Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Friday, November 18, 2022


Garland names special counsel for Trump Mar-a-Lago, 2020 election probes 


Shaw Kenawe said...

Jack Smith, the Justice Department’s newly appointed special counsel, will come to the task of investigating former President Donald J. Trump with a wealth of experience: He has been prosecuting criminal cases for nearly three decades.

Mr. Smith got his start in the 1990s as a prosecutor in the Manhattan district attorney’s office and soon moved to a similar job at the United States Attorney’s office in Brooklyn. There, he served in a number of supervisory positions, according to his Justice Department biography, and worked on an assortment of cases, many involving public corruption.

From 2008 to 2010, Mr. Smith worked as the investigation coordinator in the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. In that role, he oversaw high-profile inquiries of foreign government officials and militia members wanted for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.

Returning to the United States, Mr. Smith served from 2010 to 2015 as chief of the Justice Department’s public integrity section, which investigates politicians and other public figures on corruption allegations.

Les Carpenter said...

I cannot help but think this will, in the end, amount to bluster and show while tRump is allowed to continue spreading his rot. Undeterred by a complacent and uninterested poulace that believes it has greater immediate personal concerns to deal with. Unfortunately.

Shaw Kenawe said...

New: Former US Attorney Barb McQuade told me earlier about Garland appointing a special counsel: “This suggests that they think there’s a very real possibility of charges. If they were going to close the case, it would be closed by now.”

BB-Idaho said...

If John Doe fomented takeover of the Capital, kept top secret documents, threatened to hang the vice president, had his son-in-law be minister without portfolio, stacked the supreme court with ideological unfits, pardoned his cronies, and used Q-Anon as his information source, he would be breaking rocks at Leavenworth the rest of his life. Where the heck does
someone with a history of over 2000 lawsuits and the mind of a third grade bully even find
a lawyer? We live in interesting times...

Anonymous said...

Hopefully it won’t take long to prosecute him

Mike said...

They need to get him indicted so the justice system can take over before Jan 20.

Dave Miller said...

Hey BB!

Drop me a line with your new email.

Cause yes, we live in interesting times.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Tom Nichols: "November has been a good month for democracy. Brazil’s autocratic president, Jair Bolsonaro, authorized the transfer of power after losing in national elections to a left-wing challenger. Russia’s murderous army is literally on the run in Ukraine. And American voters went to the polls and defied both history and expectation: They left the Senate in the hands of Democrats, gave the House to the Republicans by only a tiny majority, and crushed the electoral aspirations of a ragtag coalition of election deniers, Christian nationalists, and general weirdos."

Les Carpenter said...

Light is again seeping through the clouded dark skies left behind by the dark visions of a fearful righwing minority.

Hope springs eternal.

skudrunner said...

The best part that came from the elections is now the government is officially in gridlock. Either they figure out a way to work together or nothing will get done, except by EO. Hopefully the idea of I can take what I earn and feed my family or I can pay for a privileged kids college will not be an issue. With the divided congress we are guaranteed that the hunter investigation will go no where, falsi retired so he is out of the woods so we can't blame the source for the falsi virus. Now that the elections are over we can get on with convicting trump so he won't control 1/2 the news and all the democrats obsession. Trump served the democrats well because without him they would have to come clean on there vendetta on the middle class and the fact that the last two years have been a nightmare except for the super rich.

So you are right Leslie, there is light seeping through the clouded dark skies.

Les Carpenter said...

Sorry to say skuddy, but unless and until dualistic thinking and its conditioned mentality wanes more of the same will continue to be our reality. Not that i expect you will understand what i am saying. Hint: think emptiness and form. Goid luck skuddy.

Grey One talks sass said...

Beyond delighted by the appointment of Jack Smith. The man is everything the nation needs even if what comes out of his investigation isn't exactly what I want to hear. I, personally, am waiting with a worm on my tongue.

Predictably the GQP has ratcheted up the crazy talk. Besides the endless Hunter Biden chorus, what worries me most is the persistent lie that a dedicated health care professional would create a virus causing millions of deaths. I mean there could be a human who would do such a thing, movies have been based on less. But that's not the point.

The point is where is the evidence?

My mind is set to change if evidence is presented and to date I've only heard propaganda from Christian Nationalists and the GQP (but I repeat myself). For those who don't know - propaganda is defined as "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view."

Folks who sound a lot like skud believe We The People are obsessed with Thing 45 and yeah, maybe so if that includes the part where a sitting president incited an insurrection, lied more than any other politician to the American people, stole sensitive and classified documents (among other criminal actions), and remains free to this day, then yeah, call me obsessed. Welcome Jack! Glad you are on the team.

I have to call out skud who has repeatedly stated those who receive student loan relief are 'privileged' as if those who qualify aren't means tested. For those who have never gone through such a process, consider yourself blessed. I've been means tested every year for the past seven years and the experience is humbling. Every detail of ones financial existence is placed under the microscope and if you are found in a lie, you lose everything. But yeah, again, please tell me how those like me are "privileged". On the positive side, anyone hacks my bank accounts, HA! sucker. I'm owned by the Social Security Administration and they do not have a sense of humor.

As another blogger I read states "Lies in the name of Jesus are still lies" (i.e. It's ok to lie to the heathen because it's for their own good. Narrators voice: The Heathens replied "Not so much.").

In my world I need credible evidence or all you have is opinion which everyone has as well as other stinky body parts. I can't change people like skud, they have to do the work themselves. Perhaps life will present them with lessons and opportunity to grow.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass

Thank you for your thoughtful comment.

I've said before that skudrunner is the Eeyore of P.E. His comments are often depressing iterations of right-wing talking points that are never accompanied by evidence.

We all have our biases. I know I do, but I try to present links to back up my assertions. I don't always succeed. I don't know why, but skud seldom backs up his assertions -- I didn't say NEVER. I do recall a few times he has done so.

Anyway, I, too, am glad that Mr. Smith has come to Washington and that we'll soon see some results of the DoJ's investigation into Trump's many ALLEGED crimes.

I hope you have a quiet and peaceful Thanksgiving. I'll be with family in the country, away from the city.

Best regards,