Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Sanders, Trump NH Primary Winners

Feel The Bern!

Hillary says the primary contests are just beginning. She may be correct. There's a long way to go.

Interesting poll on the Trump voters, though:

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump fared particularly well with the high school graduates or less crowd whereas Governor Kasich (R-OH) did well with the post grads, according to exit polling.

Part of the Trumper's speech:
“We’re going to build a wall. It’s going to be built. It’s not even, it’s not even a difficult thing to do.” He also said he would be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.”

Ohio Governor John Kasich takes second, Cruz third. 

Good showing for Kasich, the only non-crazy conservative in the clown car. 

Congrats to him!


Anonymous said...

Are you folks whistling past the graveyard?

Les Carpenter said...

Of course Trump should have the right to roam among us. He is not a criminal. Frankly the poster is as offensive as Trump is.

Some won't understand why nor care why.

Ducky's here said...

Looks like Christie got gonged. Talk is that he's going to pack it in tomorrow and go back to dodging grand juries.

No idea why Carson is hanging around.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Ducky: "Looks like Christie got gonged. Talk is that he's going to pack it in tomorrow and go back to dodging grand juries.

No idea why Carson is hanging around."

Or Carly either. JEB!?

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Anonymous said...

Are you folks whistling past the graveyard?"


Shaw Kenawe said...

From VOX:

"On Monday, Donald Trump held a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, where he merrily repeated a woman in the crowd who called Ted Cruz a pussy. Twenty-four hours later Donald Trump won the New Hampshire primary in a landslide.

I'm not here to clutch my pearls over Trump's vulgarity; what was telling, rather, was the immaturity of the moment, the glee Trump took in his "she-said-it-I-didn't" game. The media, which has grown used to covering Trump as a sideshow, delighted in the moment along with him — it was funny, and it meant clicks, takes, traffic. But it was more than that. It was the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for president showing off the demagogue's instinct for amplifying the angriest voice in the mob.

It is undeniably enjoyable watching Trump. He's red-faced, discursive, funny, angry, strange, unpredictable, and real. He speaks without filter and tweets with reckless abandon. The Donald Trump phenomenon is a riotous union of candidate ego and voter id. America's most skilled political entertainer is putting on the greatest show we've ever seen.

It's so fun to watch that it's easy to lose sight of how terrifying it really is."

Les Carpenter said...

What makes America Great is his constitutional right to walk among us and act the part he so relishes.

It is us that we have to fear. Not Donald Trump. His power, such as it presently is, is derived from us; all of us.

Hopefully Trump's entertainment value will lose it's allure. But frankly I doubt it will.

skudrunner said...

Keep in mind the advise from the serial womanizer, WJC. It is all about the economy as to who wins the WH. In case you haven't noticed, the economy is not in good shape and regardless what the unemployment rate is the non-participation rate is over 35%.

The federalists are trying their best to spin the economy but most people know better, especially those in the middle class who work and pay taxes.

Looks like BHO will leave the country in the same shape as when he started, poor economy but increase in taxes.

Anonymous said...

This country is still more right leaning, so don't be surprised if Trump wins. Bernie needs a revolution. Last night was promising, but it's not a revolution.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous, if the country is "still more right leaning," then explain the acceptance of same-sex marriage, universal health care, states decriminalizing marijuana, and a majority of Americans who want to keep abortion legal, who want to see an increase in the minimum wage, and who want to see background checks on firearm purchases, and who wanted the Dream Act passed.

Every single one of those issues is opposed by "right leaning" Americans.

You are living in a dream world not supported by facts.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner: "...and the rate is the non-participation rate is over 35%."

Really? Do you have evidence to back that up?

You just parrot what you've heard, not bothering to look behind the rhetoric to see if it's true:

From PolitiFact, a respected fact-checking organization hated by the TeaPublicans because it often debunks the "false facts" they spread.

"We asked the Trump campaign for a source of the 42 percent figure, but they didn’t respond. The Fact Checker, however, traced it back to a column by David Stockman, who served as President Ronald Reagan’s budget director.

