Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, September 12, 2024



BREAKING: CBS News @CBSNews ·Donald Trump says he won’t debate Kamala Harris again, days after their first presidential debate.  

Trump Calls for Entire ABC News Network to Be Fired 

This is how a malignant narcissist reacts when he is responsible for his own failures: He wants to punish the people who were there to witness his disgrace.

"Republican candidate for president Donald Trump suggested on Wednesday morning that ABC News, which hosted the debate between him and Democratic candidate Kamala Harris the night before, should be punished for how it handled the event, alleging that the network engaged in biased attacks against him. 

In reality, Trump had a dismal debate performance, peddling numerous outlandish lies, failing to focus on questions posed to him, and engaging in several meandering rants that likely baffled viewers at home."


Imagine America having to deal with this man-child for another four years? Imagine how easily our adversaries could manipulate this man-child just by telling him lies about his greatness!


Joe Conservative said...

This is how an American promised a level playing field reacts after being dog-piled 3-1

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Pretty soon the idiot will claim aliens contacted him during his presidency and asked if he be president of the galaxy. He turned them down cause he was scared illegal Martians might come to Earth and eat our cats. Apparently ALF was not a sitcom but a warning.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Tell us why Trump didn't whine like a toddler after his debate with Joe Biden?

Trump was fact-checked because he made stupid, easily disproved lies, such as telling Americans that babies are killed in the delivery room after they're born. What sort of idiot says easily disproved lies like that? He had to be corrected as well when he lied about people in Ohio eating their neighbors' cats and dogs.

Trump got called out on his ridiculous statements and you and his legion of whiners parrot him with, "THREE ON ONE!"

Trump deserved everything that happened to him during that debate. He was ill prepared and out of control.

PS. A shout out to Tulsi Gabbard, who supposedly prepped Trump for the debate. We Kamala supporters salute you!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump got spanked so hard at the debate that he's refusing a rematch.

Kamala scared the you-know-what out of the little coward!

Les Carpenter said...

Repeat a lie often enough and soon it becomes "truth" to the ignorant and deluded.

Trump learned well. And he is copying the Nazi play book spectacularly well.

BB-Idaho said...

Trump took Laura Loomer on the plane to the debate and seemingly imbibed some of her preposterous conspiracy theories (cat eating, etc). He had been so impressed with her 'intellect' that he wanted to hire her as a campaign consultant. All his advisors (including Marjorie Taylor Greene!) told him absolutely not. Not sure what Steven Miller advised, although i suspect that like the fat Papal Legate during the massacre of the Cathars during the Albigensian Crusade, he muttered, "Kill them all, God knows his known. After 1000 years, it still resonates. "When will we ever learn?" -
Pete Seeger

Sam said...

The last time he was a sore looser people got killed. I am sure he would like to kill the ABC news staff.

skudrunner said...

Why would he do another debate if the moderators are not going to treat the participates the same. Kamala never answered a question and constantly lied about what trump did. The moderators never followed up with harris but nailed trump.
One questions needs to be answered, what are her policies and why did she change every view she had two years ago. I believe bernie when he sais she appears to be a moderate to win then will revert to a radical leftist.
Sanders: "No, I don't think she's abandoning her ideals. I think she is trying to be pragmatic and do what she thinks is right in order to win the election."

Dave Miller said...

I'm sorry, did Joe have a real question? Is he trying to be serious, or is he just spewing GOP/Trump talking points verbatim?

It must be hard seeing what was just a few weeks ago a rock solid Trump win come potentially undone in the blink of an eye.

To a black woman no less. To the new mixed race face of America.

It's gotta be tough Shaw for a person accustomed to a white male dominated society and wanting to conserve that, see it slowly passing away, one racist at a time.

Each time it happens, each time a person of color is elected, each time a woman is elected, we get closer to the "more perfect union" envisioned in our Constitution and even a little bit closer to living out the truth that "all men [and women] are created equal" dreamed of in our Declaration of Independence from England.

Dave Miller said...

Sam, we've already seen bomb threats in Springfield, site of no cat, dog or pet abductions". Don't be surprised if we soon see crosses being burned in front of houses once again.

Maybe the Springfield Cat -astrophe, all based on a statement from a friend of a friend of a friend, or fourth hand info, will be become the new McMartin Preschool fiasco.