Here's a headline I'm not at all surprised to read:
The president expressed outrage at being asked to uphold the religious principles he claims to hold dear."
A Trumpublican US Representative wants to deport an American born bishop because she referenced a Biblical passage about mercy and grace and protecting the helpless.
This is where we are, my friends, because of Trump and his lack of human decency.
The Spanish White House page says "Go to home page".
Thanks for the clarification. I didn't have time to check the meme.
Also removed the LGBTQIA+ page, the office against gun violence, and the Constitution and Bill of Rights page has been moved to the Archives. President Felon also put out a Presidential action to reinstitute the death penalty.
I looked twice for LGBTQA in all it's various forms. No such term found anywhere on the page. I feel so "represented"/snark.
A cancer is sitting at the pinnacle of power and it is insuring that it metastasizes throughout the federal government and individual states wherever the MAGA cons are in majority.
Our national nightmare is just beginning.
Lots of stuff coming out of the White House and from Trump, now that they know he doesn't need to worry about reelection.
Here's one from the "It's Just Beginning" file... Trump has asked, in one EO, for an interpretation of the 14th Amendment, for the purposes of denying citizenship to not just children of immigrants here illegally, but children of immigrants in the country legally.
Here's the first sentence of the amendment...
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
All personsborn here are citizens.
Now, if the MAGA types think it says something different, or should be reinterpreted, let's do this...
You reinterpret the 14th Amendment and us progressive, liberal folks will reinterpret the 2nd Amendment.
My gosh, does anyone see where this goes? Are throwing out all precedent? Are we wanting to live in a "if's good for thee, it's good for me" world.
California Congresswoman Judy Chu, 28th district:
“The President’s executive order seeking to end birthright citizenship is yet another attempt to place himself and his Administration above the law. But no executive order can supersede the United States Constitution, and birthright citizenship is enshrined in the 14th Amendment of our Constitution with no room for interpretation. This is a foundational principle of our country, that anyone can be an American – regardless of their national origin or the national origin of their parents. President Trump’s executive order does not change the Constitution, and so he cannot revoke birthright citizenship.
“President Trump’s attacks on birthright citizenship are not new and have already been resoundingly rejected. All the way back in 1895, Wong Kim Ark, a U.S.-born 24-year-old living in San Francisco, California, visited his family in China but was denied reentry to the U.S. upon his return. Wong took his case all the way to the Supreme Court, which affirmed birthright citizenship and ruled that, regardless of the immigration status of his parents, Wong was born on U.S. soil and was therefore a U.S. citizen. This decision was made even when the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was still in place.
“That is because the Constitution is clear. Regardless of the legal status or nationality of your parents, if you are born in the United States you are a U.S. citizen. It was true for Wong Kim Ark and it is true today.”
tRUMP has declared everyone to be a female. This should solve the athletic controversies.
from your link:
"The text of the EO declares: “'Female' means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.” Linking sex and conception seems to bring anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ+ lingo together, but also demonstrates the lack of knowledge that at fertilization, and for many weeks after, every embryo is female. It's a point that people have been quick to raise online."
Pardoning cop-beating rioters, attacking the clergy, and threatening to invade sovereign nations -- and we're not even 48 hours into the Trump regime!
In a sane society The Felon President would be deported.
The language here on your blog is dangerous. Shaw! In an effort to label someone as a Nazi sympathizer
you trip all over yourself and end up defending Hitler himself. So my day to you and your posters is to Stop it.
Just a matter of time before Trump's army of kooks starts violently attacking anyone or group or even religious denomination they think Trump wants them to. Mosques and synagogues are already in danger. Some British guy will incur Trump's wrath and Anglican churches will be in danger. That nut Cardinal Dolan had either the good sense or he is indeed a nut by defending Trump policies. But the Pope has incurred the wrath of dear leader so Catholic churches will soon be on the list. Ironically we can thank God atheists don't have churches. Might be a good idea for my atheist friends to wear a maga hat when they go to unfamiliar places. Or a red state.
That comment was me. May not have been signed in. Sorry
You talk to many ppl who attend church regularly and one of the things you'll hear as it relates to sermons is this... one of the jobs of a pastor is to bring God's Word and in so doing, if the folks in the pews feel a little guilty or uncomfortable, that's probably because God is using that pastor to get their attention.
Pastor Mariann Budde simply asked, even pleaded with President Trump to, as his administration carries out it's policies, take care to be compassionate and merciful.
That's how Christ in the New Testament and calls us all to act, and how the prophet Micah put it in his missive from God... a text most Christians know by heart, Micah 6:8.
