, stolen, lost, manipulated, etc., etc. They believe that the failure of said evidence to be made public is in part due to progressive "lawfare" through the weaponization of the courts to suppress "their evidence".

Where do we see this weaponization being used? When courts throw cases out for lack of standing by the complainants.

This is the exact argument many, including -FJ, use as it relates to "voter fraud" or irregularities. But for the lawfare driven courts they argue, America would in fact see the evidence they believe exists and then Donald Trump would be president, the Central Park Five would be back in jail, the Biden Crime Family and Hillary would all be in jail and the world would be right again.

Dave Miller said...

As to her speech... I thought Harris was good, but I wonder if there is a concerted effort to make her speech better than it was. IMHO, it wasn't great. It wasn't Obama in 2008, not Cuomo in 1984, not Kennedy in 1980 nor Reagan in 1980.

It hit all the right notes for sure, it just wasn't top of the mountain stuff. At least for me. But as Skud sometimes says... your mileage may vary.

Dave Miller said...

Here's an interesting part of her speech, a speech by someone the GOP MAGA folks see as a communist...

"I see an America where we hold fast to the fearless belief that built our nation and inspired the world . . . We are the heirs to the greatest democracy in the history of the world.

It is now our turn to do what generations before us have done, guided by optimism and faith, to fight for this country we love, to fight for the ideals we cherish and to uphold the awesome responsibility that comes with the greatest privilege on Earth: the privilege and pride of being an American.

The greatest democracy in the world. The pride of being an American. The country we love.

Doesn't this sound like someone who loves America? Reagan could have spoken those words. She believes in America, as opposed to Trump and the MAGA ppl who see us as just a few steps shy of death, destruction and the abyss.

She sees America as great, while Trump and the MAGA ppl speak everyday about how awful America is and how it will only get worse.

She showed a great contrast between a party looking forward and a party that wants to retreat to some bygone nonexistent era.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Poor Trump has nothing left. He's either going to take the plunge and use the N word, or say his opponents have smelly butts. Sadly the magats will line up to smell Trump's butt and pay for the privilege. These deluded fools pay him $20 for a hat and more for a sign or bumper sticker. Imagine what they'd pay to sniff Trump's self described lilac scented rump.

Les Carpenter said...

If one considers the speech from a policy or plan specific standpoint one could say it was good, albeit a bit light in solid concrete proposals.

However, looking at it as a unifying speech centered around values, national character, preserving and expanding individual liberties, preserving our fragile democracy, human rights, etc. she knocked it out of the park.

I'm old enough to remember both Kennedy's acceptance speech in 1960 and Reagan's 1980. VP Harris' speech was just a good and I believe it will galvanize support across the nation.

Joe Conservative said...

"Lock him up! Lock him up!" The chant from the Convention during Hillary's address.

Shaw Kenawe said...

And? What's your point?

That they mocked what Trump and his thugs shouted in 2016 about Hillary?

Did it hurt MAGA feelings?

It shouldn't, because it was satire!

Shaw Kenawe said...

So, what happened today?

Alex Cole
A convicted felon, a guy who trashes women, and someone who had a worm in their brain walk into a bar.

skudrunner said...

I applaud her for admitting the last four years have been horrible for the Imiddle class and she is going to change all of that.and create a path forward. At least one thing she said is true but she also said the border is secure and was instrumental in passing the trillion dollar pork deal.
Now she wants to raise taxes on corporations costing consumers thousands, give money to buy a house causing home prices to rise, institute price controls which have proven to not work. And to think there are people who think she has a workable plan.. Business 101 skipped them or they are just caught up in the feel good movement. Some prefer results but who can dislike a smile and laugh to cover up lack of knowledge.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Just a reminder, skud. My IRA has done very, very well during the Biden years.

I allowed your opinion to be published because people need to see how Trumpers think, as do I.

I give you credit, though. You've dropped your childish name for VP Harris.

So there's that improvement for you.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's one of the Mother Ship's pre-eminent racists talking about VP Harris:

But for Democrats, a Harris pick was a win-win because they can demonstrate that not only is it possible for an incompetent old fool to serve as president, but the Oval Office will also always accept a complete dumbass. Indeed, anyone can become president of the United States. In the future, Democrats will be able to say, “In 2024, we nominated a ni …uhm, black chick.”

Les Carpenter said...

Racism IS alive and ugly in the USA yet today. And, MAGA, cons, and republicans own it. Lock, stock, and barrel.

Dave Miller said...

Skud... regarding raising taxes on corporations. Yes, she wants to raise them to the mid range between where they are now and where they were when Trump took office. Yes, that will raise prices some, and yes, bring in more tax revenue that can hopefully, as Clinton did, be used to balance the budget and pay down the debt.

