Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, September 21, 2024



Does the Captain of the Mother Ship agree with Trump? 

PS. Armenia is in West Asia. Does she agree with TRUMP when he claims that Armenians are destroying the fabric of life in our country, and "WE GOTTA GET RID OF THESE PEOPLE!"


Les Carpenter said...

The single most beneficial thing America can do for itself anfmd the world would be to send Trump packing and never mention his hideous name again.

The Armenian people, as well as all people of Asia, are far finer people than Trump has ever been or ever will be.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I think that the American continent's labour pool should become MUCH more commodified. Don't you?

Diversity is a strength because it commodifies labour! It removes all that nasty cultural and religious content that stands in the way of corporate culture, and makes workers unavailable to do what they're told.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Explain, please.

Joe Conservative said...

Madeira 1420...

The Portuguese had come across the island of Madeira in 1420. It was a genuinely uninhabited Island. There weren't many, but this was one. And they named it after the resource which they rather fancied ,which covered the island Madeira, or wood, Timber. They were very short of Timber, they couldn't build the battleships they wanted because they didn't have enough of it, so they were delighted to find this. And so to begin with, they just did what they had been doing on the mainland, they cleared some forests, they ran a few pigs and cattle in it, they shipped out the Timber. And then someone realized that this was a great place for growing sugar, perfect climate, perfect soil, Etc.. And sugar did very well there. And then they realized, well, we're in an unusual position here because there's no constraints on how we use the land. There's no church here, there's no land owners, there's no custom, there's no culture, there's no Society. We can just do exactly what we want on this land!

So, they could fully commoditize the land, just turn it into an object for making money! And then they thought, "well, where are we going to find the labor? Oh, we can just bring people in to work." And who are the cheapest people to bring in? Slaves. So they started importing slaves, first from the Canary Islands, then from Africa. And of course, slaves are fully commoditized labor. You've stripped away everything that gives them their Humanity, stripped away their social context, their cultural context, their religious context (a whole lot of it). And it's pure 100% commoditized. Labor is what slavery is. Then, they needed money to finance the operation. Previously on the mainland, you would have gone to the landowner or someone, and being charged extortion at rates of Interest. But no, they could shop around, and they could just say, "We just want money. We don't want any attachments to that money. We'll just pay the lowest rates of Interest we can get. And so, they went to Flanders and Genoa to get their money. So they'd commoditize the money as well.