He has shown you, O man, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
She didn't argue policy, she didn't tell him what to do. She called on him to act as she would anyone in her congregation towards the "least of these".
I fail to see why this is even controversial.
But it is...
There is no "language" on this blog labeling ANYONE "as a Nazi sympathizer." And there is no one defending Hitler.
You are woefully mistaken either because you have no reading comprehension or you're deliberately lying to cause trouble.
Either way, you are a dishonest person.
My blog documented EXACTLY what Musk did when he deliberately give the Nazi salute. That documentation is not labeling Musk; it is showing what he actually did, and what the rest of the world saw him do and what the rest of the world understood he did.
Now, scram.
What Pastor Budde said in church the other day was directed at Trump. Trump is a malignant narcissist, and anything that even approaches a rebuke (her sermon DID NOT) is an injury to Trump's ego. That's why he was enraged and demanded an apology.
Trump's and Trump's lackeys' reactions demonstrate that he and his followers know nothing about the Christian Bible. Trump demands unflinching loyalty and worship from all, even the Word of God, to himself, and no one else.
We're less than a week into his 2nd administration, and it is, as others have put it, "A Sh*t Show!."
NO? How about your commenter Dave Dubya who is always calling Trump a Hitter?
The inate natural good that permeates the universe consists of the energy force that WILL ultimately destroy You Know Who.
If there was indeed a benevolent god as viewed in Judaism Christianity, and Islam the evil that exists in the world would be mitigated by that benevolent god.
The concept of an all powerful god in the monotheistic spiritual paths is but an authoritarian concept developed by the church to insure their control over the spiritual beliefs of society. The RCC and the Roman Empire through the 2 council's that codified the "Holy Bible" insured the authoritarian nature of the teachings.
The Gnostic Gospels, intentionally not include in the HB by the RCC and the Roman Governmet, are the true and accurate teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.
Are the Beatitudes in the Trump Bible?
Anonymous @10:35 realized that he/she was wrong when he/she claimed I called anyone a "Nazi sympathizer" and that I defended Hitler, so he/she changed the parameters of his/her claim and decided that Dave Dubya's opinions proved that I called Trump a Hitler!
There's the problem in a nutshell (pun intended). Anonymous @10:35 responded to my comment with a logical fallacy.
I am not Dave Dubya. His words are his alone, not mine.
That concept appears to be incomprehensible to Anonymous @10:35.
Notice, also, Anonymous @10:35 doesn't have the courage to even use a made-up name, so that he/she can be distinguished from the other Anonymous posters. I wonder why he/she is afraid/or too lazy to do so.
The revised edition, likely published by MAGA Publications, will probably have a picture of You Know Who sitting on his Golden Throne holding a copy of his bible upside down.
BB... maybe ala Thomas Jefferson excising the words of Jesus from his Bible, Trump went even further, adding both compassion and mercy to the dust bin.
An elderly 'MAGA Mamma' in Idaho and Jan 6 convict, has rejected Trump's pardon. Says she 'quit the cult and regained her critical thinking'
- One small step for sanity
Trump's assault on the rule of law and the US Constitution took a hit today. His Executive Order, which the GOP used to abhor when it was used by Dems, was put on hold today after a Federal Judge found a "strong likelihood that the Plaintiffs [those opposing the EO] will succeed on the merits of their case..."
President Trump did what he always does in these circumstances. He huffs and puffs and then blames the judge, instead of making a case, his case, that numerous SCOTUS decisions and interpretations of the 14th amendment for over a century are wrong.
In his remarks he said... “Obviously, we’ll appeal it... They [Democratic originists] put it before a certain judge in Seattle, I guess. Right? And there’s no surprises with that judge.”
That "certain judge"? It was U.S. District Judge John C. Coughenour, appointed by, wait for it... the flaming leftist liberal, President Ronald Reagan.
Really, you can't make this stuff up.
Nope, can't make the stuff up.
However, we'll probably keep seeing this from the Bone Spur Felon president.
Following up on Trump's attempt to circumvent the US Constitution with a new novel reading of our Constitution, here's a few more choice words from the "certain judge", as Trump called him...
"I’ve been on the bench for over four decades... I can’t remember another case where the question presented is as clear as this one. This [Trump attempt to rewrite or reinterpret the 14th Amendment] is a blatantly unconstitutional order."
On to SCOTUS...
Maybe I'm being pedantic, but Jefferson deleted references to the divinity of Christ, miracles and resurrection, not the words.
" In two volumes, The Philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth and The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, Jefferson edited out biblical passages he considered over the-top." From
Trump has never cracked a book, never mind the Bible.
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