I hear your concern, and it's valid. But it would ring less hollow if you also were as snarky and dismissive of the tariff folks who are circling cheap imports. For all the MAGA favoring GOP folks who lament a rise in the corporate tax rate, I wonder why they were so silent on the tariffs imposed and promised under Trump.

Don't tariffs also raise the cost of goods?

Dave Miller said...

Back in 2008 when Obama won the presidency, a conservative friend called me soon after the election. He wanted to know if I was happy. I said "I am, but not for the reason you think." He said tell me more, so I did.

I explained that on that day, with Barack Obama as president elect, I could, for the first time ever, tell my son, then 25 years old, that one day his children could be president of the US.

That was told to me all the time when I was a kid. I grew up believing it and assuming it was true for every young boy. I had no idea. But after the election of 2008, it became true for more Americans. It became true for my son.

My friend, like the commenter on the Mothership, scoffed. That meant nothing he said. But to me, as the father of a mixed race son, that election meant everything, because for the first time my son had a better chance to "live the American dream", or at least another part of it.

I watched as Harris accepted the nomination Thursday night, but I was watching two things. Her speech of course, but also my African American wife wiping tears from her face as Harris spoke. Because she knew, as we both did in 2008, that another barrier to full acceptance into American life was crumbling before our eyes.

My friend would never contemplate using the language of the folks on the Mothership. Terms conservative commentators here either use themselves, or through their silence, enable others to use without shame.

Sadly, it is a right in America to speak and write like that. But in so doing, MAGA folks and the GOP should not be asking why more POC and specifically black folks do not like their political party. Because the reason is on full display in the racist comment Shaw shared from that cesspool.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M., Les,

As others have said, one has the right to free speech, but those who choose to denigrate someone with racial slurs deserve to be criticized and shunned for their racism.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw said "Just a reminder, skud. My IRA has done very, very well during the Biden years."
If you read my post I said middle class not upper class and should have added working middle class which even harris admitted has suffered for the last four years. If that was not the case why would she work on a better way forward.

Shaw Kenawe said...

PS. In addition to that sailor from the Mother Ship's racial slur against VP Harris, he calls her a "complete dumbass."

VP Harris graduated in 1986 with a degree in political science and economics. Harris then attended the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, where she served as president of its chapter of the Black Law Students Association. She graduated with a Juris Doctor in 1989.

Plus she managed to get elected as a DA, Attorney General of California, US Senator from California, Vice President of the United States.

That's considered a "dumb ass" in the racists' minds. Probably because they cannot see beyond the color of her skin. A classic definition of racism.

And, yes, the Mother Ship features racism at its worst.

Dave Miller said...

As to Harris... Hastings Law at UC Berkeley... Consistently a Top 15 US Law School. Not bad for a private institution. She passed the CA bar, the toughest in the nation. It's accepted by 19 other states as diverse as TX and MA, and is accepted in DC too.

She ran for DA of San Francisco and of course won. And yes, she was probably helped by Willie Brown's political machine. So what? You can have all the help you want, but if you're dumb as a rock, you probably won't get elected multiple times, as she did.

She was elected statewide, first as AG, then as Senator to take over Boxer's seat. And ppl from both parties say she was a good senator, as they did with Hillary.

I get someone may not like her policies, but to call her a dumb ass just shows ignorance. Of the facts.

Look, you read the comments there. Many have decided that no one who chooses politics as a career is a good person. They've said they'll never listen to a one of them and that all of them are in it for themselves.

From their comments, and others like them, I believe them. But it's sad, sad to condemn an entire group of ppl of people as just money grubbers without so much as a conversation with them.

Especially when to some degree, we're all money grubbers, chasing after the almighty buck to feed our families.

Les Carpenter said...

I guess the Mothership's dumbass has yet to realize that color is but pigmentation determination and nothing more. That color determines nothing beyond any individual's skin color and degree of darkness or lightness. That is it. PERIOD.

When I watched VP Harris' acceptance speech I was interested in two things. A) substance and B) A hint of the Asian ethics of her mother's culture.

I saw everthing I needed to experience during her speech. I am excited as I now know the path and vision soon to be Madame President Harris will pursue is ethically sound. A vision that resonates deeply with this practicing Buddhist.

Oh, and this white 72 year old male who knows who he is was wiping tears my my eyes as well.

AMERICA NEEDS KAMALA HARRIS. And we are damn fortunate she is now running to be OUR American President.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner: "Ms. Shaw said 'Just a reminder, skud. My IRA has done very, very well during the Biden years.'
If you read my post I said middle class not upper class"

I am middle class. I drive a 2002 Honda Accord with 100,000 miles on it. Where do you get the idea I'm NOT middle class? Do you make unfounded assumptions just like you do about VP Harris and people you don't like.

