Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The main purpose for starting this blog 17+ years ago...


was to keep a record (log) of things that interested me in politics, world events, etc.

Over the years, I've documented some of the worst of the worst, which at times included comments by Republican pundit, Anne Coulter.

Actually, I thought she had folded up her miserable hate tent long ago and disappeared.

I was wrong.

She's still out there being her rotten self, only older, but certainly not wiser.

IMO, she perfectly represents how far into the sewer the GOP has sunk over the last 17 years:

Governor Walz's son, Gus, has a non-verbal neuro disorder. 

"That's my Dad!" he exclaimed, with tears in his eyes, as Governor Walz finished up his acceptance speech last night to roaring cheers. It was one of the most genuine, heartfelt, and beautiful reactions from a son to his father that I've seen in a political setting. I was deeply touched. (I have young autistic family members like Gus.)

You can see above what Anne Coulter had to say. She has since deleted this cruel and indecent Tweet. But the internet is forever.

And so will be her shame.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Ricky Davila
"Seems like the appropriate time to mention that the orange convicted felon mocked a disabled reporter, so it only makes sense that his cult would mock a 17 year old boy with disabilities. It’s who they are."

Les Carpenter said...

I also have a nephew who has autism, a bright individual lacking in "normal" social skills.

Actually, if Gus is weird, then so am i as well. Because his reaction was merely a genuine loving expression of pride in is father.

Coulter is... nevermind.

possumlady said...

"Punching down" is the trumpublicans MO

Shaw Kenawe said...

Les and possumlady,
I don't understand what motivates them to write such vile things about other people's kids. I guess for MAGA, cruelty is not a bug; it's a feature.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Les, she's guaranteed her legacy by writing the hateful things she writes.

Shaw Kenawe said...

And MAGA has a puncher they look down to: Donald J. Trump.

Dave Miller said...

Today's GOP and their enablers. It's fun and acceptable to mock people with disabilities, spew racist claptrap and normalize Nazi behavior rather than condemn it.

Shaw, just when you think this crowd has reached rock bottom, of course they always prove us wrong. This time going after a child who has tears of joy and admiration for his father.

BTW... has anyone ever seen a photo of DJT in a joyous hug, embrace or otherwise a dogpile of love moment with his kids, from any of his wives?

Has anyone ever seen a photo of DJT in a warm embrace of Melania?

That which the Coulters of the world are mocking today is called family love and respect. Something we don't see lived out publicly by the Trump clan at all.

Not even with babies.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.: "Today's GOP and their enablers. It's fun and acceptable to mock people with disabilities, spew racist claptrap and normalize Nazi behavior rather than condemn it."

In his first campaign, Trump mocked a disabled journalist, and his supporters had no problem with it; he mocked John McCain being a POW, and his supporters were okay with it; he mocked Gold Star families, and his supporters were okay with it. The helped make him POTUS!

This campaign, his supporters know, according to his former Chief of Staff, Gen. John Kelly's first-hand telling, that Trump called service men and women who were wounded or killed in action, "suckers and losers," and his supporters are okay with that.

I blame his supporters as much as I blame Trump for the coarsening and degradation of our national honor.

Dave Dubya said...

Cruelty and hate are virtues to fascists.

Sam said...

Ann Coulter. She brings up such sick memories. Bill Mahr gave her his national platform to spew her garbage. Under the guise all voices should be heard. Why? All voices have a right to be spoken, but one has a responsibility to not broadcast such filth. Maher became more than an outlet; he became her friend. Which made me question where Mahr's thinking was coming from. Yes, she is still spewing her garbage, but her fad is over and few people pay attention to her. As it should be.

Anonymous said...

MAGA are soulless ghouls.

Dave Miller said...

So, a few thoughts...

First, it wasn't just Ann Coulter. Plenty of other ppl, including Milwaukee conservative radio host and MAGA backer who called him a "blubbering bitch boy" joined in.

Then, after they found out Gus has a learning disability, they semi apologized.

But here's the truth of what happened. Those MAGA backers who apologized only did so after they learned about the disability Gus has. When they thought he was just a "normal high school kid" as some would say, a minor, they were fine with their mocking.

And so were their enablers in the GOP.

Sadly, tomorrow this will all be over, there will be no repercussions, the MAGA GOP will continue to mock other people's looks, disabilities and heritage, seeing it as evidence of their strength, leadership and love for America.

Their behavior and those who support it through their vote should disgust all Americans.

BB-Idaho said...

Ann Coulter. Childless Cat Lady.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

That Anne and her ilk are pathetic, low class scumbags is neither a surprise or unexpected. They do this crap constantly. Post something hateful and despicable. Then delete after their deluded followers see it first. They do their damage then act innocent after deleting it. There is no bottom to how low they will go.