Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, November 13, 2023

Weak-minded MAGAs Follow Their Cult Leader


Trump's cult followers are quick to give their stamp of approval to his hideous "vermin" Truth Social post sent out on Veteran's Day.

If you know nothing about history, this will not frighten you. Those who do know history will be sickened by what Trump has unleashed upon our country. 

Dehumanization in Bosnia Definition: 

 "Dehumanization:Equating “the others” with animals, insects, or diseases until it overcomes normal human revulsion against murder." (Bosnian Genocide)


Unknown said...

“Employing words like ‘vermin’ to describe anyone who makes use of their basic right to criticise the government ‘echoes dictators’ like Hitler and Mussolini,”

Les Carpenter said...

America's internal temperature is elevated. By November 2024 if the scum tRump is allowed to run (or not allowed to run as it likely will make little difference) we will be near the boiling point. Violence is possible, perhaps likely, regardless which situation develops.

If the ignorance and hatefulness that tRump prides himself on is victorious in 2024 we will become Germany circa1933. That seems to be tRump's goal. Only the willfully blind and deaf do not see it.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Don't mind us, we're just the Deplorables, anyways. We can always get "cancelled" and "shadow-banned" by the social media algorithms and MSM at large.

Les Carpenter said...

Yup, deplorables you be.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Brought to America by Donald Trump:

Trump says “they’re [immigrants] poisoning the blood of our country”.

These Nazis I filmed are called Blood Tribe. They asked me what ethnicity I was, and said “you’re a journalist you must be a Jew” they also chanted “Jews will not replace us” which I first heard in Charlottesville.

Dave Miller said...

-FJ has a point... that HRC called the extremist right, deplorables.

And yes, there is a healthy amount of name calling, othering from various quarters towards the people who are what Biden calls the "MAGA Extremists."

What -FJ fails to point out though is that those on the left who use those terms, at least in official capacity, identify the problem as those on the extreme fringes of the greater GOP movement.

We're not talking about the David French, Bill Kristol, Nicolle Wallace, Joe Scarborough, William Buckley, George Bush wing of the GOP. Those people, with whom many on the left will vigorously argue over policy, are not the MAGA Extremists of the GOP.

They are seen as honorable opponents in the political marketplace.

The people to whom President Biden and HRC referred to as "deplorables" include people like Trump, Steven Miller, Lauren Boebert, Kari Lake, Steve Bannon, MTG and more.

Certainly not everyone who claims membership in the GOP.

But here's the problem. The left has its fringe characters, people with whom the great majority of Democrats themselves disagree. And the Dems call them out. "The Squad" comes to mind. The students supporting Hamas are others.

They are the extremists within the left/progressive movement.

The difference between the left and the right is this... the right is unable to define or name any view, any behavior or any politician on the right that should be called extreme. This lack of self examination renders any argument for equalism, whataboutism or bothsiderism moot.

Because the MAGA Extremist right is incapable of self examination.


But let's entertain that group...

Skud and -FJ, our resident conservatives, what specific behavior or view would an extremist from the right hold or exhibit?

Is it calling others vermin as President Trump's followers of the Geez Blog regularly do? Is that extreme?

Is it saying those on the left are all America haters? Again as ppl do almost daily on the blogs you read?

Is it stomping and beating policemen with the American flag as happened on Jan 6?

Is it supporting the people who beat Capitol Police on Jan 6 simply for doing their sworn duty to protect our Capitol?

Tell us, with specificity, what behaviors on the right extremists carry out and others support with their words, silence or actions?

Until you are able to do so, you've earned the right to be called not just deplorable, but intellectually lazy.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.

It's not just the word "vermin" that Trump used that's shocking. Taken together in what he's said in other rallies, rants, and Truth Social posts is what is utterly alarming. Trump is using and has used words that Hitler (and other authoritarians) used in dehumanizing their own people. The Nazis use "vermin" to dehumanize the Jews and other marginalized people, and Trump, like Hitler, talked about immigrants "poisoning the blood" of the American people. Trump has also talked about taking retribution on those who opposed him or tried to take him down (meaning making him accountable for his crimes.) These and other shocking things he's said since he lost the election and tried to illegally install himself as POTUS is more than troubling. All of this is foreboding and like nothing I've ever head in my lifetime from an American politician.

-FJ/JoeCon and skudrunner refuse to hear the meanings of the words Trump is using in his rants, and they try to liken those harangues with something other American politicians -- Democrats in particular -- have said in the past. It won't work. No one has ever spoken in the language Trump is now using. And this should unsettle everyone who hears him.

