Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, January 16, 2025

America's shame


This man-child who hasn't a drop of humanity, honor, or kindness in him, was gifted to US by his MAGAs and other deluded, benighted people.

Trump won the presidency and hasn't the decency to keep his miserable ungracious mouth shut, but instead continues to denigrate those who are better human beings than he is or will ever hope to be.

We will not have an adult leading us but instead a whiney, little weak man who is full of hatred and jealousy. Read this appalling post from him and weep.

I am so very proud that I and many others knew enough NOT to inflict this disaster of a human being on America again.


Les Carpenter said...

A sick pathetic and totally ignorant narcisist without a decent or compassionate bone in his deluded human form.

Soon the entire country will rue the disaster it put back in power.

The MAGAts and unconcerned uninformed of this country are about to realize the affects of their ignorance.

Shaw Kenawe said...

This is what got Trump elected and re-elected. (A lot of these folks come here from WYD blog.)

Literacy Levels Among American Adults

Over half of American adults (54%) read below a sixth-grade level.

Almost 1 in 5 adults reads below a third-grade level, showing significant gaps in reading ability.

Overall Literacy Rates:

4 out of 5 adults in the US are considered literate.

However, more than 130 million adults have low literacy skills.

Historical Perspective (2014 vs. 2020):

In 2014, 92% of American adults had at least "Level 1" literacy, with over 20% having literacy proficiency at or below Level 1.

By 2020, 54% of adults in the US had English prose literacy below the 6th-grade level.

"I love the poorly educated." --Donald Trump

We understand why.

Mike said...

@Les - I don't think they will realize anything. When things go wrong they will blame them on the Democrats.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, What you neglected to mention is the failed administration with dictatorial policies, family destroying inflation and promoting hate against anyone who has a different opinion, something both sides share.
When you call 50% of voters morons, a basket of deplorable s and evil it is tough to get their vote.
These reasons and the no primary necessary to nominate a candidate who has one of the lowest approval ratings in history while throwing the senile leader to the curb does not endure many people and it showed. Remember trump did not win, harris and the DNC lost.

Les Carpenter said...

Probably. But when and if things change enough in a negative and non compassionate direction I think even the least intelligent will figure it out. Hopefully before it's too late.