Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, August 26, 2024


Trump called men and women who gave their lives in service to our country, "losers & suckers," per Gen. John Kelly, his former Chief of Staff. Trump is using this solemn ceremony for his own political gain.

This should sicken every patriotic American.


John Kelly confirms Trump privately disparaged U.S. service members and veterans 

Today, at Arlington National Cemetery.

Cadet Bone Spurs at the grave of a fallen soldiers with his "thumbs up" gesture.
"In the US, the thumbs-up gesture is a common form of nonverbal communication that can mean "good job", "I agree", or "things are good". It's associated with positivity, approval, achievement, satisfaction."

Historic note: "Trump refused to attend the dignified transfer ceremonies when brave soldiers who lost their lives in combat were returned to the US, he sent Pence. But he stands at soldiers graves in VA grinning and giving a thumbs up, he’s a total psychopath.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Charles Campisi

How dare Trump desecrate this sacred ground with his presence.
Trump showing up to place a wreath is worse than hypocritical.
It's an obscene travesty, a f*cking disgrace.
I'm so damn angry.
This coward who faked bone spurs & who insulted America's fallen war dead is a POS.

Joe Conservative said...

Standing at the grave of a woman killed by a bomb during the Kabul Airport withdrawal. So how come Biden and Kamala aren't there with their thumbs up?

skudrunner said...

What is disgusting is a president causing the deaths of 13 Americans because he is incompetent and did not follow advice from his advisors. He ordered a withdrawal from Afghanistan leaving billions of dollars in armament to be used against us. Now he is hailed as one of the greatest ever because those close to him hid the fact he was incompetent and threw him to the curb. To keep him inline they decided to hail him as one of the best leaders in history and praise his accomplishments.
Inflation under biden 5.28% trump 1.89%
Cumulative Inflation biden 19.2% trump 7.8%

skudrunner said...

What is disgusting is the length the democrats and the DNC media go to lie to the American people. Biden was responsible for the deaths of 13 Americans because he was incompetent and ignored his advisors. He was hailed as a great president with all his faculties until the left threw him to the curb. They have to keep him quiet so they are promoting all the great accomplishments he had which is listed below.
Inflation biden +5.28% trump +1.89%
Cum Inflation biden +19.2% trump +7.8%
Gasoline biden +46.6% trump -5.4%
30 Year Mort biden +132% trump -34.8%
Rent biden +21.6% trump +11.8%
Food biden +20.9% trump +6.5%
Electric biden +29.6% trump +4.2%
Wages biden -2.2% trump +7%

Some would rather support someone who is crude but is able to accomplish something while others vote for someone who makes them feel warm and fuzzy.

Shaw Kenawe said...

CLAIM: When former President Donald Trump was in charge, 18 months went by in Afghanistan when “we didn’t lose one American soldier.”

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. There is no year-and-half time frame under Trump’s presidency alone that no combat deaths among U.S. service members were reported. That occurred during the 18 months preceding the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, which included months under the Biden administration as well.

Shaw Kenawe said...

From Newsweek

"Some 65 American service members died in combat while serving Trump during his time in the White House office from January 2017 to January 2021. There were fatalities every year of his presidency, according to the "hostile action" records compiled by the Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS), which is maintained by a government defense agency."

Of those 65 deaths, there were 45 combat deaths reported in Afghanistan alone, according to the Associated Press.

During 2022, by which time the U.S. had left Afghanistan, there was not a single death caused by "hostile action," according to DCAS. However, 13 were killed in one deadly bombing the year before, during the messy withdrawal from the country.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner: "Biden was responsible for the deaths of 13 Americans because he was incompetent and ignored his advisors."

No one will take you seriously, skud, when you talk about the 13 Americans who lost their lives during the withdrawal from Afghanistan, but ignore the SIXTY-FIVE deaths of our military men and women under Trump. Was that because of Trump's incompetence???

