Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Friday, September 20, 2024


BREAKING: Brand new reporting explains how Teamsters unions in Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Pennsylvania have rebuffed their national organization and are now endorsing Kamala Harris.


Sam said...

I've been around for a while, but this year was the first time ever I saw the president of the Teamsters speak at the Republican convention. It was a shock. I am glad to hear some of its members are rebuffing its leadership.

Grey One talks sass said...

Excellent. I listened to the head Teamster at the RNC. Poor guy was almost crying as he exhorted the MAGAverse to tone down the rhetoric, to please reach across the aisle. Felt bad for the guy, hoped he would cross the aisle himself but here we are.

Les Carpenter said...

Authority exercised in the pursuit of one's own self interests is both unethical and divisive. Which is the platform of Donald J. Trump, the GOP, the neo-Nazi Heritage Foundation, and the Christian Nationalists.

Another word for it is: Evil.