Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Monday, January 6, 2025


will be sworn into office again on 1/20/25. 

He is a convicted felon and an adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist.

America did this to itself! 

"Trump called the riot “a heinous attack on the United States Capitol.” In those early days, he referred to Jan. 6 as “the calamity at the Capitol” and warned that lawbreakers “will pay.” 

The Republican-controlled Senate acquitted him of incitement, but its leader, Mitch McConnell, declared him “practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day” — a sentiment apparently shared by most Americans, with nearly 60 percent saying in polls that he should never hold office again." --NYTimes

Trump gaslighted large portions of this country into believing that what we watched live in real time didn’t happen, that what we saw with our eyes wasn’t reality. 

Orwell warned us, and America didn’t listen.


On January 6, 2021, Trump violated the oath that he swore four years earlier. He failed to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. 

What is the point of swearing the same oath again, when we know that it meant nothing to him the first time?


Les Carpenter said...

... and it will mean even less this time.

Since he now has immunity thanks to the corrupt scotus.

skudrunner said...

So you are saying in less than three weeks we will have a president who will work in the interest of the people. First we must deal with the last attempt from biden to raise inflation, punish companies who he deems baaad and giving murderers, child rapists and con men a break.
Hopefully the new administration will be able to roll back the rich kid give away, allow drilling on federal land, punitive fines on airlines, massive support to china and their EV stronghold and regulating business to bankruptcyfor those who don't live up to biden's misguided standards.
I get that the democrats are afraid that trump will succeed but they should be looking for a torch bearer and a message or they can count on another massive beating in 2026/28.

Les Carpenter said...

Bla, bla, bla. Thanks for pointing out once again that you're part of the problem.

Ignorance and delusion tends to make recognition of reality difficult.

When your 401K tanks and tariffs negatively impacts you as you shop I'll check back wit ya to see how you're doing.

But i suspect you still be singing the MAGA con.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"So you are saying in less than three weeks we will have a president who will work in the interest of the people. "

Trump tried to stop the certification of the E.C. on J6 2021 because he lied about the 2020 election. He lost every single case but one that he brought to court. He tried to get the state of Georgia to cheat for him and illegally find more votes! His attorneys lost their licenses to practice law, and the people who actually were with him that day (except for his family) all TESTIFIED UNDER OATH that he did NOTHING to stop the armed mobs from attacking the US Capitol and from attacking, injuring, and causing the deaths of LEOs.

All of that was done by Trump FOR TRUMP and to keep Trump in power. Nothing that happened on J6 and since has been "for the people." You're egregiously mistaken if you believe Trump cares for anyone but himself and his family's fortunes.

Your and other voters' delusions got us here.

You actually think a law-breaking felon, cheat, liar, and fraud will do good in a second term when he has presidential immunity to break more laws?

Apparently you're okay with Trump who actually put forth for AG of the US an actual pedophile and cocaine addict, and who put forth for the head of HHS, a man who was a heroine addict for 15 years and kept a diary of the 37 women he shagged while married to his wife, who subsequently hanged herself after reading that diary. That's just two of Trump's insane choices, there are dozens more.

You have a problem, IMO, with seeing what's in front of your nose.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams

Dave Miller said...

I had an entire response to the uninformed evidence lacking idiocy Skud posted so as to avoid the reality that he voted for a man who wants to pardon all those folks who beat police officers and sweep the events of J6 under the rug.

That's what today, and this post is about... that four years ago, at the urging of a witting president, thousands of people marched on the US Capitol, sacked it, and savagely, in the words of the GOP Senate committee, beat over 120 US Capitol Police Officers.

And what was the person Skud voted for doing while this was going on?

For three hours President Trump, did nothing, except watch it all unfold on television!

While those officers were beat, Trump did nothing to stop it.
While the US Capitol was breached, defaced and shit upon by protestors, Trump did nothing.
While US Senators and Congressmen were being chased, threatened and their offices ransacked, Trump did nothing.
And while the attackers were searching for Vice President Pence so they could hang him, Trump did nothing, except to say "Maybe they should."

Before January 6, Trump was just a garden variety bad president, one of a number we've had.

On January 6, as the leader of the insurrection against the US Government, all based on a lie of the as yet unproven fraudulent 2020 election, Trump and his presidency moved into the category of evil. On January 6, Trump defied his oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

That should never be forgotten, white washed or obscured simply because it is too difficult to consider, as Skud is attempting to do.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud said: "I get that the democrats are afraid that trump will succeed but they should be looking for a torch bearer and a message or they can count on another massive beating in 2026/28."

Cool! All the Dems have to do is find a multi-wife-cheating adulterer who screws over contractors who do work for him, who pays off porn stars so they won't talk about his mushroom, who makes fun of the handicapped, maligns women for their looks, and invites Nazis to his mansion for dinner because "they get him!" And who is convicted of multiple felonies! And incites an insurrection against his own government so it can HANG his own vice president.

That's who skud considers a great president who'll do great things! LOL!

