Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, September 19, 2024

Both Trump and Vance knew they were sharing false stories.


Frequent commenter and guest post contributor, Dave Miller, left this in the comments in the post below. But I think it needs a post of its own so that the Trumpers who frequently come here and read my blog can see what Trump and Vance did to Springfield, Ohio.

Why would they deliberately lie about events in Springfield? Their reasons for spreading a story they knew to be false can only be to foment mistrust, fear, and rage in white populations against P.O.C. -- especially the LEGAL Haitian migrants residing there.  

Trump and Vance must take part of the responsibility for the bomb threats and other malicious actions and death threats against the LEGAL Haitian community as a result of their deliberate disgusting  lies and shameless bigotry.

Dave Miller:

As the GOP, the gang that can't shoot straight continues to double, triple and quadruple down on the Springfield, Ohio lies, a couple of facts came out yesterday, one from the Trump favoring Wall Street Journal [WSJ].

1. The woman from Springfield who made the missing cat story at ground zero of this MAGA debacle, said that after making her missing cat report on Aug 27, and before all this blew up, her cat, Miss Sassy came home by September 1 and she had long since apologized to the Haitian woman she had wrongly accused.

Notably, this was before VP candidate Vance made his first cat post on September 9. This is being widely reported, along with the woman's statement in the news

2. The WSJ is out with new reporting showing that Vance on September 9, when he made the cat story and sensation and before Sept Sept 12 when former President Trump spoke of it at the debate, that the Trump/Vance campaign had been made aware the story was false.

Let these two facts sink in. Both Trump and Vance knew they were sharing false stories, did not care, and never considered how their lies might impact the Haitian community in Springfield. They decided to lie to the American people and their voters, putting people's lives in danger.

For the sake of a story they knew to be false.

In the video below, Trump is yelling about Asians, Africans, and Arabs who come and destroy the fabric of this country. 

(Nikki Haley's parents came to this country from East Asia; Tim Scott's ancestors came to this country from an African country; Trump's campaign communications director, Steven Cheung is first generation Chinese-American; Brigadier General Cindy Saladin-Muhammad became the first Muslim General Officer to serve in the U.S. military on July 3, 2024.) 

 Trump is a bigot and a racist.



Dave Dubya said...

It's now as if they are PROUD of their racism.
There is NO reason to not see them for the neo-Nazis they truly are.
They are the hood and swastika gang of "vermin" Trump projects.

Les Carpenter said...

Nearly 1/2 of the nation knows this and simply does not care.

Soon nobody will. Project 2025 will ultimately insure this.

At least for a sustained period of time until the Trumpers realize they were screwed by the gop goo and the malignant narcissist Trump.

BB-Idaho said...

Remember when Frump wanted to cut foreign immigrants except for Norwegians? It is still a big joke in Oslo. Oofta. Before this mess is over,
the Psychology texts will have to add a new chapter.

Dave Miller said...

Sure, their mendacity is horrible. But it's what it points to that's worse.

Here we have two ppl who want to lead our country, our nation.

And both of those people are fundamentally unable to deal with or process information, true information, that does not confirm, or comport to their biases. So rather than, when confronted with info that seems to contradict what they've already determined to be true and accurate, changing tactics or their path, they double down.

We know this all to be true by their actions related to Springfield, Ohio, as documented by various news orgs, including FOX.

Here's why this tendancy is a huge potential problem for all of us...

If they are elected, a very real possibility, do we want people unable to process info that changes what they've already decided to be true and accurate in regards to situations on the ground, having the nuclear codes?

Are they temperamentally suited for the job, based on what we have seen?

Lincoln was frequently faced with situations such as this and had to make numerous decisions on the fly, firing a handful of generals during the Civil War.

Is it fair to ask if Trump and Vance are up to the task, based on what we've seen of their ability to deal with crisis and changing facts on the ground?