Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Wednesday, September 11, 2024




Anonymous said...

Too bad Bush went after the wrong guys. Took us ten years to catch Bin Laden, after we killed thousands of innocents.

Joe Conservative said...


Anonymous said...

And the Muslin world will never forget the colonialism and atrocities that Europe treated them and indigenous people everywhere with across the globe,l. Especially Great Britain. And, the USA is not free from it's negative influences in the ME and elsewhere in the world.

The only real solution to violence, physical and economic is to treat ALL people as you would like to be treated. With dignity and respect. Cause and effect. Karma. Europe and the USA has some nasty karma we cannot and should not keep running away from.

Sam said...

That first anonymous comment was from me. I must have clicked something wrong.

Dave Miller said...

Call me triggered, I don't care. But this...

Laura Loomer is a 9/11 truther. She believes the terrorist attacks on America that day were an inside job by the Bush Admin. Yesterday, she was at the 9/11 memorial service, as a guest of Donald Trump, after flying to NY with him on his private jet.

Let that sink in MAGA crowd.

Now I know, we're a free speech country and ppl are free to say what they want. But a presidential candidate is also free to choose with whom he or she associates and who gets proximity to the candidate.

This seems to be a real "you'll be known by the friends you keep" moment happening right before our eyes, in real time.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Laura Loomer is a caricature of a fanatical MAGA on steroids. She may have Trump's attention, but that's only because she knows that flattering that blob of toxic misogyny will keep him interested in her for now. When she's no more use to him, he'll discard her as he discarded his former wives and mistresses.