Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, September 4, 2024



There is a heavy police presence after a possible shooting at Apalachee High School in Barrow County, Georgia. 

The school shooting in Georgia at Apalachee High School in Barrow County by statistics:

45th school shooting this year

32 of those 45 school shootings were at K-12 schools

385 mass shooting in the US to date

That works out to 1.5 per day.

Other countries have citizens with mental health problems and poor parenting problems and those countries do NOT have gun massacres on a daily basis.


Six-year-old child attending an NRA convention, points a gun at the camera:

IMO, this is a perfect representation of American values.


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Disgruntled immigrant? ;p

Sam said...

Please, not another one.

Mike said...

I would say "unbelievable", but it's not.

Dave Miller said...

Progressives/lefties/many Dems have proposed some potential solutions. Conservatives/the GOP have said repeatedly those suggestions are unworkable. That's fair in our political system.

However to take the position that the proposed solutions from the Dems are unworkable and not offer a solution or suggestion of your own, is in fact, an endorsement of the status quo and means more dead school children.

Our MAGA folks, members of the GOP and conservatives should at least have the decency to say out loud what they really believe... there's nothing we can, or should do to stop mass gun violence in the United States.

Les Carpenter said...

Yup, another. And, there will be many another's if Trump is reelected and trumpthuglicans end up controlling the congress after the 2024 election. If that happens our nation will be forced on a road to a Trump manufactured hell of retribution. As well as military assault style weapons will proliferate even more and deaths will rise. And Trump and the trumpthuglicans will offer prayers as they continue to ignore the problem of gun violence and death.

This nation, under the ignorant and stupid non-leadership of Trump and the trumpthuglican party WILL go backwards and the crap Trump says will happen if Harris is elected (it won't), will most certainly happen if The Great Putrified Odious Orange Menance gets his wish to be DICTATOR on day one.

Shaw Kenawe said...

No. A 14-year old kid who had easy access to firearms.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I wonder if Trump will tell the parents of the dead and wounded to "just get over it," like he told the victims of the school shooting in Iowa when he was president.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Is it too soon to politicize this by pointing out that a 14 year old should not have access to an assault rifle?

Sam said...

4 dead! When will this gun insanity stop?

Shaw Kenawe said...

This won't stop. The leading cause of death in children in America is death by firearms. The American people, and especially their politicians, do not care about this shameful statistic. They love their firearms more than they love their children. Their concern about saving "fetuses in the womb" is ludicrous when those fetuses become living, breathing children and are killed by firearms. We're the only country that fails, year after year, to deal with this national shame.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's a harebrained idea from an American on how to stop these school shootings: "Stop sensationalizing aberrant behavior. Reduce the incidence of monkey-see/monkey-do."

Because if these school shootings (or ANY firearm deaths are NOT reported in media, they will magically stop. Brilliant, isn't it?

And this is one:

"What would I do? Nuttin’ anymore than confronting Venezuelan gangs squatting, no appropriating, entire apartment buildings where law enforcement is not allowed to venture in since they have now been declared “visitors” enclaves kind of like tribal lands."

That nincompoop doesn't check for the veracity of reports.

Scripps News DenverPosted 7:41 AM, Sep 04, 2024 and last updated 9:09 AM, Sep 04, 2024
Residents at a Colorado apartment complex are speaking out against the narrative that their building is being taken over by a Venezuelan gang.

Tenants at the Edge At Lowry apartments in Aurora, Colorado, held a press conference on Tuesday, where they disputed claims about gangs taking over the complex ever since viral videos allegedly showing the gang, Tren de Aragua, breaking into apartments have been shared by people all over the world.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Shannon Watts
Governor Kemp refuses to answer a question about how to make Georgia schools safer from gun violence: “This is not the day to talk about safety or policy. We need thoughts and prayers for the victims, law enforcement and educators.”

Would he say that if a plane had just crashed?

"Thoughts and prayers" have yet to solve this problem.


And Americans don't care about their children. Period. They love their guns more than they love their children.

Sam said...

All ^^^^ sadly true Shaw.

Les Carpenter said...

One word, and only one word is needed to accurately describe those who support the status quo on this and write drivel such as you posted above Shaw. And that word is: IGNORANCE.

Complete and total.

Joe Conservative said...

Who at 13 had made threats, was on FBI and local LEO radars and who's 'issues" were never addressed.

But it was the guns that did it... @@

Shaw Kenawe said...

FACT: In 2022, @GovKemp signed permitless carry into law at a gun store surrounded by gun lobbyists, even though law enforcement and nearly 70% of Georgians opposed the legislation.

Les Carpenter said...

Conservative firearm freaks DO NOT give a plug nickel what you, I, or any other thinking sensible individual thinks. Guns are the Holy Grail of MAGA and the gun freaks of America. They do not care what reality tells us about firearm proliferation and the impact of automatic assault weapons.

They are willing to accept the death of American children to preserve their freedumb to fire at will.

