Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Trump is on video admitting President Biden beat him.


NOTE:  Please go read Infidel753's post today. Lots and lots of intelligent analysis. I felt better after reading it.

Trump claims he got more votes than anyone ever got in an election (he didn't, Biden got 7+ million more popular votes than Trump, and Biden beat him soundly with electoral votes). 

After claiming he received more votes than anyone ever received in an election, Trump admits "He beat us by a whisker..."



Dave Dubya said...

I'm looking forward to -FJ/Joe Con refuting Trump admission that he lost. Can he admit the obvious yet?

Shaw Kenawe said...

None of Trump's cultists will acknowledge Trump's admission that he lost "by a whisker." Of course, his loss wasn't "by a whisker;" it was a landslide!

Infidel753 said...

Thanks for the link!

Les Carpenter said...

With a lot of work, and a bit of luck, VP Harris will win by an even greater landslide.

Trump is one very disturbed and frightened whittle puppy. He constantly needs his cult to scratch him behind his ears.

A near octogenarian he is showing increased signs of declining mental cognition, and with that increased sensitivity to criticism accompanied with increasing anger and hate.

This "man" is the very last individual any American should want governing the nation. He has a losing track record both in business (5 bankruptcies) and in politics. One win against many loses. He is, A Big LOSER.

Dave Miller said...

My favorite part of this story is reading on Twitter the posts of people coming to grips with the facts. Some, including Trump sycophant Nick Fuentes, are openly criticizing Trump with words like these...

"“That actually vindicates the DOJ charge against him!” Fuentes declared. “Because the charge is that he knew he lost but he lied to defraud the people.”

“So, why did we do Stop the Steal? Why did anyone go to Jan. 6? Why is anyone sitting in jail? Why did anything bad happen to anybody? Why did everyone get censored? Why is everything bad that has happened to the people that were involved, why did that need to happen if you’re just going to walk it all back and say, ‘Oh, I lost’?”

Here's the the link to the story and the video of Fuentes complaining he was scammed by, wait for it... Trump finally admitting what we all knew to be true. That Trump lost the 2020 election and called a bunch of losers to the capital to overturn that election.

So is it too early, because maybe he needs "thoughts and prayers" today, to ask our friends -FJ/Joe Con/Assorted Trolls and Skud if Trump lied then, or if he is lying now?

Because either way, for normal ppl, a lie of this import would either DQ someone from being elected, or ban his troll followers from ever being critical of Dems for misstatements, obfuscations and even direct lies.

I wish I could say I'm joyful, but I'm not. I'm disgusted at Trump for exactly the same reasons Fuentes is.

Les Carpenter said...

And I am disgusted at the MAGA ruse of "making America great again'.

I'm disgusted and have been disgusted by Trump since 2016.

I'm disgusted with the entire "republican" party.

I'm disgusted with the media for its softballing Trump's criminality.

I'm disgusted with the Christian churches for not doing enough to call out the Anti-Christ Trump.

If America reelects Trump in 2024 I'll be disgusted with America.