Do you ACTUALLY believe the deaths of soldiers under Biden are worse deaths than the deaths of soldiers under Trump? Because you never stop talking about those 13 tragedies but IGNORE THE 65 UNDER TRUMP.

It is DISGUSTING to use the deaths of ANY OF OUR SOLDIERS to make political points. But I HAD to point out your hypocrisy in decrying the 13 casualties under Biden while ignoring the 65 under Trump. Why do you and other Trumpers do that? Why?

PS. You and other Trumpers continue to ignore the fact that Trump called men and women who gave their lives to their country, "losers and suckers." That was attested to by Trump's own Chief of Staff, General John Kelly, who himself lost a son in combat in Afghanistan. Do you and other Trumpers think for a moment that General Kelly would LIE about that? Do you???

General Kelly revealed the truth about Trump, and yet MAGA, and apparently YOU, don't give a flying donut about the slanderous comment Trump made about our men and women in the service.

Such is the blind and incomprehensible allegiance to a draft dodging liar, cheat, fraud, felon, and rapist by his cultists.

As Liz Cheney, a real Republican, said, "There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain."

That is an undeniable and permanent truth for all people who support Trump.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Joe Conservative
Standing at the grave of a woman killed by a bomb during the Kabul Airport withdrawal. So how come Biden and Kamala aren't there with their thumbs up?"

I don't know why. But the point of this post is that Trump is standing before these fallen soldiers' graves while AT THE SAME TIME THINKING THEY ARE "LOSERS AND SUCKERS."

Why aren't YOU questioning that slur from Trump against our fallen heros? You don't get to change the subject here, just because you have no rebuttal to the fact that Trump slandered our fallen soldiers.

You know who didn't do that? Kamala Harris and Joe Biden!

Les Carpenter said...

Trump, never missing an opportunity for a photo shoot where the Disgusting Hypocritcal Odious Orange Menance can pander to his gullible base of cultists.

Sickening, pathetic, and as disingenuous as anything I've witnessed In a long GD time.

Joe Conservative said...

Why? Because it's a lie. I've already disproven this libel a hundred times, and it's as stupid as the first time. John McCain is the sucker and loser. He spent years at the Hanoi Hilton serving honorably, and then came home and tried to 'saint" himself while scamming millions in donations for his "globalist "leadership" Center. What a loser! He spent all that cell-time in the cause of Empire. Everyone else was there to stop the spread of communism.

Mike said...

And he's at the grave of a female no less.

Les Carpenter said...

And the great news is, as Everything is impermenant, the HOOM will, before too many more years, no longer be able to defile this nation or the planet.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Joe Conservative
Why? Because it's a lie. I've already disproven this libel a hundred times, "

You're wrong:

Trump’s former chief of staff confirms he called fallen soldiers ‘losers’


I believe General Kelly, not you. You have no first-hand evidence. Gen. Kelly does.

skudrunner said...

So are you denying biden was responsible for those deaths. That was about the incompetent biden but, as democrats seem prone to do, they turn the truth about incompetent joey and comrade kamala into trump did this. Admit it none of those three deserves our vote.
For all the bluster about how biden did great things for the middle class, statics prove otherwise. Now kamala says she is going to pave a way forward from the last four years. The problem with that statement is she was co-owner of those four years. She should use, hope there is more of the same.

Les Carpenter said...

And, apparently Joe the gullible con will remain Joe the gullible until his final permanent life ending nap.

Even intelligent educated folks with reified delusions are capbable of displaying willful ignorance.

Joe Conservative said...

...and Trump has 25 witnesses that will testify that Kelly is a loon.

Joe Conservative said...

19 officials are on record testifying that Kelly is full of sh*t.

Shaw Kenawe said...

So are you denying biden was responsible for those deaths."

skud, it is evident that you do not read my responses to you. I repeated the fact that 13 service men and women lost their lives, but asked why you were not bothered by the fact that during the Trump administration 65 service men and women lost their lives. The point being: why do you choose to criticize Biden for his mistakes, but say nothing about Trump's when both administrations were responsible for the loss of military lives? It's difficult to see your statements as nothing more than partisan.

