Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, September 28, 2023


H/T Dave Miller


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The GOP has a spending plan? I thought they were just starting to write the Appropriation Bills in the House and we'll have to wait for the shutdown to be over to find out what's in them (after the reconcile w/Senate version) via "Regular Order" and not kick the can Omnibus deem and pass #16.

*scratches head*

Les Carpenter said...

They have no plan. But they do have a wrecking ball they've been dying to swing for a long time.

Dave Miller said...

-FJ, as you would know if you cared to actually look at the issues, each of these "proposals" are the main demands of the various GOP members holding the Federal Govt hostage.

Look, here's the question I have, as someone who believes we do in fact need to get our fiscal house in order.

Normally when a family has to balance the budget, they look at two buckets. One is cutting expenses, the other is raising revenue. Dems in the past have offered cuts in expenses. Now, the GOP may not like those particular cuts, but no one can credibly argue that the Dems have not offered spending cuts alongside their reflexive tax/revenue increases.

So, what tax/revenue increases does the GOP offer to help balance the budget or pay down the debt? Or are they just wanting to cut spending?

Les Carpenter said...

Don't forget cut taxes, their favorite go to.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Just cutting Ukraine spending will save hundreds of billions and WWIII cost.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

ps As for increased spending, building a border wall instead of selling/ auctioning off billions in wall materials would be another good start. It would save NYC a billion in hotel expeneses for immigrant vacation right off the bat.

Les Carpenter said...

Isolationism will likely work no better than isolationism did before actually. Building walls, alienating allies, and pumping up the military presence doesn't sound very sensible. But i'm probably missing something.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Building a wall is isolationist, when you allow 1 million LEGAL immigrants in? Who knew?

Does your house have a lock on the front door, Les? If it does, I suggest you stfu.

Dave Miller said...

-FJ... again with the wall... Trump, who promised Mexico would pay, says he built the "entire" wall.

So, why should it cost us anything more?

You see how stupid this can get when you throw your lot in with a charlatan?

BTW, you want real military savings? Go look at the weapons systems the military has said they do not want or need, but politicians, worried about job loss, continue to fund. Billions and billions.

As RN has pointed out, Ike was right.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

So, why should it cost us anything more?

Because you tore down larger parts and sold off all the materials needed to build a new one?

Les Carpenter said...

I'm pretty sure Dave was not responsible personally as you imply FJ.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...nor Mexico, Les.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

BTW, you want real military savings? Go look at the weapons systems the military has said they do not want or need, but politicians, worried about job loss, continue to fund. Billions and billions.

I agree wholeheartedly. End the proxy war in Ukraine AND send the bill for funding DOD to NATO.

Les Carpenter said...

Nope. Stand up for liberty in Ukraine and hold the line on Putin Puke's plan for Poland if Ukraine falls. Either you have core values or you don't.

For your information your messiah has none.

Les Carpenter said...

That actually makes sense. So tomorrow i'll research for whatever data is avaiable on how much each NATO nation is contributing to Ukraines defense. Because i believe little to nothing you say until i verify it. Why? Because your recird of accuracy on events and accurate data is near Zero.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Here ya go, Les.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

btw - Those are only the "direct costs". You'll need to add in the Indirect costs, like maintaining a standing army/navy and defense/ security industrial complex.

Les Carpenter said...

Well, we are the wealthiest free nation (for the time being anyway) and preventing an authoritarian tyrant from rebuilding the USSR seems in our best interests.

Do i think other free countries should be doing more to crush putin's expansionist desires and push in that direction? Yes, of course.

But allowing Ukraine to fall will merely encourage putin's expansionist plans. It is in our national interests to see this through. This is not Reagan's Falkland Islands outing FJ.

I support strangling Russia through Ukraine. As Reagan collapsed the USSR by essentially forcing it to go broke trying to keep up in molitary might. Today putin's expansionist desires must be crushed or we will be fighting him in Poland.

Unfortunately we have China who is the wild card as it is on track to surpass us soon. We are indeed a declining nation. The greatest decline has been in national cohesiveness and unity. Both putin and China are noticing and salivating at the destructive national efforts of the MAGA's to destroy us from within.

Les Carpenter said...

Well, we are the wealthiest free nation (for the time being anyway) and preventing an authoritarian tyrant from rebuilding the USSR seems in our best interests.

Do i think other free countries should be doing more to crush putin's expansionist desires and push in that direction? Yes, of course.

But allowing Ukraine to fall will merely encourage putin's expansionist plans. It is in our national interests to see this through. This is not Reagan's Falkland Islands outing FJ.

I support strangling Russia through Ukraine. As Reagan collapsed the USSR by essentially forcing it to go broke trying to keep up in molitary might. Today putin's expansionist desires must be crushed or we will be fighting him in Poland.

Unfortunately we have China who is the wild card as it is on track to surpass us soon. We are indeed a declining nation. The greatest decline has been in national cohesiveness and unity. Both putin and China are noticing and salivating at the destructive national efforts of the MAGA's to destroy us from within.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The 'wealthiest"? Then pay this off before you send another dime to Ukraine.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Just think, it only took America 20 years and trillions of dollars to replace the Taliban with the Taliban. You think we can replace Putin with a "lesser Putin" in less?

Care to give betting odds?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering how long it would take les to blame the GOP for all the mistakes made by our politicians. Not enough to give away, appropriate increase the budget. Gas prices on the rise, curtail exploration. World threats give them billions.
Yep it has to be the GOP

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and yet in the recent CR, who was it trying to pile on debt for wars against "not entitled to buy anything without our permission"? To Germany, "No GAS for you!"

Les Carpenter said...

Oh well, you said it. Must be right.

Thersites said...

No, over $100b spent on toys for Ukraine "said it".

Les Carpenter said...

WTF ever.

Thersites said...

Acta non verba!