I know that in any given population there will always be people who would support authoritarian leaders, and to discover that here in America that is also true is disheartening. But that is the truth.

We are in real, real danger. Those of us who've read history know what happened in Germany that led to World War II know this only too well.

Shaw Kenawe said...

NYTimes: "Though violent language was a feature of Mr. Trump’s last two campaigns, his speeches have grown more extreme as he tries to win a second term.

At recent rallies and events, Mr. Trump has compared immigrants coming over the border to Hannibal Lecter, the fictional serial killer and cannibal from the horror movie “The Silence of the Lambs.

He called on shoplifters to be shot in a speech in California, and over the weekend in New Hampshire, he again called for drug dealers to be subject to the death penalty. He has insinuated that a military general whom he appointed as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should be executed for treason.

Last month, Mr. Trump told a right-wing website that migrants were “poisoning the blood of our country,” a phrase recalling white supremacist ideology and comments made by Hitler in his manifesto “Mein Kampf.”

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

What -FJ fails to point out though is that those on the left who use those terms, at least in official capacity, identify the problem as those on the extreme fringes of the greater GOP movement.

We're not talking about the David French, Bill Kristol, Nicolle Wallace, Joe Scarborough, William Buckley, George Bush wing of the GOP. Those people, with whom many on the left will vigorously argue over policy, are not the MAGA Extremists of the GOP.

No they're not the 30% of the American population whose government has been weaponized to punish. They're part of the 70% that aren't being shadow-banned and cancelled. They're not the one's that refused a DNA altering harmful vaccine and lost their jobs for it. They're not the one's fired for not worshipping at the DEI altar of anti-racism.

There may not be gulags for MAGA yet, but you all will certainly support them.

Les Carpenter said...

No FJ, your paranoia is all in your mind. Speaking for myself in no way, at any time, would i support a gulag to house folks who disagree with me or my more liberal views.

I am pertty certain that the folks who are regulars here would not support gulags either. In truth i do not know a single liberal who would. That, FJ, would be the man you support for the presidency and he has as much told us that. It is the 70% that have something to perhaps worry about. If the jakal is reelected.

Dave Miller said...

-FJ... I'll leave it at that.

Once again you showed your inability or unwillingness to define a right wing extremist, someone within the right who might actually be a threat to America.

That's all I've ever asked of your crowd.

And to date, no one has proffered an answer, behavior or point of view that might be out of bounds, or too "extreme".

It's not possible those types of ppl do not exist. As a fan of philosophy, you know if there are extremists on one fringe, they must also exist on the other.

Yet you and your conservative buddies consistently fail to define them for us.

Most likely because you can't think of people more extreme than yourselves and who wants to self identify in that category.

Peace amigo...

Joe Conservative said...

right wing extremist, someone within the right who might actually be a threat to America.

How about every Paleocon in your current governing coalition currently pushing endless wars in Ukraine, Israel, and the ME. You named them. If Trump wins in '24, they'll all switch party's, having voted for Biden.

Joe Conservative said...

And no, when DoJ and the IC become a one-party state, I'm with WF Buckley. "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"

Les Carpenter said...

@JoeCon - Equals assured continuation of exactly what exists today and has existed throughout history. Human ignorance and greed. Those two conditions continually drive all of the most egregiously evil deeds of humankind. Always has.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

No, there was once a balance of powers in DC. The UniParty has now established a one-party state.

The formula of the Party-State, as the defining feature of twentieth-century Communism (and the current UniParty), thus needs to be complicated: there is always a gap between Party and State, corresponding to the gap between the Ego-Ideal (symbolic Law) and the Superego, for the Party remains the half-hidden obscene shadow which redoubles the State structure. There is here no distance, its organization embodying a fundamental distrust of the State organs and mechanisms, as if they need to be continually kept in check. A true twentieth-century-style Communist never fully accepts the State: there always has to be a vigilant agency outside of State control, with the power to intervene in the State's business.

- Slavoj Zizek, "Living in the End Times"

So much for any FORMER Constitutional "balance of powers".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

ps - As Hannah Arendt noted after the trial of Eichmann in Jerusalem, the banality of evil. It's a system. A One-Party system like NAZIsm, or the UniParty. All it takes is a single bad apply (like Adam Schiff) to "spoil the bunch".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

“There is some soul of goodness in things evil, Would men observingly distill it out.”
― William Shakespeare, Henry V