Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, September 23, 2024

FBI: Crime is down across the nation.


Trump has been campaigning on the lie that crime is up all over the country.

Trump, of course, is a liar. And he's wrong.


Like a certain Trumper who frequents this blog and posts incorrect, conspiratorial lies.

BREAKING: The FBI has just released 2023 crime stats:

-*Murder and manslaughter:*↓ nearly 12% 
 - Reported rapes: ↓ more than 9% 
- Hate crimes: ↓ less than 1%
- Overall violent crime: ↓ estimated 3%
 - Property crime: ↓ estimated 2.4%



skudrunner said...

Crime is local and always has been. If there is a robbery or assault next door than crime is up. It is kind of like food and home prices. If own a house then home prices and interest rates don't affect you if trying to buy they do.

Most of these reports are reported crimes and In its annual survey, BJS asks crime victims whether they reported their crime to police. It found that in 2022, only 41.5% of violent crimes and 31.8% of household property crimes were reported to authorities.

If you live at the beach in Delaware crime is probabley low but if you live in Roxbury you probably have a different take on it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Somehow I knew you wouldn’t be happy with this news from the FBI, since it doesn’t match the narratives that you buy into.

But facts are stubborn things, even if you don’t believe them.

Anonymous said...

It is also a fact that we have a problem with mass killings with guns. I don't know how that figured into the FBI facts, but too many people are dying.

possumlady said...

What Skud fails to say is that each year BJS, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, surveys roughly 240,000 people that represents a national representative sample. Yes, they ask if they or anyone in their household has been a victim of a crime. If yes, did they report the crime. If they didn't report the crime, BJS does and in their findings, BJS statistics also show a lowering of the crime rate. I'm attaching an address to CBS Sunday Morning from a few weeks back where David Pogue was giving Reality Checks throughout the program. The web address is one regarding crime.

skudrunner said...

I didn't say I was unhappy with the news and I would like to see it crime to be zero but if you live in a safe area then crime is low. Statistics are only valid if the reporting is high which is not the case with crime. I would place more validity to reports from local law enforcement because the FBI has proven to be untrustworthy. Look at them tanking -H-, keeping a damaging laptop in hiding and gestapo techniques in securing classified documents.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"I would like to see it crime to be zero..." You understand that as long as there are human beings around that there will ALWAYS be humans committing crimes.

"...the FBI has proven to be untrustworthy." Be sure to remember that you think so poorly of the FBI should you or anyone in your family ever need their help. No organization has ever been perfect -- not even an organization that purports to represent God on Earth -- the Catholic Church, for example.

Overall, the FBI has served this country well, solving crimes and delivering justice. It's not perfect but neither are you or any human being.

If you're looking for perfection, you will NEVER find it so long as groups of human beings are running anything. I would have thought people would have learned this by now.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"...gestapo techniques in securing classified documents." It is sadly obvious that you are unaware that the FBI handled Trump's illegal possession of top secret documents the exact way they would have handled any private citizen's illegal possession of said material.

You provide absolutely no evidence to back up your characterization of the FBI confiscating government property stolen by a private citizen, Trump, as a "gestapo technique."

You reveal your allegiance to a crook instead of to the US.

Les Carpenter said...

We can cherry pick all day long and as the "mix of the pick" changes the "pick" percentages would change skud.

But this is America and nationally crime is down across the nations.

It is the responsibility of local law enforcement to effectively manage local crime control. With the assist of state and national law enforcement as appropriate.

Who says the FBI is untrustworthy skud? Trump? Bannon? JD Vance, right wing MAGA media?

Give us a credible non rightwing MAGA source that has the "goods" on their "untrustworthy" data.

Thanks... I'll wait for it skud.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Don't worry, much like the recent BLS Employment statistics, the FBI crime statistics will be updated/ adjusted in the next report.

btw - Is there an immigrant crime category yet?

Les Carpenter said...

Is he unaware? It is unlikely, but possible I suppose.

More likely he simply prefers his MAGA narrative to the truth.

Untrue reified beliefs can be a hard nut to crack.

BB-Idaho said...

Pence and Biden had classified documents too. They immediately returned them. Trump used mob tactics to resist the law in that matter. As far as Gestapo tactics - a good bet if you know who wins.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here is evidence that both you and skudrunner will dismiss because it doesn't fit your prejudices/pre-conceived notions/disinformation.

Whatever doesn't fit your unverified suspicions is suspect because your reified beliefs won't allow facts to inform you.

Immigrants are significantly less likely to commit crimes than the U.S.-born

Study finds over a 150-year period, immigrants have never been incarcerated at a greater rate than those born in the United States

"Some Americans believe that undocumented immigrants are a criminal threat to society. Former President Donald J. Trump has leveraged this assumption to inflame the rhetoric around immigration from the U.S.-Mexico border.

A study co-led by Northwestern University economist Elisa Jácome provides the first historical comparison of incarceration rates of immigrants to U.S.-born citizens.

Using incarceration rates as a proxy for crime, a team of economists analyzed 150 years of U.S. Census data and found immigrants were consistently less likely to be incarcerated than people born in the U.S.

They also found beginning in 1960, the incarceration gap widened such that immigrants today are 60% less likely to be incarcerated than the U.S.-born.

“Our study shows that since 1870, it has never been the case that immigrants as a group have been more incarcerated than the U.S.-born,” Jácome said."