That was about the incompetent biden but, as democrats seem prone to do, they turn the truth about incompetent joey and comrade kamala into trump did this. Admit it none of those three deserves our vote.

skud, I will NOT tolerate your calling VP Harris "comrade." That implies that she is a Communist, and that is slanderous. I won't publish any other comments by anyone else if that slur is used again.

The Economy:
FROM VOX: The Biden and Trump economies were both pretty good — but only one president has gotten credit
There’s no denying that the economy was good under Trump, and the 2019 pre-pandemic economy is now seen as a baseline against which Biden’s economy is being judged.

But Trump arrived in office when the economy was already pretty strong. He was “just riding on the coattails of a 10-year-long economic recovery,” said Alí R. Bustamante, deputy director of worker power and economic security at Roosevelt Forward, the progressive political arm of the Roosevelt Institute.

The economy continued to grow modestly on his watch until the pandemic hit in 2020, and after that, his stimulus checks kept it buoyant for a while. The stock market saw significant growth under Trump (and at least for the last year, under Biden, too — more on that later).

But some of Trump’s signature economic policies have also been found to have had little to no measurable effect on the economy — and a few might have even hurt. Multiple studies have shown that the Trump tariffs at best had a neutral effect on the economy and at worst cost America hundreds of thousands of jobs and higher prices for consumers. And his 2017 tax cuts, which increased investment in the economy and contributed to modest wage growth in the short term, fell far short of Republicans’ promise that they would pay for themselves and are projected to significantly raise federal debt and increase income inequality."

Shaw Kenawe said...


"Biden, on the other hand, faced the immediate task upon assuming office of heading off a recession as the country started to bounce back from the pandemic. The US did recover from that pandemic economic slump. But there is evidence that his policies, including the stimulus checks he issued, contributed to an inflationary spiral.

The US did, however, manage to curb inflation faster than other economically developed countries, while also maintaining much lower levels of unemployment and higher wage growth.

The Federal Reserve might deserve most of the credit for that, given its carefully timed interest rate hikes. But Biden also has a very successful legislative record, including the bipartisan infrastructure law and the CHIPS Act — laws that experts say can help bolster the economy. And he took steps to reduce pandemic-induced pressure on supply chains, making it easier for truck drivers to become licensed and allowing some major ports to operate nonstop.

The US economy is growing faster than projected, driven largely by consumer spending and the Federal Reserve’s successful efforts to get inflation under control without triggering a recession."

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Joe Conservative
19 officials are on record testifying that Kelly is full of sh*t."

From the link in your comment:

[APP NOTE: Like all "Campaign Press Releases" this document was entirely the product of a partisan political campaign. It is archived at the APP as part of the record of campaign communications. The APP has not assessed the accuracy of any claims made here either pro or con.]

Unreliable Source.

I believe General John Kelly whose own son died in combat in Afghanistan.

The "losers and suckers" label Trump put on service men and women who gave up their lives for America sounds exactly like Trump. Trump was a miserable, envious little weasel when he denigrated John McCain's service to his country and being a POW. I heard that with my own ears.

In any other country, a person like Trump would be shunned and ignored for the rest of his useless failure of a life.

The fact that he's a candidate again for POTUS after all the wreckage, discord, lies, deceptions, and dishonor he's wreaked upon our country shows that America is as susceptible to liars, cheats, and frauds as the countries in Europe who embraced demagogues and authoritarians were and are..

Shaw Kenawe said...

PS. I've chosen NOT to publish your dishonorable attack on John McCain.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Meanwhile, the ghouls at FAUX NOOZ suggest the generals will "have their way" with VP Harris when she's POTUS.

Harry Sisson
WTF?!?! Jesse Watters just said that Kamala Harris is “going to get paralyzed in the situation room while the generals have their way with her.” What the hell? Turn off Fox News if you haven’t already. Total garbage."

