Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Wednesday, January 8, 2025



Kashif Pirzada, MD
It seems a lot of American can't conceive why Canadians are not so eager to join the union. I'll give you a few reasons: - We love our country, just you like you love yours. Things can always be better, but this will always be our home and native land. - The climate sucks, but we're used to it, and it can be quite beautiful at times. We have warm homes with warm people, winter sports, and lots of sunshine. - None of my kids have had to do active shooter drills, unlike their cousins across the border. Our cities are the safest big cities in North America. - There is no role for religion in politics. No one cares. - We never have to worry about health insurance. Granted the system can be improved, but there are no co-pays, no monthly contributions, few worries. - There's no corporate donations in politics, it was banned 20 years ago. Billionaires can't own the political system. - The media (what's left of it) is not allowed to broadcast false or misleading news. - There's no corrupt geriatric supreme court that can ruin your life. Here judges have mandatory retirement, and few Canadians can name even one of them.
- Abortion has been permitted for 35 years and is a non-issue politically - There's no senate or electoral college that can keep unpopular parties in power. - Higher education is good, cheap and accessible. Few are crushed by student debt like in America. There's a million small things too, but overall, this will never stop being the most beautiful place in the world to me:


Les Carpenter said...

A lot of very excellent reasons to consider relocating to our neighbor to the north.

BB-Idaho said...

Or maybe even Greenland, Les!