Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, January 2, 2025

The NOLA Tragedy


Trump is a lying liar. 

BBC News:  "Violent crime [was] one of the key issues in the US election, with research suggesting that many Americans believe it is on the rise. 

 But the latest FBI crime data shows it fell last year. The much-anticipated report, released in September, shows declines across several serious crimes including rape, robbery and aggravated assault. The number of murders saw the largest drop in 20 years, according to the FBI."

Trump doing what Trump always does: Lying and spreading fear. The suspect is a U.S. Citizen and a U.S. Army Veteran, who was born & raised in Texas. Somebody please bring Trump up to speed. Not that it matters. He’s gonna lie anyways.


"Speaker Mike Johnson on Fox & Friends suggests Biden's 'wide open border' played a role in the New Orleans attack. 

Again, the perpetrator was born in Texas and served in the US military."

"The Cybertruck explosion outside the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas was caused by firework mortars and camp fuel canisters, and the suspect was an Army veteran from Colorado, according to local news reports. 

 Still, Trump railed on Truth Social that the border under Biden has led to violent crime. 

“With the Biden ‘Open Border’s Policy’ I said, many times during Rallies, and elsewhere, that Radical Islamic Terrorism, and other forms of violent crime, will become so bad in America that it will become hard to even imagine or believe,” the president-elect wrote."


The Convicted Felon-elect is stirring the pot of hate and fear that his cultists lap up and grow fat on.

Trump is not good for America. And we'll soon see why.


Shaw Kenawe said...

This isn’t rocket science. Trump lied. He pushed erroneous garbage without knowing facts, knowing full well his base will never pay attention to the clarification.

Les Carpenter said...

When asked to define a human wrecking ball the very first name to come to mind, Donald J. Trump.

Who would have believed the nation that defeated fascism in Europe would be hosting the same at home 80 1/2 years later.

Those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump politicized two terrible incidents (L.V. & NOLA) to attack Dems and keep his supporters in line without waiting for facts to come out about what actually happened, and who the perps were.

FAUX NOOZ ran with the lie that the truck in N.O. incident had been driven over our southern border, when the facts are that it had been rented in the US, by an AMERICAN WHO WAS BORN AND RAISED IN TEXAS AND WAS AN EX-MILITARY INDIVIDUAL.

TRUMP is a destructive, hateful presence in our country. His lies about the two tragic incidents prove he's not changed from the lying liar and divisive leader he was in his first administration.

This is a terrible example of what is ahead for America under his second regime!

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... it isn't that he gets facts wrong. It's that he, much like Skud, doesn't care. They both believe what they believe and facts don't matter.

Now with Skud, it's just an annoyance. But with a POTUS, it's dangerous. Sadly however, the trollish class, like -FJ, Joe C, Thersites and the Anonymous crowd of bots managed by Boris welcome that danger, reveling in the chaos and the "owning" of us libs, progressives, sentient Republicans and many Americans.

The US is in a bad space.

And sadly, some are yelling "Bring it on!"

With glee.

TOM said...

Thanks to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Alejandro Mayorkas,
The Terrorist are now causing Chaos here in the United States States

Anonymous said...

My money is on Biden's open border policy that was the cause for all this, but you won't hear that from the liberal media.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Did you get dropped on your head again, TOM?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Hi Anonymous! That's an excellent parody of a typical MAGA cockwomble. Thanks.

Dave Miller said...

Tom, did you stop your meds?

BB-Idaho said...

You seem to get a few Trump University graduates. PhD in Verification Denial (No, not Veterinary Dentistry) but the Trumpistotle syllogism: A is always valid, B, No it ain't, C Valid is false. You get a diploma, Trump Bible (with $35 bookmark), and a 4th grade English reader. Apparently, Musk to his Trumpdegee in German politics. Ignorance is Bliss. Surrounded by disbarred Lawyers, the great American experiment staggers on.

Dave Dubya said...

Put your money where your mouth is. But first you need to pull it out of Trump's ass.

Dave Dubya said...

We're usually kind to morons, but you're a hateful, willfully ignorant, and very stupid one who takes Trump's word as gospel.
Your 5th grade writing skills, detachment from reality, and mindless parroting give you away.

Mike said...

Every study done says that immigrants have a lower crime rate than US citizens.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... your first line of this post says it all...

Trump is a liar.

Our task is determine is to decide whether or not that is a true statement.

So far not one conservative commenting here, not one MAGA lover commenting here, not one troll commenting here has ever risen to specifically deny your statement. No one except Skud, and this includes -FJ, Joe Con, Tom, "Frank", "Salvatorre" and more has ever denied your statement and said Trump does not lie.

In fact no one on the HMS Mothership, no one on the defunct AOW, no one at the Lisa's home of "false facts" has ever risen to claim that Donald Trump is not a liar.

Not a one.

No Republican in Congress, no GOP Senator, not even VP Elect JD Vance has ever said Donald Trump is not a liar.

Instead they deflect, tell us to look somewhere else, claim the Dems do it too and just about anything to avoid answering the central question.

Is Donald Trump a liar?

Of course he is.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

That trump does pretty much nothing other than vilify those he believes his base voters hate is his brand of politics. It gets even scarier when those of conscience realize he won't stop with just people of darker skin color. It's just a matter of time before his rants will include Catholics or Mormans and Jews and and Protestant denomination he thinks will keep his base with him. Surprised he hasn't gone all in against atheists yet. He's made an industry of keeping republicans in line through fear of him. Most of them in Congress are terrified. Fear God and Trump are the gist of the Trump bible. I guess blasphemy is now considered righteous to republicans.

Lo Tey said...

Re "ignorance is bliss"

Ignorance of lies and deceptions (=most mainstream news and establishment decrees) is bliss because exposing yourself to that is self-propagandization.

Ignorance of truths is not, or only temporarily or rarely, bliss because it is ultimately self-defeating ....

The FALSE mantra of “ignorance is bliss”, promoted in the latter sense, is a product of a fake sick culture that has indoctrinated its “dumbed down” (therefore TRULY ignorant, therefore easy to control) people with many such manipulative slogans. Eg...

““We’re all in this together” is a tribal maxim. Even there, it’s a con, because the tribal leaders use it to enforce loyalty and submission. ... The unity of compliance.” --- Jon Rappoport, Investigative Journalist

You can find the proof that ignorance is hardly ever bliss (and if so only superficial temporary fake bliss), and how you get to buy into this lie (and other self-defeating lies), in the article “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” ...

"Separate what you know from what you THINK you know." --- Unknown

“If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people?” --- John Mitchinson

“Repeating what others say and think is not being awake. Humans have been sold many lies...God, Jesus, Democracy, Money, Education, etc. If you haven't explored your beliefs about life, then you are not awake.” --- E.J. Doyle, songwriter