In all my life as an American, I never thought I'd see this happen, and yet here we are.
To those who care about our democratic republic, this should shock you to your core.
To all the others who see no evil and accept the closing down of free speech by billionaires hoping to gain an advantage with the incoming Trump regime, take notice:
“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient allover the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.” ― Howard Zinn
Since Trump’s win, prominent progressives have criticized the party for losing focus on the issues most affecting the working class. In a statement following Trump’s win, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., said, "It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working-class people would find that the working class has abandoned them."
He added, "First, it was the White working class, and now it is Latino and Black workers as well."
Other prominent Democratic figures have made similar assessments of the party’s failures. Ex-Obama advisor David Axelrod recently told CNN that there was "a significant decline" among working-class support for the party in the 2024 election.
Yet another Democratic strategist, James Carville, admitting that his party failed on economic issues and that Trump snagged "middle-class and low-income voters" stating that his economic message was much more truthful then the rhetoric, and the foolishness spew by the out of control laughing by Kamala Harris’s constant attacks , and blaming Trump for all of Biden’s failed effprts .
Maybe we should outlaw spending a billion dollars of tax deductible money on elections. Give each candidate a specific amount, free air time and quit selling the seat.
Perhaps this wasn’t so surprising, for Biden and the medical condition he’s presently in that he had previously accused his predecessor of being a “fascist” who, if not actually another Hitler, who was “sort of like Goebbels,” the Nazi propaganda minister. While such rhetoric is outrageous for any sitting U.S. President, especially Joe Biden’s words and policies reflect the view prevailing throughout the ideological left, which dominates today’s : sad, and Pathetic Democratic Party and swathes of the media
Calling a Conservative person a fascist is a stupid, and mindless accusation. It may stop an argument in its tracks, ends the conversation and often results in the belittled target slinking away hurt and wondering how such well-reasoned ideas as those they offered could be subsumed under such a hideous ideology. And it actually show the Stupidity of the accusation. caller. I personally feel that the .accusation. caller. Themselves know very well that the accusation is not only ridiculous but it just doesn’t fit or make any sense what so ever. Conservatives and or Trump Supporters, and Trump himself is as far from being a “Hitler”, or a “Fascist” as could possibly be.
The lefty is a loon calling Trump a modern day Hitler. Donald Trump is as far from being a “Hitler” as he possibly could be.
Trump may be a lot of things, but a Hitler he is NOT! He may be a strong leader like Hitler was, But other than that, NO! That foolishness comes from decades and decades of to much Left-wing Kool-Aid drinking.
You have to realize that the Democrat cult are easily led, easily change their perception, it just depends on what their favorite leftist news channel has spoon fed them. You know I say this an awful lot but when it comes to how bad the lefties on here remind me of a Saturday Night Live skit by Robert Di Nero. . They don't have a clue what they're talking about or even why they're outraged, but they just are. But the point is that it i totally absurd.
"Calling a Conservative person a fascist is a stupid, and mindless accusation. "
As is calling a liberal a "Commie," which is thrown around just as much as the fascist epithet.
Trump has threatened to close down cable news stations that do not flatter him. Trump has threatened to put Liz Cheney and others who accused him, rightly, of trying to overthrow the 2020 election.
In Trump's 2016 campaign, he and his thugs relentlessly screamed "LOCK HER UP!" about Hillary Clinton, when she hadn't been indicted for ANYTHING!
All of that behavior can be said to have fascist leanings!
You, Anonymous @12:59, need to educate yourself on these matters.
CORRECTION: Trump has threatened to put Liz Cheney and others who accused him, rightly, of trying to overthrow the 2020 election IN JAIL!
In fairness, conservative political cartoonist Michael Ramirez got released from the LA Times and had several of his cartoons cut from the publication.
Lalo Alcarez, a left leaning cartoonist had his left leaning strips dropped from a number of publications before he was fired from
A number of other political cartoonists were let go, or fired last year by McClatchy News.
Censorship, as some call it, editorial oversight as others call it or in some cases, simple cost cutting all pop up as reasons.
But admittedly, both the LA Times and the WAPO have some issues right now as their leaders try and temper negative coverage of Trump.
Makes one wonder how Hearst would navigate the partisan political wars these days if his papers were opposed by an incoming president.
Truth dies in darknes.
A veil of darkness is decending over the nation.
It has a the stench of thugishness and at the same time the ignorance and extreme greed of the oligarchs.
Dave, 'negative coverage of Trump'? That is just plain news. If there was anything positive, it would have been a quote from Steve ''Ultra-Lie": Bannon.
You know, "Trump issues kindness bible '' $55 at adult book stores"
Fair point BB...
Jeff Bezos is merely stopping the spread of pernicious Disinformation... billionaires are our friends!
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