Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Thursday, September 28, 2023



"The first problem with it is that the cult of Trumpism demands absolute fealty. One moment of honest dissent, and you are cast from the ranks. 

The second problem is that loyalty to Trump is ultimately enforced by the threat of violence. There were Republicans who chose not to vote yes on impeachment or conviction...because they didn’t want potential assassins coming after them or their families." from "Mitt Romney Has Given Us a Gift" 9/14/23


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Yes, and I am one of Trump's Hitmen!


Dave Miller said...

Well -FJ, that's interesting.

But ask yourself this. You and all your fellow minions got all your panties in a wad at a group of protestors at the home of a SCOTUS judge recently.

Fair enough, a small group of lefties went too far and were quickly denounced by most of official Lefty Land.

But we've seen mass shootings, death threats to judges, federal officers and more, all from the political extreme right. And we've heard nothing but crickets from you guys.

Why is that? The threat is real, your sneering mockiness notwithstanding.

And yet, trump eggs it on, not one presidential candidate from the GOP except Chris Christie will say anything. Not one.

Do you support violence if you don't get your way politically? Do you think people should vote for politicians who encourage violence against political opponents?

A simple yes or no, absent video links will suffice.

Dave Dubya said...


All MAGAts support political violence. They're authoritarians, fascists and white nationalists.

Unless I missed where he denounced Trump's violent Putsch, crimes and insurrection, -FJ shows us that even Jews can be American neo-Nazis.

Like Stephen Miller, they want to punish people they hate, helping wage Trump's war against truth, decency and democracy.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

But we've seen mass shootings, death threats to judges, federal officers and more, all from the political extreme right. And we've heard nothing but crickets from you guys.

Why is that? The threat is real, your sneering mockiness notwithstanding.

Because you lock up right wingers every day and now "officially" see them as a terrorist threat, and yet Antifa doesn't "officially" exist.... so much for "equal justice for all".


btw - When is half of Biden's family going to be locked up for FARA violations? Not any time soon, I know.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Apparently, anyone that doesn't toe the Democrat line in America today is now a "terrorist".

Identity politics has always been about Democratic Party's members "fear of harassment". Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but Words are a crime so arrest him!


Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ, Whatevs.

We all realize that since I've allowed you to post here, you can't help yourself, and so you bombard my blog with your snark, conspiracy-laden comments, and misrepresentations.

I won't react like Silverfiddle did and close down my blog; but I will just delete your comments.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Post-Moderns like you don't enjoy Snark? Ah, you're Boojumists!

Dave Dubya said...

Victimization is essential to Nazi ideology. Sure enough, -FJ and his fellow MAGAts are "victims". Crybaby Big Daddy Trump TELLS them they are.

And the cult can NEVER doubt the word of their Malevolent Messiah. Not ONE of them can admit that Trump tells LIES.

That would pop their cult bubble.

Hey, -FJ, Trump lost. Trump lies.

You can't goose-step from the truth.