Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, September 16, 2024

Recap of last week's most xenophobic, un-American, and hysteria-inducing blog post:


These comments from a typical Trump-supporting blog will, I predict, define and shame the MAGA movement for eternity: 




Ohio Gov. DeWine on ABC said: "absolutely not" when asked if he's seen any evidence of Haitian migrants eating pets and adds, "...the Haitians came to Springfield to work. Ohio is on the move and Springfield has really made a great resurgence." 

The Mother Ship and its sailors support this disgusting stain on American democracy, the 21st century's Joe McCarthy. (The Haitians in Springfield are legal migrants, NOT ILLEGALS.):


Dave Miller said...

Remember Shaw, the Haitians in Springfield, as per GOP Governor DeWine, are legally here, legal immigrants.

This incident, the post you highlighted and VP candidate Vance's remarks that he is willing to "create" a story like the false narrative in Springfield to drive a story, puts the lie to what the MAGA extremist crowd has tried to say for years...

That they are in favor of immigrants and immigration as long as "it is legal".

We now know they were lying, pure and simple. It's as if right now they are saying the quiet part out loud...

They don't want POC to immigrate here at all, in any way, shape or form.

Les Carpenter said...

That totally Un-American individual is a zenophobe with deep racism and hate directed @ all those that don't think and look like he/she does. A bigot through and through. Another ignorant hateful MAGA turd working to destroy the American Experiment In Self Rule.

Les Carpenter said...

As far as is discernable it seems the people of color across the globe are more genuine, compassionate, and wise than the MAGA cultists, and CERTAINLY way more so than the Great Orange Ignorant Menance.

Dave Miller said...

Here's the first question VP Candidate Vance should be asked at his debate...

Mr Vance, we have two different stories, both of which cannot be true. One must be either wrong, or a lie.

Gov Dewine of Ohio, the Mayor, City Manager and Police Chief of Springfield, and the woman who posted the story of immigrants eating pet dogs, all say the story you have shared and highlighted is untrue and never happened. Additionally, business owners say the Haitians in Springfield are legal, great employees and helping Springfield, again, different from what you and Mr Trump have shared.

Are all these GOP elected officials wrong or lying, or are you and Mr Trump wrong in your stories about Springfield?

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... maybe it's too much to expect our presidential candidates to at least play act at not being racist. Or maybe not. Here's a tweet from JD Vance from 2016.

"Trump makes people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this, I find him reprehensible. God wants better of us."

We could reword this... Vance and Trump make people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this, I find them reprehensible. God wants better of us.

Was Vance wrong then? Or now? What changed in his life to now be okay with not just Trump, but his own words, which today he characterized as "not perfect", making immigrants, Muslims and POC afraid?

BTW, this years cultural festival, an event with a multiyear history in Springfield, Ohio has been cancelled due to numerous bomb threats and potential violence, all linked to the lies of Trump and Vance.

Shaw Kenawe said...

It is also important to remember that Donald Trump's mother and two of his wives were/are immigrants. And today he repeated that they are animals after he was criticized for calling them just that!

He called his mother, Mary Anne Trump; his first wife, Ivana, the mother of 3 of his children; and Melania, his 3rd wife and the mother of his 5th child ANIMALS!

My mother and father were Italian immigrants, and the man I've been with for the past 6 years is an immigrant from England!


Trump is a terrible human being.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Vance is just a younger version of Trump, willing to smear, lie, and slander for political power.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Vance embraced Trump after referring to him as "American Hitler." Vance has no moral compass. Like trump he has nor moral values other than valuing political power.