Stockman calculated that there are currently 210 million Americans between the ages of 16 and 68 -- what he calls a "plausible measure of the potential workforce." If you assume that each of those people is able to hold down a full-time job, he wrote, they would offer a total of 420 billion potential working hours. However, during 2014, Stockman noted, only 240 billion working hours were actually recorded by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

If you run the numbers, "the real unemployment rate was 42.9 percent," Stockman wrote.

Economists say Stockman’s way of looking at the question -- using actual hours worked divided by a theoretical maximum that could have been worked, rather than determining whether individual people are employed or unemployed -- is provocative. But they say this raw measurement has serious flaws."

Shaw Kenawe said...


"In the column, Stockman himself acknowledges that this figure is imperfect, even though his tone is flip when he does so.

"Yes, we have to allow for non-working wives, students, the disabled, early retirees and coupon clippers," he wrote. "We also have drifters, grifters, welfare cheats, bums and people between jobs, enrolled in training programs, on sabbaticals and much else."

Snark aside, economists say this caveat is crucial.

Stockman’s calculation "treats people voluntarily working part-time hours as partly unemployed, even if they have excellent reasons for wanting to hold only a part-time job, such as rearing children, attending school or college, being disabled, or transitioning into retirement," said Gary Burtless, an economist at the Brookings Institution. "A lot of the shortfall between full-time and part-time employment is perfectly reasonable, as is a potential worker’s decision not to work or look for paid work at all."

In other words, Trump’s faith in the accuracy of the 42 percent figure is misplaced."

Shaw Kenawe said...


This isn't the first time Trump has used the 42 percent number. In August, our friends at the Washington Post Fact Checker gave a similar statement from Trump Four Pinocchios, the column’s harshest rating for truthfulness. Trump then repeated it in his tax-plan press conference.

"Our ruling

Trump keeps repeating that the unemployment rate may be as high as 42 percent. But getting a percentage that high requires believing that being a high school, college or graduate student, a senior citizen, a stay-at-home parent, a job-training participant, or having a disability is no excuse for not holding down a job, or for working less than 40 hours in a week. The highest alternative unemployment-rate measure we could come up with that had any credibility was 14.8 percent, and even that exaggerated figure is only about one-third of the way to Trump’s 42 percent. We rate his claim Pants on Fire."

What is it about you TeaPublicans that lose your mind over Hillary Clinton, calling her every vile name in the book in addition to liar, but you ignore the unending stream of lies the short-fingered vulgarian, Trump, makes every time he opens his mouth?

Trump uses lies in almost every speech and his supporters, who don't bother with facts, applaud and approve of him.

Why do you not talk about Trump's lies? Your unemployment statement is a pile of horsecrap.

Jerry Critter said...

skud - "Looks like BHO will leave the country in the same shape as when he started..."

Are you seriously saying that with a straight face?

Kevin Robbins said...

Kasich is the only one I might possibly consider voting for if I only had Republicans to choose from, so he has no chance at all. Where have ye gone, Jon Huntsman?

Absolutely love that there are 5 candidates that are still in the running. Ummm, brokered convention, pass the popcorn.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Jerry Critter said...
skud - "Looks like BHO will leave the country in the same shape as when he started..."

Are you seriously saying that with a straight face?"

Jerry, it is obvious that skudrunner and his friends don't know a fact from a fart.

skudrunner said...

Totally agree KR, where is JH.

As to JC and Ms Shaw. You do follow business news I hope, many super rich don't so it is a fair question.
Obama inherited a recession brought on by a congress who was only looking after themselves and a president who did nothing.
Obama is leaving a weak economy brought on by a congress who was only looking after themselves and a president who did nothing.

Politicians will never do anything that goes against their best interest. No matter what party no matter what position.

D.K.J. said...

Here's a WATB complaining that lefty politicians all wear teflon, but the MSM is MEAN to Ted Cruz:

"Republicans just don't have the teflon the media provides the left. The slightest thing is magnified negatively. It's all personality and gossip."

Yeah. Teflon. Just like the teflon that Hillary Clinton wears.

Donald Trump has been lying about everything except that he's breathing, and the MSM has been fellating him since he told the world that all Mexicans are rapists and murderers.

