Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Trump's "Crime of the Century!" Turned Out to be...


just another one of Trump's inflated and wreckless accusations. 

No one was indicted; no one is facing prison-- y'know, like Trump is. 


WASHINGTON (AP) — A special prosecutor found that the FBI rushed into its investigation of ties between Russia and Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and relied too much on raw and unconfirmed intelligence as he concluded a four-year probe that fell far short of the former president’s prediction that the “crime of the century” would be uncovered. 

 The report Monday from special counsel John Durham represents the long-awaited culmination of an investigation that Trump and allies had claimed would expose massive wrongdoing by law enforcement and intelligence officials. Instead, Durham’s investigation delivered underwhelming results, with prosecutors securing a guilty plea from a little-known FBI employee but losing the only two criminal cases they took to trial.


Shaw Kenawe said...

WaPo: "Not all of Durham’s findings are fresh. Much of the FBI conduct denounced in his report was criticized in a previous 2019 Justice Department report in which Inspector General Michael Horowitz similarly identified “serious performance failures” among FBI agents. Those findings prompted FBI Director Christopher A. Wray to implement changes at the agency.

Durham was tasked with finding violations of the law, and he found few.

Kevin Clinesmith, a former FBI lawyer, was sentenced to one year probation after admitting in a plea deal with Durham to altering a government email used to justify secret surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page.

Durham’s investigation led to two failed prosecutions — one against private researcher Igor Danchenko and the other against cybsercurity lawyer Michael Sussman. He accused both of lying to the FBI, and both were acquitted in court."

skudrunner said...

So it is fine for a presidential candidate to hire a report that is false against her combative opponent. It is fine for a senator to spout a false narrative that he knows is false. It is fine for a former president to state he knew nothing when he was briefed on all things going on. It is fine to spend four years and millions of taxpayers dollars investigating a known lie.

Just another day in the life of politics and no one will be held accountable because the press will side step the issue, Good Job.

Shaw Kenawe said...


That's NOT what came out of the Durham Report.

That's YOUR take. And it appears that you're angry with what the Republican-appointed Durham found.

As I posted, check out Barb McQuade's analysis.

PS. No one was indicted or went to prison as a result of Durham's investigation. NO One.

Anonymous said...

As vile a blog as this one is no one really believes anything that you may say, or write.

Les Carpenter said...

skud is so upset cause nuttin was found. Cause he just "knows" that what he believes is so.

The moment you believe something all other possibilities are cut off.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous said...
As vile a blog as this one is no one really believes anything that you may say, or write.

Hello Anonymous @7:54!

Thank you for coming by and reading my blog. You and the other malcontents who regularly come by and leave comments contribute to the number of readers I get every month. And that's nice.

Now you have a sparkling day.

Shaw Kenawe said...


skud is upset because "The Crime of the Century," as Trump predicted, did not pan out.

I wonder how many more of these hunting expeditions that result in NOTHING the useless Trumpublicans in Congress will spend money on.

Durham Report = meh
Comer Committee = nada

This statement by skud gave me the biggest pause: "It is fine for a senator to spout a false narrative."

The Righties are so un-self-aware! I'm always amazed at how their minds work to blind them from seeing what's in front of their noses!

possumlady said...

I truly believe that those on the right believe that EVERYONE in politics lie because they themselves lie. trump was documented as telling over 30,000(!!!) lies while in office and, its funny, but I don't remember any one of them coming here and complaining about all those lies.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw and Leslie, It would be nice for our government to work for the people and not just for themselves. Was this report a bombshell, no but it did point out the incompetence of the FBI and the unethical conduct of politicians. Was it criminal for -H- to hire someone to fabricate the steele report, lie yes criminal maybe not. Was it criminal for shitt to tout russia collusion for five years when he knew it was false, maybe not. Was it a crime for the fbi to withheld hunters laptop showing joey b was possible involved in questionable activity to he would beat trump, questionable.