It seems you do, since you wrote what is quoted above!

Les Carpenter said...

Unless one is truly disadvantaged either due to physical ability, mental or cognitive disability, poverty, and such, chasing after money and grasping for stuff is but wanting for something we want but don't really need.

America wastes enough food daily, as well as other resources, to lift everyone in this nation currently in poverty out of poverty. But, our corporations, billionaires, and other very wealthy organizations and people work OVERTIME to insure everyone else is "kept in their place."

Greed is, and ALWAYS has been, the source of the world's engine of evil.

skudrunner said...

No offense to you Ms. Shaw but I just assumed you were not still working because of you trips to the vineyards and Cali. A 100K Honda is still in the break in phase so that just makes you smart not necessarily middle class. Always respected you as a very capable smart women and didn’t mean to offend.
We have a choice between a lunatic and a flip flopper in this election. I still don’t know what Harris stands for other than she wants to give away money, raise taxes and costs of everything and she is not trump. Maybe she will tell us what her true policies are.

Shaw Kenawe said...

What “vineyards?” Martha’s Vinyard? Napa Valley? I visit Martha’s Vinyard as a tourist, like most people, and haven’t visited it since Mr. Shaw Kenawe died. Same with Napa Valley. My daughter lives in SoCal in a very middle class lovely town. A mother can visit her daughter and grandsons without being a part of the upper class, can she not?

I bring this up only to point out that you’ve made some incorrect assumptions about me, and I wonder if you do the same when we discuss politicians and their politics.

Per your comment about not knowing what VP Harris stands for, check out her page on the internet, it is full of her positions. Sometimes, one must do the work on one’s own to be enlightened on certain subjects.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Absolutely agree with you , Les. I live in a very small condo in Boston, and after Mr. Shaw Kenawe passed away, I sold our home on Cape Cod and got rid of 35 years of accumulating “ things.” I live very simply and am happy to have what I do have.

skudrunner said...

Oh i did look ate her policies and they are
Major investment in green energy since that has gone so well
25k for first time home buyers which will further inflate home prices
Restrict price gouging on grocery's because the 1.6% profit is obscene
Make it not illegal for Illegals crossing the border
Of course her prime objective is to make abortion legal for all at anytime. She is so strong on this that she visited an abortion clinic but not the border
Corporate tax increase which will drive up the cost of everything
Instill an unrealized capital gains tax which taxes money people haven't received
She has flipped on medicare for all but that is subject to change

Other than those things she is great

Les Carpenter said...

We're NOT going back skud. The health of our planet, our nation, and our families are too important to continue following the policies and practices that put us where we are at in the first place.

The only constant is change skud. And, we ARE going to change from the failed policies of the past Trump wants to again force on all of us. America skud, is NOT going back.

Oh, and skud, that from a real fiscal conservative that gasps that government has a purpose and in fact is the only body that can work for the COLLECTIVE good of the people and nation it governs.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, This came from the link you posted "Donald Trump has lately made clear he wants little to do with Project 2025"

Doing away with R v W puts the law to the States to determine. I do realize liberals hate it when states have to decide but that gives the voters a say. Why are you against states rights?

The democrats are so in favor of fair and honest elections that they want to change the Supreme court and oppose voter ID's and eliminate the electoral college. Basically what they are saying is if we lose we want to change things until we win.

Now your candidate wants to have a path forward from the oppressive and failed last four years. I back her on that

Les Carpenter said...

You sure do bring on the belly laughs skud!

Kamala is not moving away from the successes of the OUTSTANDING Biden effect skud. She is going to sustain and accelerate the gains of the Biden/Harris administration.

I get You're stuck in the (past) failed republican/conservative ideology and policies, but, we're NOT going back.

Dave Miller said...

Skud... let's chat about Voter ID's. Tell me how Voter ID should work if someone votes absentee or uses Vote by mail?

My states gives us the vote by mail option. And before the ballot is sent, the send an early note asking you to verify your signature, which was shown at registration with my ID, and your intention to vote by mail.

How will that happen under a strict Voter ID law?

I suspect it is geared more towards limiting Vote by Mail, used heavily by the Dems, and less about fraud we all know, according to the Trump Admin, that did not happen in the 2020 election.

In fact, most of the 100 or so cases, of "fraud" out of 150 million votes were from GOP voters.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

My good friend Skudrunner likes to channel Ronald Reagan. A man that never allowed the truth to stand in the way of a good anecdote.