Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, April 15, 2024

Criminal defendant, Donald J. Trump, on trial today.

BREAKING: Donald Trump just walked into the court room in Manhattan. He blamed Joe Biden for his prosecution -- which is absurd.   Trump knows this is NOT even remotely true, but he also knows his cultists will believe any lie he tells them. He certainly understands their level of intelligence. After all, he did say he loves "the poorly educated."

Donald Trump makes history as the first ex-president and presidential candidate to be a defendant in a criminal trial for covering up his extra-marital affairs so that it would not unfavorably impact his 2016 presidential campaign -- a crime:

David Corn:

Out of the four criminal cases that Donald Trump faces, the one scheduled to begin on Monday in a New York City courtroom is not the prosecution that most addresses the threat he posed (and still poses) to American democracy.

But it carries powerful symbolism, for of all Trump’s cases, this one reminds the nation that he emerged from a sleazy sewer that blended trashy celebrity culture and misogyny.

Prosecuting Trump for falsifying business records related to the hush-money pay-off made to stop porn star Stormy Daniels from blabbing about her alleged tryst with him (while Melania was home with four-month-old Barron) may not seem as consequential and serious as placing the former president in the dock for allegedly swiping top-secret documents or for attempting to overturn American democracy so he could remain in power.

Yet it seems appropriate that this history-making trial—the first time a former commander in chief will be prosecuted on criminal charges—arises from a tawdry and tabloidesque episode. How Trumpian.

Across decades, Trump pumped up his image as a swinger who viewed women as trophies and toys, with their value dependent on their looks. The Stormy Daniels case snugly fits into this narrative: Trump was a player who apparently cheated on his wife (a new mother) with a porn star. That could have been hard-core National Enquirer material—except that Trump was an important operator within the tabloid cosmos and a close pal of David Pecker, the president of the company that published the National Enquirer. Pecker and the magazine’s editor conspired with Trump to prevent Daniels from going public with her allegation right before Election Day in 2016. That resulted in the $130,000 hush-money pay-off to her.

This caper did not arise from an abuse of power; it did not concern a serious governmental matter. But it casts a light on an important slice of Trump’s origin story: his cultivation of a sordid and crude celebrity infused with misogyny.

Where is Melania? Why isn't she supporting her husband? She's NEVER accompanied him to any of his criminal arraignments, nor is she with him today.

Why is that?


Les Carpenter said...

Were he not a president been this would have not made it on pg. #30 in the local news.

For many, who couldn't care less where he puts his johnson, it's his facism, the insurrection attempt, his continued threat to American democracy, and his rape (sexual assault) that matters. His marital infidelity and attempt to cover it up didn't affect the business of governing. It's something that Melania could and probably should have dealt with.

A neccessary(?) distraction from the most egregious crimes of the orange turd. By the time he's held accountable for his major>/b> crime(s), if he ever is, he'll be so old it won't matter what is done to him. He'll probably have one foot in the grave anyway before anything happens.

In the end... everything is impermanent anyway... and so... the beginning of another impermanent era... and on, and on, and on it goes.........

Grey One talks sass said...

I want to be all wise and have the correct words but my only response is:


If I knew more code I'd have emboldened the Finally and added some glitter or fireworks.

The former loser not my president ever is losing their mind over this case. (giggles into their coffee cup). I'm celebrating because the former loser guy has rarely if ever been held accountable for their actions. It's beyond time.

Grey One talks sass said...

Forgot to add my worry about the former loser guys message to his followers with the subject line "72 hours until all hell breaks loose!"

I've read security around the courthouse has been increased. I hope it's enough. I hope humans don't because a narcissist baby man can't handle reality.