Their views are as wrong as they are despicable.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Extremely poor reaction and policing to verifiable threats by Colt Gray and EASY ACCESS TO FIREARMS! The shooter threatened a school shooting a year ago. SHOOTING! Yes, you're correct, IT WAS THE GUNS THAT DID IT!

Dave Miller said...

Gov Kemp was asked yesterday what could be done besides "thoughts and prayers" and his response was pure deflection... “Today is not the day for politics and policy, today is a day for investigation...”

Trust me, no day will ever be a day for policy. Because the GOP has no solution and does not want to be seen having to say because of their "policies", they "have no solutions" and believe these senseless tragedies are part of the price we pay for "our freedoms".

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Police found evidence that the 14-year-old suspect had an interest in mass shootings during a search of his room on Wednesday, according to two law enforcement officials briefed on the investigation. He appeared to be particularly obsessed, they said, with the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., that killed 17 people."

Shaw Kenawe said...

I have to accept the fact that the country I live in (the greatest in the history of the word!) is unable to solve this problem -- a problem other countries that are not as great as we are have solved [see Australia, England, etc.).

It is not the American people; a majority WANT solutions and changes, a strengthening of firearm laws. It is the people they vote for year after who block any legislation to address our national shame. So, in a very real way, Americans themselves are responsible for this.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw, we are able, just unwilling. There is a difference. I hope.

Les Carpenter said...

What exactly Define0s great?

As " great" is but a subjective judgement determined by the very people who make that determination. Laking a truly objective understanding of "great" the term is rather meaningless.

Are there not other countries that are, at least in the subjective minds of many who live in those countries, " great".

Frankly, this country and it's people tend to judge all others by American standards while dismissing, or completely ignoring the standards of the people living in other cultures.

When America reflects the compassion and understanding of the Tibetan people and we start acting in a truly compassionate and empathetic way then I will consider America a Truly Great country.

We have a very long way to go. IMO.

Dave Miller said...

GA... open carry. No laws to restrict your guns from family members. No background checks. No parental responsibility.

Why would anyone want to be a teacher today and be expected, as those teachers who gave their lives yesterday in GA were, to stand between a killer with an assault style weapon, and the kids you teach?

Maybe our more conservative posters can answer that. With words folks, not with your video links.

But I doubt any of them will.

Les Carpenter said...

They won't. Because they can't.

Either because they're too embarrassed, or, they're just too ignorant.

BB-Idaho said...

What's that term for people who don't give a damn? Oh yeah-
-collateral damage. Strange guy running for Governor in NC says
suck it up, whining kids. Constitution says you can have a black powder
long gun in the corner. What the heck have we become?

Grey One talks sass said...

Fairly certain this isn't an unknown but in case it's an unknown to you, I am bringing this here.

The shooters dad has been charged as an accessory (I think) to murder for the deaths of the four his son killed.

The dad gave his troubled son an AR platform weapon for Christmas in 2023, after he'd been questioned by the FBI.

It's not just the guns (although that's enough as it is), it is also the fetishization, the lapel pins, the bullet casing necklaces and earrings, it's posing at Christmas (supposedly a time of peace) with weapons of war.

A majority of Americans want our politicians to DO SOMETHING for the greater good but greed has their hearts so they will do nothing.

We could elect public servants to office who actually will enact legislation for the greater good, but that's just crazy talk.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thanks for posting this. Yes, I'd heard that yesterday. I'd also heard the man who hopes to be a heartbeat away from the presidency say that school shootings are just "a fact of life."

That is not just awful for the victims of school shootings to hear, but it is an admission from an American politician of defeat and that we can't solve this manmade, solvable problem.

People like Vance and Trump and the rest of the cult of Trump want Americans to accept the fact that our children and grandchildren will just have to get used to shooter drills in school and live with the fear that some young male who got an AR-15 from his parents will come and slaughter them in their classrooms.

Vance and every other Trumpublican are cowards and feckless leaders who know that THERE IS A SOLUTION TO THIS DEADLY AMERICAN SHAME, but who do not have the moral courage to solve it.

Instead, we'll see Trumpublican Congressmen and women sporting AR-15 pins as a solution.

Shaw Kenawe said...

A weapon of war was gifted to this disturbed, at the time, 13-year-old child.

"Questions have swirled about what could have motivated the suspect to open fire at the school where he was a new student, just over a month into the school year. The shooter used a black AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle, according to arrest warrants. The four killings happened within minutes."

This is what Vance and his ilk say we must accept as a fact of life.

I will NOT!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Georgia Governor Kemp said he's proud to defend the "sacred" 2nd Amendment.

Isn't he from the political party that claims all lives are sacred? Imagine thinking that guns are "sacred," and lives are not!

Shaw Kenawe said...

And just for reference: ZERO kids have died this year from having drag queens read to them.

Les Carpenter said...

I was shooting with my father when I was 12 years old. He taught me the proper and safe procedures for handling, discharging, cleaning, and safely securing mechanisms that are, in fact dangerous weapons.

Personally I believe a responsible 14 year old, properly instructed and trained can be trusted to responsibly handle and responsibly discharge a firearm. But then again I was babysitting my 2 year old and 6 month old sisters alone when I was 13. Different times and different parents I suppose.