I guess some of us have higher expectations than others.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner "Was it criminal for -H- to hire someone to fabricate the steele report,"

Is it possible for you, skud, to comment on any subject without bringing up Hillary Clinton?

Does anyone who lives in reality DOUBT that had the Republicans found ANY criminal, indictable activity by Hillary that they would have crucified her with it?

Trump had the House, Senate, and SCOTUS all in his pocket when he was POTUS. If Hillary had committed a crime, why didn't the DoJ under Trump, with his lackey, Bill Barr as his lap-poodle, -- why didn't they expose her crimes?

Do you, skud, have an answer?

Have you forgotten all the investigations into Hillary over the last 30+ years, and NO criminal indictments? Why is that?

Do you, and all the other professional Hillary haters, think every single law enforcement person and organization in D.C. and other parts of the country are on the take, and that's why there was NO CRIMINAL indictment against her. Ever!

Your pals on the Mother Ship even believe she and her husband have had people MURDERED! Imagine that! MURDERERS, and no law enforcement have been able to bring them to justice?!

But, as we all know, those people on the Mother Ship have no acquaintance with rational thought.

When no criminal charges were brought against Hillary, but Trump was found LIABLE for SEXUAL ASSAULT, all you and many other conservatives answer with "But, Hillary!"

Yes, she and her campaign did violate campaign finance laws by misreporting spending on research that eventually became the infamous Steele dossier. The Clinton campaign and DNC had argued that the payments had been described accurately, but agreed, according to documents, to settle without conceding to avoid further legal costs.

But let me point out, AGAIN, that no criminal indictments in 2017, while Trump was POTUS, were forthcoming. Period.

Yet you constantly bring Hillary up as though she were some monstrous lawbreaker that the law enforcement agencies of the United States can touch! They just let her get away with all the crime-ing she wants, because they can't stop it! LOL!

Hillary did not own and run a fake university where she had to pay out $25 million to the victims who were conned; she wasn't liable for sexual assault, wasn't indicted on 34 felony counts, and isn't being investigated on other criminal actions.

Why do you bring her up all the time? Is it to deflect from the real scoundrel that the Republican Party supports for POTUS?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Marco Rubio:

"The Durham Report details serious & unforgivable breaches by federal law enforcement, relying on altered documents & partisan opposition research to abuse power & using national security tools designed to keep America safe for partisan political gain."

Mehdi Hasan:

"The Senate Intel committee chaired by Rubio found a “direct tie between senior Trump Campaign officials and the Russian intelligence services” and concluded that “the Russian government engaged in an aggressive…effort to influence…the outcome of the 2016 presidential election”.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Marco Rubio:

"The Durham Report details serious & unforgivable breaches by federal law enforcement, relying on altered documents & partisan opposition research to abuse power & using national security tools designed to keep America safe for partisan political gain."

Mehdi Hasan:

"The Senate Intel committee chaired by Rubio found a “direct tie between senior Trump Campaign officials and the Russian intelligence services” and concluded that “the Russian government engaged in an aggressive…effort to influence…the outcome of the 2016 presidential election”.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Pete Strzok

“In fact, it is Mr. Durham’s investigation that was politically motivated, a direct consequence of former President Trump’s weaponization of the Dept of Justice, an effort that unanimous juries in each of Mr. Durham’s trials soundly rejected”

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw,
"Is it possible for you, skud, to comment on any subject without bringing up Hillary Clinton?"

Since she is he one who hired the steele document it started with her. You need to apply as her PR person because you did a great job. She has shown to be a manipulative liar who is totally dishonest in making false accusations. Remember her right wing conspiracy about BJ and his BJ as well as her not knowing where the rose law records were.
I totally understand you defending BHO because he was a Nobel Prize winner for doing nothing but -H- is not in his league.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Skudrunner "she has shown to be a manipulative liar who is totally dishonest in making false accusations."

Well, skud, the current Republican Party is hoping Trump, who is a manipulative liar and totally dishonest, will be POTUS again.

Be careful who you throw stones at.