Anyone else who said crap like that would have been laughed out of the country, but not Donald "Teflon" Trump. He doesn't like POWs, remember? He likes military people who don't get caught. And Megan Kely bleeds from her whatever, and that reporter for the NYTImes has a funny disability, andhe's gonna bomb the shit out of ISIS, and on and on with the most disgusting rhetoric in memory, and yet the base of the T-GOP didn't let the MSM dissuade them with all that reporting because the MSM made Trump into a circus act that no one wanted to see end.

Yeah. The WATB who wrote that is either stupid or a member of the Stupid Party, which make him/her stupid and blind.

Clearwater, Florida said...

Buh-Bye Carly! Buh-Bye Christie.

Hello Trumpy. We're so happy you'll be the nominee! Go Donald! We couldn't ask for a crazier, no-experience, loud, boastful, clownish, 3-times married and 4-times bankrupted business man! And woo-hoo! a wife the world can ga-ga over her ta-tas! And such a devout Christian! A Rethuglican candidate made in heaven for the Dems!

okjimm said...

boy, that Skudpunner breaks me up! /a fact from a fart. / it is all in the beans.

Hellary Rotten Klintoon is Laughing at the Goopers said...

Thanks To Superdelegates, Hillary Clinton Still Wins After Getting Crushed In New Hampshire
By Jason Easley on Wed, Feb 10th, 2016

Bernie Sanders may have crushed Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire popular vote, but thanks to superdelegates, Clinton will leave New Hampshire with the same number of delegates as Sanders.

Anonymous said...

Gee Shaw, I wonder why Obama has been obstructed in every way? Could it be the Republicans still have the majority? Why do republicans have gerrymandering tied up? How is it the Supreme Court passed Citizens United? Do conservatives have majority on the Supreme Court? Even the Supreme Court cannot legally go against the ACA, but Republican input has made it a terrible law. Is pot legal across the country? Thought not. Who's living in a dream world? Since a lot of what you mentioned is still not federal law, I guess the right wing still rule. Did we get universal health care? NO!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anon: "Gee Shaw, I wonder why Obama has been obstructed in every way?"

One reason he was obstructed in every way is that the losers of the 2008 election hated the new president more than they loved their own country, so they conspired to do all they could to obstruct him, thereby making a recovery from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression more difficult for the new president and Americans. Politics was more important to the GOPers than healing the country.

"On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE.

Among them were Senate power brokers Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl and Tom Coburn, and conservative congressmen Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan.

After three hours of strategizing, they decided they needed to fight Obama on everything. The new president had no idea what the Republicans were planning.
--PBS Frontline

Anon: "Could it be the Republicans still have the majority?"

Gerrymandering got it for them. In 2012 the Democrats actually won more votes.

It can be a bit difficult to tally up the popular vote in House elections because you have to go ballot by ballot, and many incumbents run unopposed. But The Washington Post's Dan Keating did the work and found that Democrats got 54,301,095 votes while Republicans got 53,822,442. That's a close election -- 48.8%-48.5% --but it's still a popular vote win for the Democrats"
--Washington Post, November 2012

Anon: "Why do republicans have gerrymandering tied up?"

Easy. They control a majority of state legislatures, so that makes it easier for them to cheat. When the Democrats did this, the GOPers howled. But it turns out they howled only because they couldn't do it. Once they got hold of state houses around the country, they wasted no time in giving themselves perpetual majorities in the HOuse by cheating via gerrymandering. They did what they hated the Dems for doing. This, however, has nothing to do with the general population embracing liberal policies. People don't vote on gerrymandering.

Anon: "How is it the Supreme Court passed Citizens United?"

THe SCOTUS didn't "pass" Citizens United, they ruled in its favor -- that it is constitutional. One of the worst rulings in Supreme Court history. Up there with the Dred Scott decision. And they ruled in its favor because of the majority of conservatives on the court, 5 out of 9 -- that has nothing to with the general population embracing liberal issues.

Anon: "Do conservatives have majority on the Supreme Court?"

Yes. Appointed by conservative presidents. Not the general population. Despite that conservative majority, two of the biggest liberal policies were ruled constitutional: Equality of marriage and universal health care. Very, very big liberal policies.

Anon: "Is pot legal across the country?"

Not yet. But more states are now considering legalizing it. A big change from even 7 years ago. It'll happen the way same-sex marriage happened. Another indication of the liberalization this country is experiencing.