The evil coming out of FAUX NOOZ and the Trump campaign is boundless!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Michael Steele
This from
. His name calling is trite, immature and quite frankly, boring. His pedestrian understanding of matters of state lacks curiosity and is dangerous. His narcissism and craving for “loyalty”demonstrate deep-rooted weaknesses in character hiding behind

Republican Voters Against Trump
Trump calls Gen. Mark Milley “a stupid person” and Gen. John Kelly “one of the dumbest people” he's ever met.

This is how Donald Trump talks about people who are more loyal to the United States of America than they are to him."

This name-calling is from a weasel who never served a day in the military. He knows nothing about believing in or serving something bigger than himself. That's because he serves ONLY himself.

Dave Miller said...

Skud, let's think about the tragic deaths of those soldiers in Afghanistan like this. It's horrible. And yes, it's the result of bad planning, preparation, follow through and execution of a plan. And yes, as the CinC, the POTUS is ultimately responsible.

As Pres. Reagan was when a suicide bomber drove an explosive laden truck into Marine barracks in Lebanon.

As Pres Bush II was when terrorists hijacked and flew planes into the Pentagon and the twin towers, after he'd been warned in the PDB of the efforts of Bin Laden to do exactly that.

As Pres Trump was for the military deaths during his admin.

Sadly, these things happen.

I'm okay if ppl want to dissect every decision a president makes that may cost American lives. But let's just be consistent and do so for all the presidents.

Otherwise it's just a bunch of partisan BS.

Dave Dubya said...

Joe Con is in the Trump cult. Trump and his crony sycophants never lie in his bizarre view of reality.

Alyssa Farrah Griffin was one of the people from JC's link saying she denied that Trump denigrated our fallen troops.

Well, she left the Trump cult, because unlike Joe Con, she has a sense of decency that was offended by Trump's criminal J6 coup. She knows Trump is a liar, but Joe Con reveres the words of Trump and his toadies as Gospel, while scorning a general who lost a son.

Alyssa Farrah Griffin retweeted @JeffreyGoldberg on Suckers and Losers:

@JeffreyGoldberg :
"A good moment to post the original "suckers and losers" piece, from 2020:"

@JeffreyGoldberg deserves tremendous credit for his reporting. At the time, I called a dozen+ people at the WH, DOD, &NSC to try to determine if anyone cd corroborate or knock down the “suckers & losers” story. No one I knew firsthand. Trump told me it was false. That was a lie. I try to hold myself to the rule I wish our politicians did: admit when I had something wrong.

Les Carpenter said...

Personal interests, desires, how one views their own personal experience, and the influence of their reified beliefs determines their reality.

Really, life is but a projection of one's thoughts, desires, and beliefs projected outward. The essence and nature of reality.

BB-Idaho said...

US battle deaths in Afghanistan quite low after we left. Like Zero
Apparently 2001-2021 wasn't long enough for military expert
Joe Consevative?

skudrunner said...

Lost their lives in combat is one thing but not the 13 because of a poor decision by a senile president.

David, I do not remember Reagan, Bush or trump ordering a hasty withdrawal from a war zone without safeguards for the soldiers or civilians needing to be evacuated. Perhaps you can provide receipts on those three.

Ms. Shaw, I won't offend ms harris but FYI comrade definition is a "companion who shares one's activities or is a fellow member of an organization.
"an old college comrade"
You took it to mean something else and since it is your blog I will comply to your wishes.

Dave Miller said...

Skud's a funny guy with his list... Inflation is up, so he rightly complains. The solution to high inflation is what? Raise interest rates. But then he complains about high interest rates.

We know rent is up because key rental agencies have been illegally colluding to keep those rents high.

Food & electricity price increases made the list too. Why not add apples? Oranges? Frosted Flakes? I think this stuff is covered under inflation.

