Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Thank you, Kansas!



Should the Kansas constitution be amended to remove protections of abortion rights?

Updated 4:06 AM ET 


95% REPORTED:  NO! 534,134   Pct.:  58.8%


The Kansas amendment to remove the constitutional protections for abortion rights has FAILED! 

This is a massive win for pro-choice Americans and a complete game changer ahead of the midterms. This response in a RED, RED state is an indication of what is ahead in swing states and more moderate parts of the country.

According to a friend from Kansas: 

"The reason the conservative majority wrote this proposed amendment is because our state constitution explicitly protects bodily autonomy and in 2019, our state  Supreme Court cemented this. The Kansas SC has had its say. This was in part a response to that and the overturn of Roe. They tried to recall the SC justices unsuccessfully over this.  Our legislature can’t make any more abortion laws unless the people vote for it.  

The margin for "No" in red Kansas was a resounding support FOR abortion rights, a sign of just how unpopular overturning Roe v. Wade is nationally. 

If Deep Red Kansas is pro-choice, then the entire nation is heavily pro-choice. This is a winning issue for Dems!"


Shaw Kenawe said...

From a friend:

"Interesting how the term 'Culture War' has been missed here, when it is actually central to the problem. The Right, (the Neo-Confederacy within the Republican party) is fighting the Culture War, and has been since the end of the Civil War, in 1865.

This dovetailed with the formation of the Southern Baptists in a schism with the Baptist Convention in 1845, 20 years earlier, over the Southern demand that slavery should be protected from the abolitionists in the North, and the parallel demand that they should help spread slavery to the new states of the American West.

When they lost the war, the Confederacy concealed it's political beliefs within the Evangelical Fundamentalists Alternative Facts of Creationism vs Evolution, the Lost Cause versus the Yankee victory.

It was easy for Trump to gather the faithful Neo-Confederates wit the Obama Birther Myth, and easier still to believe in QAnon and the stolen election.

Evangelicals are not Christians. They are a political party representing the Confederacy, pretending to be a religion.

The religion they want is a Confederate Theocracy, even if it destroys the United States, as they failed to do in the Civil War."

Paula said...

This is how you know this "issue" is one politicians have cynically used to raise money and win elections for decades. Those people are out of touch with REAL Americans. Conservative Kansas voted FOR choice!

Infidel753 said...

Thanks for the link!

It's striking both how large the margin of victory was, and how high voter turnout was. Not only is the pro-choice majority very real, but it's very motivated to vote. And this is in, as you say, a deep-red state. All those state legislators in other red states who have been passing laws to reduce women to involuntary breeding stock should be worried.

skudrunner said...

This just shows that it should be a state issue and let the people determine what they want. Hopefully every state will put this issue to a vote and let their citizens decide then those who don't agree can find a new state that shares their views. More decisions should be made by a state and govern by the will of its residents instead of the incompetent politicians in DC.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud, surely you don't mean that.

You actually believe those who favor choice should move out of their states and find a pro-choice state to move to? Do you understand that many Americans are just one paycheck away from bankruptcy?

Would you be okay with certain states outlawing interracial marriages? Do you actually believe families can just up and move to another state? Do you think everyone is as well off as you are and can do that?

What about states that outlaw same sex marriages? What about states that decide to tax churches? Or states that pass laws favoring one religion over another -- as the SCOTUS did with its overturning R v W? That was a decision based on religious beliefs -- far right religious beliefs, many religions allow abortion. Have you read how many Jews are affronted by the SCOTUS's decision to override their religious beliefs? Should every Jewish person have to leave his/her state because the SCOTUS ruled in favor of far-right, fundamentalist Christian beliefs?

Sometimes it's a good idea to understand that white far-right Christians aren't the only people who live and legislate in America. Imposing a religious belief on the entire population is more in keeping with Islamic countries. Y'know, the countries the far-right fundamentalist Christians despise, who call them "Moslem vermin."

Anonymous said...

What went down in Kansas is the reason we aren't allowed to vote on abortion, guns or term limits, Congress knows how the American people will vote and they keep it out of our hands. Kansas just proved that. Even a deep red state voted yes to abortion rights. What would others do?

Infidel753 said...

Skud: it should be a state issue and let the people determine what they want

If it's better to decide this at a more local level, free of interference from higher levels of government, and "let the people determine what they want", then surely it's best of all to have the decision made at the most local level of all -- the individual level -- and let each individual woman determine what she wants, in each individual case.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, If it becomes such an issue that you cannot accept the decision in your state then people have a choice. Same sex marriage and the other issues are not even close to abortion. There are millions who believe a life begins at conception so abortion is murder, same sex marriage does not end a life.