Anon: "Who's living in a dream world?"

Well you are, of course.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Anon: "Since a lot of what you mentioned is still not federal law,"

I wouldn't do a victory dance quite yet, Anon, since no one NO ONE dreamed we'd ever see same-sex marriage or universal health care become the law of the land. And may I remind you that abortion is still the law of the land and despite majorities in Congress and the SCOTUS and six years of the George W. Bush Administration, that liberal policy didn't change. A majority of Americans support legal abortion.

Anon: "I guess the right wing still rule."

Not in the instances cited above. But maybe in your dreams.

One other thing. America is becoming more liberal with regard to religion.

More and more young people are falling away from their parents' religion and self-identifying as "NONES" or Atheist/Agnostics.

Shaw Kenawe said...

And there's this.

Les Carpenter said...

It would be interesting to have an honest national discussion on the populism of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders specifically focusing on the consternation (fear) that fuels both campaigns. Discussions without the usual hyperbole and dagger throwing.

Alas, it is no longer possible in the good ole U.S. os A. any longer. Al Gore's internet, the irresponsible media, and increasingly dishonest politicians to name just a few are largely responsible.

But gee, it sure is fun, eh?

Shaw Kenawe said...

I think it's anger more than fear that's driving Trump's and Sanders' campaigns.

Anonymous said...

The number of States that have legal pot for everyone is in single digits, but we have 50 States, yet you want to claim that's the sign the country is now left. Thye facts you use are a false representation of your false statement. And of course you won't post my response anyways, COWARD.

Les Carpenter said...

Fear drives anger as the fear of the unknown, incompetence (perceived or real), and feelings of uncertainty/insecurity persist, unabated.

There are two overriding yet distinctly different fears at play. Cultural upheaval and possible violence is a growing probability.

Time for work, followed by the mundane debates and a cold one. Life is good.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous said...
"The number of States that have legal pot for everyone is in single digits, but we have 50 States, yet you want to claim that's the sign the country is now left."

Yes, of course, because 7 years ago no one thought legalization of pot in even those few states would be possible but now we have more states moving toward legalizing marijuana. This isn't happening quickly, but it is happening, as the movement toward same-sex marriage moved slowly then snowballed into a majority of states legalizing it. So yes, it most certainly IS a sign of further movement to the left.

Anon: "Thye facts you use are a false representation of your false statement. And of course you won't post my response anyways, COWARD."

There you are, Anon. Published. I didn't publish your responses previous to this one because I didn't think you would like to embarrass yourself by having people see how blind you are to facts.

All of the progress we've made over the past 7 years is definite proof that this country IS moving to the left and becoming more liberal. Go talk to a young person and see where the future of this country is.

Les Carpenter said...

Everything is relative Shaw, for someone facing the past progress for them is forward. Think of it as forward to the past. Unless they are walking backwards. :)

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

RN: Of course Trump should have the right to roam among us. He is not a criminal. Frankly the poster is as offensive as Trump is.

The quote about Trump not having the right to walk among us is from Andy Borowitz's satirical column The Borowitz Report. It's an Onion-like news source. It's a joke, RN.

okjimm: Bernie Sanders may have crushed Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire popular vote, but thanks to superdelegates, Clinton will leave New Hampshire with the same number of delegates as Sanders.

Not exactly true.

After Sanders' Big Win in New Hampshire, Establishment Figures Want to Scare You with Superdelegates. Here's Why It's Bullshit... by Shane Ryan, 2/10/2016 [excerpt]

Superdelegates have never decided a Democratic nomination. ... When you look at the astounding numbers from IA & NH, where more than 80% of young voters have chosen Sanders over Clinton... it's clear that Clinton already finds herself in a very tenuous position for the general election. ...any hint that Bernie was screwed by the establishment will result in total abandonment.

Democrats win when turnout is high, and if the DNC decides to go against the will of the people and force Clinton down the electorate's throat, they'd be committing political suicide. The important thing to know here is that Superdelegates are merely pledged to a candidate. We know who they support because they’ve stated it publicly... They are not committed, and can change at any time. If Bernie Sanders wins the popular vote, he will be the nominee. End of story.