Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, April 18, 2024

Lies, and the Lying Liar Who Tells Them:



JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Other than the border wall which he failed to get done, I can't think of anything he's ever stated a coherent stance on. Maybe tariffs?

Shaw Kenawe said...

JoBama (LOVE your updated blognym!)

Trump did give billionaires permanent tax cuts, and he promises to give those poor suffering billionaires more if he's elected. Did you know that billionaires can take a tax write-off for their yachts?

But certain conservatives are upset that the government may give student loan relief to SOME students who qualify. After all, billionaires need their yacht tax write-offs to succeed in life, not young people buried in debt with student loans.

So there's that.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Republicans don't think long term like they used to. I wonder if Mitch McConnell is now pooping his pants for loading the Supreme Court with kooks that actually reversed Roe vs Wade rather than keep up the facade of wanting to reverse it. Religious zealots love it but it's cost them elections, and will cost them more.
If they joined the Biden train on student debt forgiveness it wouldn't take long for many of the debt relieved to forget what Biden did for them and with their new found wealth become republicans.
Billionaires for the most part keep everything they have as debt so they pay no income taxes. The yachts are mostly going to be under the company names so they can depreciate them as well as use them as business expense write offs. Good use of massive debt is good business. It may be more important to them than actually manufacturing stuff people can afford and want to buy.Trumps wealth has always been the equity he can make up about his property values. And the more he can convince the lenders his stuff is worth the more he can borrow, or as the rich say, leverage, that sounds better than debt, the wealthier he can appear. But like Pope Francis, who am I to judge.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

So when does health care become affordable under the act? Last I checked, health care cost was really far up their on the inflation index. And how's the plan to make education affordable through subsidies going to reduce tuition rates for students? I thought it was bad when I was paying my kids $45k annual tuitions in the 2000's. Now its' %90k...

The bigger the government subsidy, the larger the next year's rate hike.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

What does health insurance cost $20k per year? Because it can.

Les Carpenter said...

As long as cash flow remains positive it's all golden.

For trump the gold just may at some point turn to mud. Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy, methinks.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Why can't we have universal health care like Scandinavian, European, and Asian countries?

We brag about being the richest and greatest country in the world, yet how many times have I seen on Facebook Americans having to set up a "Go Fund Me" page to cover the cost of life-saving surgeries or recoveries from catastrophic accidents?

A "great" country doesn't do that to its citizens. A "great and rich country" doesn't give huge tax cuts to billionaires and then allows its citizens to have to beg for $$$ for health care.

The ACA wasn't perfect, but the Republicans REFUSED to work with President Obama to make it work.

Trump tried to repeal the ACA and lied to the American people for 4 years, telling them he had a better, cheaper, "beautiful" plan to replace it. He's still lying about replacing it with a better plan.

Trump gave his billionaire cronies and donors tax breaks while little Johnny's parents had to beg their friends and neighbors for money to fight his cancer.

What a country!

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Childhood cancer is not rare. Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children and affects children as young as infants.

The financial burden brought on by a diagnosis goes far beyond just medical bills. Parents and caregivers are forced to quit jobs to look after their sick child while they receive treatment, which means they may not have enough income to provide housing, transportation, or basic needs.

Treatments available for children may be even more limited than those available to adults. In some cases, children facing cancer may undergo treatments that are typically reserved for adults.

Not only does a cancer diagnosis turn a child’s entire world upside down, but overwhelming medical expenses can add an enormous amount of financial stress on families. Cancer treatment can be very costly—the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation notes that the average hospital stay costs $40,000 for a child with cancer. In addition to treatment, there are other costs that add to the already mounting stack of medical bills, such as food, lodging, and transportation."

What a country!

Les Carpenter said...

We are the richest country in the world. But we are not the greatest. And republicans and cons prove it almost daily anymore.

We are however seemingly becoming among the planets ignorant countries. Again propelled by republicans and cons.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Russia has nationalized health care. You'd think my friend from the right, good old FJ would be all for it. Get it together my Maga Jewish comrade. Putin may be watching.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I think we should should outlaw Health Insurance altogether. WWII really f*cked America up. Caps on wages led to employers offering health benefits to lure employees, since they couldn't use salaries. We've been f*cked ever since.

Thersites said...

btw2 - Why would anyone want to make "trans" surgeries "free" to idiot gender dysphorics?

Dave Miller said...

Shaw asked... "Why can't we have universal health care like Scandinavian, European, and Asian countries?"

Because those countries take the fees from their citizens in the form of taxes and then tell the companies what they will receive, or what procedures will cost, for caring for the nation's citizens.


Our political makeup will never except that because we see that type of system as socialism, akin to something Stalin or Marx might have designed.

We want to be "free", whatever that means as you pay off all the loans for Mom's cancer or Johnny's cerebral palsy treatment on your road to bankruptcy.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said... "I think we should should outlaw Health Insurance altogether. WWII really f*cked America up. Caps on wages led to employers offering health benefits to lure employees, since they couldn't use salaries. We've been f*cked ever since"

We just have to come to terms with the fact that the "greatest country" on the planet hasn't the will nor the know-how to implement universal health care coverage for its citiens -- like all modern nations do.

But it DOES know how to fix the tax codes so that billionaires can avoid paying taxes and allow them to take a tax deductions on their yachts!

What a country!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Miller

Yeah. We don't want any of those "soshalist" ideas here in the land of the free!

"Yer darn tootin'," says gramps as he goes for his annual physical covered under Medicare and enjoys a hamburger and coke, paid with from some of his Social Security check.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thersites said... "btw2 - Why would anyone want to make "trans" surgeries "free" to idiot gender dysphorics?"

What has that got to do with Trump lying to the American people about his health care plan that's better and cheaper than the ACA?

No one's talking about trans surgeries here.

PS. Your cruel and ignorant remark doesn't set well with me.

I have a young teen in my family who is going through this difficult time in transitioning.

He tried to unalive himself more than one. Probably no thanks to heartless people like you who call them idiots.

I don't remember your informing us of your credentials as a cytogeneticist who knows about how nature can mess up chromosomes in human beings.

Craig said...

I don't remember your informing us of your credentials as a cytogeneticist who knows about how nature can mess up chromosomes in human beings.

You never know, Shaw. From his comments here and at the Mutha Ship our multiple personality comrade has worked for Bethlehem Steel (plausible). Served in the military (unnamed branch) and had the highest level security clearances. He worked for a major defense contractor, Raytheon or
Lockheed Marten, can't remember which. He also worked at NASA.

I haven't read all his comments everywhere so cytogeneticist may be on his very impressive CV. It seems a man of his considerable talents could be far more useful to his cause, whatever it is, than copy and pasting vaguely relevant philosophers quotes and YouTube videos to obscure (brilliant in your case, Shaw) blogs on the tubes.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Thersites, -FJ, Joe Conservative, etc., appear to have that tiresome compulsion we often see in histrionic personalities to always be the center of attention on blogs.

Joe Conservative said...

Craig should go to Canada to discovery about how Canadian Free Medicine can mess up reproductive organs in victims of gender dysphoria