Would it be difficult to move to another state, yes but you have to decide what your convictions are worth. People who are anti abortion have the same choice. My guess is that people will just live with it and bitch. The federalists should be responsible for protecting us and delivering the mail. Everything else should be states rights. That does place people in a pickle because they have to make a decision instead of it being made for them. At least giving a state the control the majority of people in a state can decide to accept or reject abortions. At one time we were majority rule.

Dave Miller said...

Skud said... "Would it be difficult to move to another state, yes but you have to decide what your convictions are worth."

That's literally the same argument people made before the Loving Decision made my marriage legal in every state in the union. You don't like it here, move.

I'm sorry, but I disagree with you and others who espouse that view. There are some things that the GOP and mostly southerners favor, that states rights are not enough. Because based on what we have seen in the past, we don't trust state legislators to do the right thing.

Remember, as it relates to Kansas, the voters literally had to tell the GOP leadership in their state to STFU.

What's to say other states, based on a different constitution, can actually expect their laws to reflect the will of their voters?

The GOP as a party, and their leadership, is pushing legislation that is not favored by majorities in their states, but they are unwilling to subject that legislation to a vote. Choosing instead legislative fiat.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud:"There are millions who believe a life begins at conception..."

Millions of people also believe that the 2020 election was stolen, does that mean it deserves to be the law of the land?

skud: " abortion is murder..."

If that were true, then why haven't the women, doctors, nurses, (and partners/family/friends who helped the women get abortions) why were they not charged with murder over the last 50 years? Using the word "murder" is incendiary and you know it is wrong.

The choice of whether or not to go forward with a pregnancy is best left to the woman, her partner, and her health care provider. Period.

Millions and millions of Americans believe this as well.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave "The GOP as a party, and their leadership, is pushing legislation that is not favored by majorities in their states, but they are unwilling to subject that legislation to a vote. Choosing instead legislative fiat"

This is entirely the opposite of everything the GOP ever stood for. You can read it on those Trumpublican blogs: "Keep the government out of my business!" And yet, for the most personal decision a woman can make, the hypocrites are fine with having the government interfere AGAINST THE MAJORITY'S WILL!

PS. A group of Jewish rabbis and people of other faiths are suing Florida's governor because the anti-abortion legislation passed there that infringes on their right to practice their religion.

The SCOTUS's decision is based on far-right fundamentalist Evangelical and Catholic doctrine. Not all religions share their doctrine.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous @12:14

That is true. We are a middle-left country, and the Kansas vote yesterday shows we are also a country that does not want to march backwards in time.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Chris Murphy

Mark my words, the anti-choice movement is going to look at the Kansas result and decide that their best path to criminalize abortion is a federal ban.

It's coming, and that's what's on the ballot this November.

skudrunner said...

"Because based on what we have seen in the past, we don't trust state legislators to do the right thing."
Rev, So you don't trust the state legislators but trust the federalists who make state government corruption look like kindergarten. They have zero clue about what goes on in middle America. Inflation is transitory, you can tax and spend our way to lower inflation, we will visit a known terrorist regime and beg for oil but we won't go to our oil fields and offer relief and the best of all is our borders are not open and those thousands of illegals crossing and thousands of fentanyl pills being smuggled in are really aspirin.

"Using the word "murder" is incendiary and you know it is wrong."
"the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another." If you believe life begins at conception then taking that life is murder incendiary or not. I happen to agree with you that the women should make the decision because she has to live with it but I see the other sides point of view as well. SCOTUS made the wrong decision on RvW but that is not the first time politics has determined their decision and unfortunately will not be their last

Anonymous said...

Your friend Shaw is a very astute and knowledable person. Sensing the reality and truth behind Evangelical Christians and their agenda he presented it well. I applaud you for posting on your weblog.

I'm betting your "friends" from the con pool of Trumpists will be spamming your inbox w/the usual rubbish.

Les Carpenter said...

Hey skud, question. Why do you suppose the scotus, rightwing religionists (which the current majority on the court are), the RCC, and rightwing religionist politicians care so much about zygotes but after the child is born they simply wash their hands and return to pontificating on their antiquated reified beliefs about everything the majority view as hogwash?

When Chriatian or Islamic theocracy rules in a nation tyranny is neer far behind.

Anonymous said...

I have to laugh when Skud infers we have to take decisions away from D.C. corrupt politicians and let State politicians make the decisions, as if State politicians are not corrupt.
Maybe we should live by public referendum. Skip elected representatives and have the people vote on every issue. Anyone see anything wrong with that? (sarcasm) That would get messy real fast.

Ray Cranston said...

Kansas said take your Christian nationalism and shove it.

Mike said...

"Evangelicals are not Christians. They are a political party representing the Confederacy, pretending to be a religion.
The religion they want is a Confederate Theocracy, even if it destroys the United States, as they failed to do in the Civil War."\

This is good. I just posted this to my FB page.