Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Please watch this.



Mike said...

Steve is really great. Reposted this already.

Lulu's back in Town said...

When You Read the SLOP on this Blog, Please Remember that the “Progressivea, the liberals, and the Socialist's, Marxist's, and yest even the Democratic Socialist's, are all COMMUNISTS.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The above comment by Lulu is an example of why you should stay in school and not do drugs.

Les Carpenter said...

Lulu, have you gone off your meds? You see more agitated than usual. Or perhaps your legendary confusion has finally tipped you over the edge.

Mike said...

Lulu paid a visit to me under two different names. I called him what he is, a coward for hiding who he is.