Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, September 6, 2024

A friend sent this to me in an email on Wednesday...


and it deserves to be published here:

"If it's Wednesday, there must be more about Trump and Arlington. Now he is contradicting his own campaign staff and saying nothing even happened at the National Cemetery. It wasn't a misunderstanding. It wasn't a mentally ill Army employee, or a "despicable" person who the campaign said they encountered. It was none of that, because as Trump is now saying...

"There was no conflict or ‘fighting’ at Arlington National Cemetery last week. It was a made up story by Comrade Kamala and her misinformation squad. She made it all up...”

You tell us Z. You tell us -FJ. You tell us Bunk. You tell us Mustang, you of military service, a lifelong Marine.

Is the Former President an honorable person? Does he respect the military, our traditions, your service? Does he respect the people who served and died under your command? Does he respect the war time service of my family going back to the Revolutionary War? Does he respect those who have died around the globe for freedom and for our country?

Is every single military leader who served in his administration lying about his character? Are they all lying about how he views the military? Is the Army lying now about what happened at Arlington? Is Trump lying when he says the video we've seen of him and his team, produced at Arlington, is not about politics? Did he and his campaign lie when they said they had video, as yet unreleased, that would prove his version of what happened?

This is the man you support and enabled. A man who when his nation called in the Vietnam Era, got a podiatrist to claim bone spurs so he could avoid service. I remember all of you mocking Clinton as a draft dodger for years because he chose to study and avoid service during that time.

Ask yourself why you found what Clinton did despicable, yet you still support Trump, after he has repeatedly disrespected you, your service and those soldiers laid to rest in Section 60.

You're all terrible. Just like him."


Dave Dubya said...

Kremlin asset -FJ/Joe Con can't help himself. Authoritarian personalities have no ability to examine their beliefs, prejudices and scorn for everyone else.

They are the American version of Orwell's "Ministry of Truth". Any fact the Party rejects must be scrubbed from the news and historical record.

Exhibit 8,495,483 from the Washington Post:

Pro-Trump group attacks Harris for murder that took place 14 years ago

Preserve America PAC is a pro-Trump group, largely funded by billionaire Miriam Adelson, (Awarded a Medal of Freedom for her loyalty to Trump) that expects to spend $100 million in this election cycle, according to one news report. The group recently released an ad, in 30-second and 60-second versions, that falsely links the Democratic presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, to the murder of a teenager nearly 14 years ago.

Harris at the time was the district attorney for San Francisco. The murder took place in Texas. The ad packs a punch because the only voice is that of an aggrieved mother, Laura Wilkerson, who chokes up at points. But if viewers aren’t looking carefully at the date of the tombstone depicted at the start of the ad, they could easily conclude that this murder happened during the Biden administration as a result of its border policies. “If Kamala Harris is elected president, it’ll get worse. If it can happen to my family, it can happen to yours,” Wilkerson says.

There are no rules, reason, or reality that stand in the way of their patented fascist blame game.

Joe Conservative said...

ps - Hunter just pleaded guilty. When his dad pardons him come January, will you still rave about what a GREAT president he was?

Les Carpenter said...

Whatever. As this nation slides ever deeper into insanity

We shall reap that which we accept as "normal."

Tune out and drop out cause we're losing this battle and with ignorance at our side we will lose the war for democracy and decency as it flat lines. Trump and the GOP's greatest desire will come true. Because there just isn't enough to save the nation from the hell Trump and the GOP has planned for us.

So long....... and good luck.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Yes. Joe Biden isn't just a great president, he's a decent human being. No one will ever say that about Trump!

Sam said...

4 dead and we are still talking about Trump? Until that changes, we cannot change anything.

Dave Dubya said...

Pardons are for insurrectionist cronies, amirite, Joe?

Dave Miller said...

Joe, if Biden doesn't pardon Hunter, as he has said, will you in January admit you were wrong and are nothing more than a shameless huckster?

Joe Conservative said...

No, but I will admit that I was wrong. The two don't always travel together.