Anyway, I'm still happy about todays court case because even if the former guy gets back into the White House he can't make this go away.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The real offense Trump committed from the point of view of me as a member of the male sex, is Trump's stupidity regarding the whole matter. He's claimed he's a celebrity and women will do whatever he wants. Why pursue a porn actress? She has nothing to lose by claiming Trump boinked her. Maybe he thought the sex would be fantastic. I see no benefit from a five second orgasm over all the bad things that could result from the act. STD's. Wife finding out. Blackmail. Whatever. Trump doesn't think like that though.
The hush money payment was silly. He claims he could shoot people in Times Square and his followers would love him anyway. Looking at the big picture regarding this, all he had to say was Stormy heard from one of his wives how good at sax he was and had to see for herself. Even the evangelical crowd would have sung Trump's praises for sharing his God given talent with poor frustrated Stormy. Joel Osteen's wife may be first in line to indulge in the righteous pleasure of an evening with the Donald.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Les, I've copied and pasted your comment. You bolded the end portion of the comment, and that's why I copied and pasted it. For some reason, Blogger continues the "bold" whenever you use it. And I don't now why it does that.

"Awaiting moderation
Les Carpenter commented on "Criminal defendant, Donald J. Trump, on trial today."
59 mins ago
Were he not a president been this would have not made it on pg. #30 in the local news.

For many, who couldn't care less where he puts his johnson, it's his facism, the insurrection attempt, his continued threat to American democracy, and his rape (sexual assault) that matters. His marital infidelity and attempt to cover it up didn't affect the business of governing. It's something that Melania could and probably should have dealt with.

A neccessary(?) distraction from the most egregious crimes of the orange turd. By the time he's held accountable for his major>/b> crime(s), if he ever is, he'll be so old it won't matter what is done to him. He'll probably have one foot in the grave anyway before anything happens.

In the end... everything is impermanent anyway... and so... the beginning of another impermanent era... and on, and on, and on it goes........."

Shaw Kenawe said...

Les, per your comment.

I believe Trump's on trial because his actions in the Stormy Daniels case (and the Karen McDougal coverup) are about election interference. He wanted his adulterous affairs hidden because he knew they would affect his standing with voters.

This case is about election fraud/interference, not so much his adultery -- he been an adulterer all his life, so that's not the problem (at least not with his base).

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly

I think you've nailed this whole criminal case! LOL!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass said.. "Forgot to add my worry about the former loser guys message to his followers with the subject line "72 hours until all hell breaks loose!"

Trump keeps telling his cultists that the whole judicial system is "out to get him."

It never occurs to him that if he didn't commit crimes, that wouldn't be the case.

Trump tells his cultists that it's the Biden DoJ after him, but this case is in NYCity, over which the DoJ has NO jurisdiction. However, his cultists don't think about that little nugget of truth, they hang on every lie he tells them, unable to think for themselves.

30% (plus or minus) of our fellow Americans have given up critical thinking and decided to follow a Liar, a Cheat, a Fraud, and an adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist.

Those are his people.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Jennifer Rubin, WaPo:

“In sum, the case that begins today is not frivolous, minor or particularly prurient. To the contrary, the first trial of a former president has grave importance as a means of holding Trump accountable for the scheme that lifted him to power. It marks the first instance of Trump maneuvering to win an election through deception. To boot, a multi-count felony conviction might result in prison time. That may explain why Trump has been so desperate to delay it.”

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Trump just spoke in Manhattan:

Let’s do a little FACT CHECK:

TRUMP: Biden is “very much involved in this case”.

FACT: This is a State case. The federal government has no involvement in State criminal cases. Joe Biden has had no known involvement in any way with this case.

TRUMP: “Every Legal Scholar Says this case is nonsense”.

FACT: Every legal scholar didn’t weigh in on this and there are plenty who do not think this case is “nonsense”.

TRUMP: It’s an assault on America:

FACT: It’s an assault against crime, and the jury will decide if those crimes were committed, not Donald Trump.

TRUMP: Its a country that is failing:

FACT: There is nothing “failing" about America. We are one of the strongest nations on earth and our economy is outshining basically every economy on earth.

TRUMP: I’m very honored to be here.

FACT: Trump has stated multiple times that he won’t get a fair trial and the judge is biased. Why would be be honored to be there?"

Shaw Kenawe said...

Erp! Too late, Les.

I should have copied and pasted your first comment!