By the way Skud, since the entire world has been experiencing inflation since the Covid pandemic, is there any chance our inflation, lower then everywhere else BTW, is related to that and not economic stimulus from both the Trump and Biden Admins?

Economists are now saying the soft landing we are seeing is evidence that our inflation was caused not by that stimulus money at all, rather completely by the pandemic. Otherwise an after stimulus inflation break would have included a strong recession of that juiced economy.

Skud, I'll be happy to debate the efficacy of your numbers specifically, but only after you post supporting links, as Shaw has shared numerous times from me.

I'll wait for the reason why you're unable to do that. Or a pleasant surprise.

Dave Dubya said...

And to Skud,

I'm sick and tired of you blaming Biden for a terrorist attack.

If you blame him over the terrorists, YOU are a terrorist sympathizer. The same goes for Joe Con/-FJ. You and Trump are exploiting their deaths and the families' grief for Trump's political purposes.

Have you NO DECENCY??

Well, you've certainly answered that many times over.

Your MAGA level of hate, blame, and lies tells us what you really are.

Dave Dubya said...

Will Skud blame Trump for abandoning TEN military bases in Afghanistan that resulted in leaving only TWO airports for evacuation?
No. Skud will blame Biden because his radical Right indoctrination from pro-Trump media tells him to.

The United States has closed at least 10 bases around Afghanistan

November 27, 2020 at 6:00 a.m. EST
KABUL — The United States has closed at least 10 bases across Afghanistan since the signing of a deal with the Taliban in February, according to Afghan and U.S. officials, part of a drawdown process so murky that many here say they are uncertain of what's to come despite a fast-approaching deadline.

Shaw Kenawe said...

“Joe Conservative
...and Trump has 25 witnesses that will testify that Kelly is a loon”

Joe Con, Do you really think I’d believe a Trump lackey’s “witness” over a General who served his country with honor??

You realize your belief in Trump cultists’ story over General Kelly is another indication of your inability to see Trump for the Liar, Cheat, and Fraud he is. Also a convicted felon, an adjudicated sexual predator/rapist, serial adulterer, pussy grabber who incited an insurrection against his own government to illegally keep himself in power.

Why would ANYONE with a grain of intelligence believe people who support that wreckage of a human being over an honorable man who served his country!

I believe General Kelly; I DO NOT believe Trump Cultists.

Joe Conservative said...

Kelly and Vindmann will say ANYTHING to keep Trump out of their Deep State business.

Dave Dubya said...

“Disgusting”. An apt title for the post.

How fitting of Skud and Joe Con to embody the theme.

It is disgusting that they support Trump in his disgusting political exploitation of dead Americans.

It is disgusting they acknowledge NOTHING about Trump leaving Biden in the lurch with his withdrawal treaty.

It is disgusting they acknowledge NOTHING about Trump dealing with ONLY the Taliban and inviting them to Camp David on the anniversary of 9-11.

It is disgusting they acknowledge NOTHING about Trump excluding the Afghan govt. from negotiations.

It is disgusting they acknowledge NOTHING about Trump facilitating the release of THOUSANDS of Taliban prisoners BEFORE the withdrawal.

It is disgusting they acknowledge NOTHING about Trump ordering summary evacuation of TEN military bases in Afghanistan.

And It is disgusting they BLAME Biden for the equipment they were forced to leave behind after Trump’s urgent order to evacuate.

And it is BEYOND disgusting to deflect blame from TERRORISTS to Biden.

They really don’t care if the facts get in the way of their hate and lies.

Why? I’ll tell you.

They epitomize the Right Wing Authoritarian personality.

Bless their little hearts and enlarged amygdalas. Their brains are not wired like the majority of us.

Read all about them in John Dean’s books “Conservatives without Conscience” (The Nixon Administration) and “Authoritarian Nightmare” (Trump and his minions).

