Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Hey, Ed Bonderenka! Trump admitted AGAIN! that Joe Biden beat him in the 2020 election!


Are you going to continue to post your lies about the "Day of the Coup," and speak of Domestic Enemies. BTW, what really is a "domestic enemy?" I would say it is someone who continues to spread lies about a "stolen election," even though the loser in that election is admitting he lost it -- "by a whisker."

Isn't one of the Ten Commandments "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness?"


Trump has admitted more than once that HE LOST THE ELECTION BY A WHISKER!

(Another lie by Trump. What is it about Trump and his cultists that compel them to lie, lie, lie? Trump lost the popular vote by EIGHT MILLION VOTES, and he lost the electoral vote: Biden 306; Trump 232 -- a landslide!)

"So, if you listen, you know I regularly open my show with the Day of the Coup and speak of the Domestic Enemies a number of us swore to fight. "It’s Day 1,340 of the most recent coup. The taking of the American Government, by enemies both foreign and domestic. Mostly Domestic" --Ed Bonderenka

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