Les Carpenter said...

You did. Or did you?

Since everything is impermanent anything is possible.

Since anything is possible nothing is also possible.

Since everything is continuously changing, and nothing is permanent letting go is possible, and, advisable.

And, if done properly, the landing can be soft and blissful.

Row row row your boat gently down the stream,

Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.

IOW, ones own mind creates ones reality.

Over and out... ... ... ...

Dave Miller said...

If Trump is innocent, as he claims, then he should have no worry, should testify and proclaim his innocence.

This is what sets the US apart from other democracies around the world where their former leaders do enjoy a level of immunity after their time in office. It's that immunity that has allowed "elected" leaders around the world such as Miguel Madrid of Mexico to make off with millions from the federal treasury after their terms.

Do our politicians make money outside of their office? Yes they do. Do they leverage donors for financial gain? Yes they do. And do they sometimes get jobs for which they are not qualified? Again, yes they do.

I know some will call this a distinction without a difference, but I disagree.

Because that immunity has allowed leaders of other countries to directly steal from their country and the treasury of their government.

Today, because the US does grant anyone, not you, not me, not our former presidents, immunity, the world will see Former President Trump getting his day in court with a chance to prove his innocence.

That's America. That's what's different about our country.

Dave Dubya said...

Apart from his theft of secret documents and ensuing obstruction of justice, all of Trump's charges are directly related to election interference.

Criminal convictions are all we have to stop him from stealing the next election, which he and Johnson have been begun plotting in Merde-a-Lardo.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The next big Trump criminal story will be over Trump Media. It's down 14% today with the announcement of more shares being issued. No doubt Trump will channel his inner Ken Lay from Enron infamy and boast that it's making bigly money and everyone should buy more. Sadly his minions and idiots like MTG will buy more in hopes of gaining favor with Don. They'll end up b roke while Don laughs all the way to the bank. Or to the NY AG's office to pay his fines. But a big case for market manipulation from the SEC will give Trump another bogeyman to blame his troubles on. And it will give Skuds and my other esteemed friends from the right an opportunity to practice their deflection techniques. They are masters of the "well, your guy has a smelly butt" argument.

Dave Miller said...

"does not grant anyone"

Dave Miller said...

Here's an excerpt from Philip Rotner's article on the trial, found at The Bulwark...

"Once Bragg proves that the Trump Organization’s business records were falsified [if he can... DM] he will need to prove that Trump, not Weisselberg or other officers of the company, is personally responsible. A person is guilty of the crime of falsifying business records only if he or she “makes or causes” a false entry.

The statement of facts filed along with the indictment alleges that Trump “orchestrated” the false records scheme and “caused his entities’ business records to be falsified,” but those are conclusions, not facts. Bragg will have to back up those conclusions with concrete facts showing Trump’s personal involvement in the falsification of his company’s business records.

Bragg probably has more evidence than he showed a year ago when he filed the statement of facts, but based on that statement alone, proof of Trump’s direct involvement in the falsification of records looks thin—not nonexistent, but thin."

Shaw Kenawe said...

Maggie Haberman: "Trump appeared to be asleep. His head would fall down… He didn’t pay attention to a note his lawyer passed him. His jaw kept falling on his chest and his mouth kept going slack."

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump appeared to doze off a few times with his mouth hanging open and his head drooping down, the New York Times reports from the court room.

Trump's lead counsel, Todd Blanche, passed him notes for several minutes before he "appeared to jolt awake and notice them," per the Times.

Trump previously jabbed his 2024 rival, Joe Biden, when he appeared to fall asleep at a 2021 conference overseas, and called him, "Sleepy Joe."

LOL! Everything Trump accuses other people of is a PROJECTION!!!!

Les Carpenter said...

Oh how the trump crime family captivates and holds the nation's attention. It Don Jr. 2028... for president.


Les Carpenter said...

It will surprise if he is actually held accountable. It is obvious he'll be on the ballot. The election will be held. He'll lose. And... Insurrection: Act Two.

And the beat goes on.