Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, August 22, 2024



Trump returns to Michigan to talk crime, but data shows rates dropped after he left office

"In 2021 and 2022, the first two years of President Joe Biden's administration, the nation's violent crime rate dropped, hitting 380.7 in 2022, according to the FBI data."


"According to The Detroit News, the Trump team had originally agreed to sit down for an interview with their newspaper Tuesday. However, after reporters pushed the former president about spreading lies about Michigan’s crime data, “a campaign aide said the presidential candidate no longer had time for an interview after the speech.”


"Data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation doesn’t show any crime wave phenomenon. In the two years since the former president left office, violent crime has continued to drop and return to pre-pandemic levels."


Dave Miller said...

They won't talk about it because they don't accept the numbers. They're sure the books are cooked. Their evidence? Just look around. They look at a place like Chicago, with multiple murders a night and astronomical numbers of dead bodies on almost any weekend, and then extrapolate that one city, that one reality to an entire country.

They're like the folks who, when speaking of narco violence in Mexico are so sure they know it's everywhere in the country. Even though they've never been there.

You're right Shaw, they'll never blog about the good in this country... maybe to end crime, they should take their cue from their favorite quote from Morgan Freeman when he was talking about racism, and just quit talking about it.

Because they're clueless.

Les Carpenter said...

MAGA: The modern American equivalent of the Nazi Propaganda Machine or Soviet Ministry of Disinformation. IE: LIES

Dave Miller said...

Things MAGA bloggers will never blog about... Part 1B

In a world where the MAGA folks hate it when Dems bring up ongoing racism, maybe they'll comment on Trump's remarks yesterday describer Josh Shapiro as a "highly overrated Jewish governor". Why couldn't he just say a "highly overrated governor"? Is there a reason he added "Jewish" in describing Shapiro?

He never described Mike Pence as a "weak Christian", choosing instead to just call him weak. He never called Biden a "weak or overrated Catholic".

Maybe a MAGA person will stop by and tell us why Trump decided to call out Shapiro by his religion. Because they'll certainly never blog about it. Heck, they're probably not even aware of it.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Look at the bright side. Soon enough JD Vance will piss off Trump and JD's wife will be called "that Hindu broad."

Les Carpenter said...

Willful ignorance. Fits MAGA to a tee.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... sorry about the typos. It seems that blogger has done away with the preview, so it's harder to catch errors before publishing. With that extra pop out window, it was much easier.

Shaw Kenawe said...

And here's one of the Mother Ship's sailors:

" I would have thought that DJT would encourage RFK to stay in the race because whoever votes for RFK isn’t voting for the Bapti-Hindu."

Did that commenter EVER refer to any other candidate, say, Trump, by HIS religion: "Nondenom. Protestant?" Did he ever refer to Reagan as "the Presbyterian?"

They show who they are all the time. And, IMO, it is UGLY!

Shaw Kenawe said...

The Captain wonders:

"And, never ONCE have I read a Republican speaker ask why Democrats think Republicans are going to ask a homeowner’s race or religion before putting a fire out…."

They are soooooo naive! Or they shield themselves from Trump's bigoted religious comments!

"Trump's remarks yesterday described Josh Shapiro as a "highly overrated Jewish governor".

Apparently, Trumpers don't follow the bigoted words that Trump spews daily.

Les Carpenter said...

If EVER there was a HIGHLY overrated "politician" by a political movement (MAGA) it would definitely be Trump.

MAGA apparently thinks greatness is acheived by bigotry, racism, misogyny, adultery, lying, violence, as well as hurting as many folks that don't think like THEM as possible.

MAGA is really everything the promise of America is NOT.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.,
Don't worry about typos, I make them all the time.

I don't like this new format, BTW.

Shaw Kenawe said...

JoMala, I'm pretty sure Trump will blurt out something distasteful in a fit of rage. It's in his DNA.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I guess they're unhappy people. I can't figure out why the say and do the things they say and do!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Yeah. Trump will probably hit on JD's wife like he did Macron's wife in France. Right in front of Macron and Melania. No doubt Melania mumbled to Macron that she;d be okay with a wife swap.

Dave Miller said...

Jomala... is Melania still in the building? Maybe we need to send in an HRT.

Gotta wonder what she does when he goes to jail and/or his eternal destiny.

I can see the book... "I was a mail order first lady"...