Where can we find such an excellent human being for our next candidate? Just look to the GOP. It's crawling with bottom feeders like Trump!

Grey One talks sass said...

I also came here to fact check skud's latest screed but eh, why? Those of us with our feets on solid ground and our heads free of sand understand the gravity of events playing out in front of our eyes. We know the pain coming, not just for us but for those who are true believers. Already the interwebz is filled with stories of voters who chose the party of the face-eating leopards whining because their faces are getting nibbled on too!!!!

I've said it elsewhere and I'll say it here too - the Biden admin gave We The People a roadmap of how to get out of any mess #45-7 digs us into. We just have to keep our heads down and live to fight another day.

Remember the anger felt at the gloating of MAGA. Understand that their rhetoric is an attempt to get a rise out of us. They've been on a hate bender for years and suddenly, they won and the reason for their hate is gone. Like all addicts MAGA/DOGE needs their drug of choice, their two minutes of hate, and like addicts they will do almost anything to get their fix. Let's not give them an easy target, shall we?

Dave Miller said...

Here's one account of the events of J6...

During a House Oversight Committee hearing on the Jan. 6 riot, Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Ga., said the House floor was not breached [true, but the Senate floor was breached] and that the supporters of former President Donald Trump who stormed the Capitol behaved “in an orderly fashion.”

“If you didn't know that TV footage was a video from January the sixth, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit,” Clyde said.

If that report did not include names, I would've thought those quotes were from Skud or -FJ.

Dave Miller said...

I get the reality is hard for MAGA lovers to digest. I get they want to forget it and move on. And I get they feel a tribal connection that does not allow them to give an inch if it might benefit the other side of the aisle.

But this inability by GOP and MAGA partisans to hold their leaders to account on something like this, is the same impulse that shielded America from the sins of Vietnam and Watergate.

The irony is ppl like -FJ and Joe used to be able to see through gov't inspired BS like the Turner Joy "attack" and "I am not a crook" from Nixon.

And now they're part of the BS team.

Shaw Kenawe said...

And dedicated defenders of that kind of government BS, because it aligns with their narratives.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The low point for Trump and democracy will not be the rampant inflation and hardship on his base from unsound use of tariffs or telling secrets to Russia or North Korea. It will really be when Trump tells his minions that MTG is sexy and sells suggestive photos of this brute of a woman which they will greedily buy up for any price he asks. I have no doubt Skuds and the many faces of FJ are keeping their credit card close so they can get theirs before the supply runs out.

Les Carpenter said...

Wise people simply look upon You Know Who, the MAGA con, and the GOP with simple disgust.

Dave Miller said...

As we think about Gaslighting, a few questions for our reality challenged friends who post here...

1. Were any US Capitol Police beaten on J6, 2021?
2. Should there be punishment for US citizens who beat, maim, kill or otherwise hard US law enforcement officers?
3. Are all those front pages with photos from US Newspapers on J7, 2021 made up, or part of some psyop disinformation campaign?

Three simple straight forward questions. I hope we can get simple straight one word answers to them. But I'm not holding my breath.

BB-Idaho said...

If Trump aged a year for every time he told the truth, he'd still be in grade school.

Shaw Kenawe said...

‪Chris Hayes‬

I don't where this all ends up, but I don't think a democracy in which only one of the two major parties is committed to peaceful transition of power is particularly sustainable!

Joe Conservative said...

btw - Who planted the pipe bombs? Why don't we know?

Dave Miller said...

Joe... I'm sure you believe in the conspiracy theories floating around out there that the FBI had a hand in that. Here's what's interesting... all those guy rotting in jail where they should be, made their choice. Even if the elusive 24 FBI agents in your fever dreams were there encouraging the mob to be violent, each of those ppl in jail made a choice to break the law, beat and maim police officers and deface the US Capitol.

They could have said no. And, we should add, not a one of them said they were duped by the FBI into doing what they did. They admitted they did it, they chose to do it, some said Trump encouraged them to do it, but not a one implicated the FBI.

Maybe because 24 guys can't really yield much influence over 1000's of armed resisters.

Here's all we have to know about Jan 6 happenings over the years. Dems across many elections have had some members of their party refuse to certify electors and claim fraud in our presidential elections. Peaceful protesting was their right, and they exercised it.

But only once in the history of the United State of America has an organized group of politicians and supporters acted violently in protest of presidential election results.

Only once.

2021 when Trump and the GOP lost.

I get it, you guys are pissed that the US is passing you by. But violence is never the answer.

Les Carpenter said...

Yup, the wee whittle cry babies are frightened that their white supremacy shtick is wearing thin and destined for further weakening and eventual elimination.

They can keep dreaming of the good old bad old days but the future will have no patience for their backwards view. The arc of history has always bent towards progress and enlightenment.

It will continue the long steady arc toward liberalism and greater liberty.

The MAGA illusio/delusion will, thankfully die after the aging group of authoritarians now controlling the trumpublican party retire and die off.