Or check Wiki for a short description:

One interesting feature of the authoritarian personality consistently displayed by Joe Con, Skud and the rest of the MAGA cult is their difficulty in judging evidence

Right-wing authoritarians have trouble deciding what facts are valid or irrelevant, and making logical deductions. Consider the following syllogism:

All fish live in the sea.
Sharks live in the sea.
Therefore, sharks are fish.

Although the conclusion of the syllogism happens to be correct, the reasoning before it is incorrect. Sharks are indeed fish, but not because they happen to live in the sea. Whales also live in the sea, and some fish live in rivers and lakes. Right-wing authoritarians are far more likely to incorrectly judge the above syllogism to be correct. Because they liked the conclusion, they assume that the reasoning that led to it was correct.

And there it is, folks.

Dave Dubya said...

“Kelly and Vindmann will say ANYTHING to keep Trump out of their Deep State business.”


See how Trump’s word is gospel to his followers. He will believe Trump and his cronies over EVERYONE else.

Joe Con's authoritarian personality compels him to be a loyal and true believer in his leader. He doesn't care if Trump is a pathological liar. He MUST believe in his malevolent mendacious messiah over all evidence, and over the word of ANYONE who dares to disagrees with him or calls out his lies.

Joe still thinks Biden stole the election from Trump, despite ALL the verifiable evidence in the counts, recounts, certifications, courts, audits, and Trump's own DOJ and Homeland Security. Barr had to resign for disagreeing with Trump's Big Lie, and Trump FIRED Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Director Chris Krebs because he dared to say the election was secure and fair.

They keep showing us who they really are.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ~ Maya Angelou

skudrunner said...

David, None of the military deaths under Reagan, Bush, trump or obama were the result of a presidents order to run from a country with little preparation and leave behind millions of weapons and thousands of civilians behind that can be used against us. I guess the civilians who have been killed or controlled by the teliban do not enter into this tragic and avoidable decision. Your statement about bin laden is misguided because BJ had a chance to take him out but decided not to.

Tough to spin the decision of a senile old guy as a positive. The DNC took the correct action and threw him to the curb but that doesn't make his decision right.

Dave Dubya said...

Joe Con and his fellow authoritarians cheer Trump and his bullies for breaking the law…again.

No shame. No conscience. No character. No sense of common decency,

“Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate’s campaign,” the statement said, adding that “a report was filed” over the incident.

“Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants,” the statement said.

The staffers “verbally abused and pushed the official aside” as the person attempted to prevent them accompanying Trump into the section, according to NPR, which first published the allegation on Tuesday night.

BB-Idaho said...

Trump also fired Mark Esper, Secretary of Defense - West Point officer, PhD,
worked for the Heritage Foundation, a Republican far longer than the Donald.
Why? Because he refused to send airborne troops to stop rioting, noting that US regular troops do not fire on fellow American citizens. Mr. Esper gave it some thought and is now Global Affairs correspondent at CNN. Congrats,
Trumpites, he trained him well.

Dave Miller said...

Today, Wednesday, JD Vance said of Harris is upset about what happened at Arlington, she can "Go to Hell!"

Clearly Vance is upset. But the problem is Harris has had nothing to say about the incident at Arlington.

So why was Vance play acting in anger towards her for words she never uttered?

Performative is the only explanation. Like the rest of his campaign.

Dave Miller said...

I'm at a loss to understand what happened at Arlington. How anyone, let alone a president, could use the graves of fallen soldiers for a photo op is beyond me.

If we are to believe the Trump Campaign, all of the military officials are lying. The Pentagon is lying. The woman at the cemetary who was charged with telling the Trump Campaign they could not film in Section 60 of Arlington, is lying. The people who say the Trump Campaign filmed and took photos in Section 60, which is illegal and against the law and which the campaign has publicly shared, are lying. Despite the fact we've all seen the photos.

To really understand why what happened is troublesome, check out how Will Selber writing in the Bulwark puts it.

Unless of course, he, like all the people I listed above, is also lying.