Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Friday, September 29, 2023

The Shambolic Trumpublican Party


Everything about Trump is fake. It's astounding that his cultists refuse to see him for the ugly fraud that he has always been and still is.

Trump's "union" visit: 

UAW president Shawn Fain said, “I find it odd he’s going to go to a non-union business to talk to union workers. I don’t think he gets it.” 

Craig Mauger of the Detroit News noted that one woman holding a “union members for Trump” sign acknowledged she wasn’t a union member, while a man with a sign that said “auto workers for Trump” said he wasn’t an autoworker. The plant where Trump was speaking employs about 150 people, but 400–500 Trump supporters were there for his speech.

And this:

The Trump-ordered fake impeachment inquiry hearings on President Biden:

"Frustration in the GOP over 1st impeachment hearing, as the GOP witnesses undercut their narrative and say no evidence of crimes. 

 “Picking witnesses that refute House Republicans' arguments for impeachment is mind blowing. This is an unmitigated disaster," said senior Republican aide.


Les Carpenter said...

I often marvel at how many folks still fail to grasp the depravity of the former guy and continue to support his false and destructive naratives.

But i suppose Americans are essentially, no exactly, the same as the Germans who were hoodwinked by another charlatan and liar. History repeating itself with the advantages of modern tech?

America is facing its worst domestic crises since the Civil War. And it's looking like a toss up as to who wins this national battle for the soul of a nation. Knowing delusion and fabrication when it's present is not difficult when moored to reality. So the decision as to which side to support is an easy one.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Biden won't be impeached. He simply needs to step aside and let Mooochelle become the nominee, and all will be forgiven.

Dave Miller said...

The GOP's witnesses themselves, testified, on television, under oath and under penalty of perjury that there is no evidence to impeach President Joe Biden.

A non performative clown show would say "we agree" and close this sham down.

But you know...

So for all the conservatives who visit here, tell us, why is President Joe Biden being impeached over WhatsApp messages from July and August of 2017, when he was neither president, vice president or serving in elected office?

Shaw Kenawe said...

This is what crazy looks like:

"Awaiting moderation
Unknown commented on "(Untitled)"
29 mins ago
It is unlikely that former President Obama, who is likely PULLIG THE STRINGS on Vice President amd now President Biden and on Hillary Clinton as well is performing these wicked, and criminal acts, will be held responsible as both parties pander to minorities. Truth be told, Obama, the Democratic Communist Commander-in-Chief, behind the scene is grossly responsible for one of the saddest periods in U.S. History."

The person who wrote this is suffering under a deep delusion -- as are millions more like him/her.

This is exactly why America is failing. People believe stupid conspiracies like the above quoted comment.

There is no critical thinking in that comment. The text was written by someone easily duped by rumors and lies and absolutely no evidence for what he/she wrote.

A country cannot survive when a large population believes in conspiracies and lies, and believes a common crook is their messiah.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

A country cannot survive when a large population believes in conspiracies and lies, and believes a common crook is their messiah.

Sleepy Joe? Yeah!

Shaw Kenawe said...

"-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
A country cannot survive when a large population believes in conspiracies and lies, and believes a common crook is their messiah.

Sleepy Joe? Yeah!"

"The delusion is strong in that one."

Yeah. -FJ, a judge found Trump and his NY businesses to have committed fraud; Trump is facing 91 felony indictments, and he was found liable for sexual assault - rape. But do tell us about Joe Biden, WHO HAS NOT BEEN INDICTED FOR ANYTHING! and your inane labeling him as a "crook."

We know what you're about. It may be amusing to you to post stupid stuff here, but to us it shows someone who is not connected to reality.

Mike said...

tRUMP is a disaster.

Les Carpenter said...


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The same judge that UNDER-valued Mar-a-Lago? What's "history" worth? Is your leather jacket as valuable as Michael Jackson's? Hence Trump's book is NOT named, "the science of the deal".

Les Carpenter said...

Hmm, when are you going to actually start getting serious FJ. Or, is everything a joke to you?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ is a jokester. He goes to blogs just to be a disrupter.

I don't take him seriously on anything. He is, however, amusing sometimes.