Unfortunately too many adults apparently don't know their own children well enough to recognize the danger signs evident in their offspring.

This father, and mother, should be held accountable to a degree for their obvious lack of awareness relative to their 14 year old sons development.

And, as a final point, we should ban all automatic assault style weapons and high capacity magazines from use by the general population. Period. There is no purpose whatsoever for use in the private sector. Regardless the BS from the NRA, Trump, the MAGA GOP, and the right wing gun nuts of America.

Les Carpenter said...

It's the minds that are being affected by the right wing goons of guns and violence.

Yet they want us to fear drag queens and that they are influencing the minds of young children and thereby corrupting them.

Love and compassion, the very essence of being and life are considered taboo by the goons of guns and violence in favor of, well, guns and violence. Their lack of positive responsible action speaks volumes louder than their hollow empty thoughts and prayers.

Dave Miller said...

JD Vance at least told the GOP truth... gun deaths are a "fact of life" so we need more security in our schools. How come JD doesn't want to MAGA our country as it relates to guns? I don't remember and school shootings on "Ozzie and Harriet" or "Leave it to Beaver". This was not a fact of life on the "Facts of Life" or Father Knows Best". There was never a mass shooting on the "Brady Bunch", yet here we are. Maybe because those guns current day shooters use were not available for the gen pop.

The reason the GOP is struggling to imagine a solution is because they know the solution is something only a diminishing number of ppl in the US will find offensive, and I'll say it...

Less guns of this type. Less, or no AR 15 style guns in the hands of the public. No Bushmasters, no bump stocks, none of it. Purchases of all other guns regulated like automobiles. Minors owning guns only permitted under strict rules and parents accepting, in writing, responsibility for medical care and financial support for anyone and everyone hurt should their child go off the rails and shoot up someplace or a party.

Maybe we need something else. You have guns in your house, you pay a premium on your homeowners insurance and liability insurance in case you or your kids are nuts and kill ppl. Maybe potential financial pain and ruin will push ppl to be responsible, or forgo guns altogether.

Now I get it... These ideas are hard and potentially unworkable. But they are something. More than I've seen at any right wing blogs or even heard from conservatives.

So go ahead gang, tell me how my ideas won't work, but don't expect any love or respect unless you come with some alternatives different from JD who essentially says... there nothing we can do.

Joe Conservative said...

I find this latest shooting incident hilarious. The Left is all about taking 14 year old "trans" kids away from their parents, and mutilating their sex organs in the name of gender rights. At the same time, they arrest the parent of a 14 year old boy who get AR-15s for their birthday. So which is it? 14 year olds are old enough to bear responsibility for their life-altering decisions OR parents should bear responsibility for the actions of their children? I was always in the latter camp, until recently.

ps - I had a semi-auto .22 when I was 14. I also had a .30-.30 when I was 15 and a 12 gauge shotgun @ 16. Funny thing was, parents were held 'responsible" for the actions of their kids back then. And my parents would have whipped my ass and confiscated all my weapons if I had ever threatened to kill people at my school.

So, who's responsible.... the parents with whom the government never ceases to interfere and overturn, or the government who in this case obviously failed to interfere and overturn? And if it's the former, why arrest the Dad for not doing his job, and if its' the latter, why did no government officials get fired or charged with dereliction of duty crimes?

Dave Miller said...

Thanks Joe for proving my point... Not. One. Solution.

Nothing here, or the Poop Deck during yesterday's shake down cruise.

Shaw Kenawe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaw Kenawe said...

JoeCon: " The Left is all about taking 14 year old "trans" kids away from their parents, and mutilating their sex organs in the name of gender rights."

"The Left?" You think transgender issues only affect people who are on the Left? LOL! How naive! BTW, no one "takes kids away from their parents," unless those parents are unfit and have harmed the kids.

JoeCon: "At the same time, they arrest the parent of a 14 year old boy who get AR-15s for their birthday. So which is it? 14 year olds are old enough to bear responsibility for their life-altering decisions OR parents should bear responsibility for the actions of their children? I was always in the latter camp, until recently."

Tell me you know nothing about the difficult transgender situations children and parents face without telling me. Your statement above is mean spirited, uninformed, and has NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS POST!

The Gray family failed their son. They gifted a 13-year-old with a weapon of war. The now 14-year-old murdered 4 people, and his parents now face the consequences along with their child. A combination of horrible parents, a disturbed kid, and a weapon of war caused this. NOT transgender children.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You think transgender issues only affect people who are on the Left?

Yep. Because only parents on the Left are stupid enough to let a 14 year make a permanent life-altering decision. Parents on the Right make them wait until they're 18 and gather further LIFE information about gender AND sexuality.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Written by someone who either has no direct experience with transgender issues or has no understanding whatsoever about them.

I do.

I have family members dealing with transgender issues, and they have been since before transgender health care became a bugaboo with the crazy MAGAs.

As Tim Walz has said, "Mind your own damn business!"