Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Saturday, January 11, 2025



To all the trolls from WYD who bothered to come to P.E. To tell us that Trump’s felony sentencing put him in company with others who were convicted felons — Nelson Mandela, Ghandi, Jesus — You left out another famous felon who Trump is in company with, Adolph Hitler.  

Also, Al Capone, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Charles Manson. 

That isn’t the flex you think it is.


Les Carpenter said...

When you live in alternative reality delusions are the norm.

Salvatore said...

Trolls My Ass, this Judge should be removed from the Court.
Donald Trump has been unjustly attacked.

skudrunner said...

So we trade the first potential female president who would not answer any questions and who's positions changed daily for a felon who was convicted of paying a hooker for her services. If he didn't pay her he would be sued for not paying the temporary help and he would be excoriated. The female promised more of the same woke and tax policies where everything would be paid for by the rich, a promise that has been proposed for several administrations including hers. The felon promised to do what is best for the country and not just special interest groups. Seems like a good trade if we want change in the country and not the same ole elite political system.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Cry harder, Sal.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dear Gawd! What happened to you?

Shaw Kenawe said...

You support a criminal and not the law & order prosecutor. Shame on you.

Grey One talks sass said...

Wow, I didn't think you could lay out for all to see your absolute ignorance skud, yet here we are.

I've got a question for you skud - you keep saying "who would not answer any questions" when referencing VP Harris. So what questions do you think she didn't answer. I've been looking and she was a lady with a plan, not concepts of a plan so your jab is looking like something that isn't very nice. So, what questions? Please be exact as to the issue and when/where she ignored what you thought was important.

Your faith in President elect Felon is laughable, may your finding out period of the Felon's admin be the spectacle so many of us has predicted it will be.

Shaw Kenawe said...

“It speaks to the moment we’re in,” said Norman L. Eisen, a former White House ethics counsel to President Barack Obama who has closely tracked Mr. Trump’s various legal cases and has founded a new organization aimed at defending democracy. “You have somebody who is an adjudicated felon 34 times over, but you also have a nation that is either so numb or so in shock that it does not know how to react.”

And so the nation will soon witness the paradox of a newly elected president putting his hand on a Bible to swear an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” the supreme law of the land, barely a week after being sentenced for violating the law.

Grey One talks sass said...

Shaw, if I had to guess I'd say skud is high on hubris, riding the wave of absolute certainty that men are men and in control. Coming down won't be pleasant, that is if he doesn't flame out first.

Grey One talks sass said...

A jury of President elect Felon's peers disagree with you Salvatore. You know, the law of the land? At least supposedly the idea here in the USA.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Humans have the capacity to rationalize anything and everything including the indefensible. The ability to willfully lie, especially to ourselves, makes us what and who we are.

Les Carpenter said...

Wow! scudsie really put out his ignorance on full display today.

A supporter of oligarchs, felons, and dishonesty in government and business we all just had our suspicious about skudsie verified by him today.

His and MAGA's corrupt and ignorant views are exactly what will bring down this nation. And likely others with it.

Dave Miller said...

As usual, Skud has a few factual, unsupported BS statements in his response.

Trump was not convicted for paying off a hooker. That's totally legal. Trump was found guilty of criminal tax fraud under New York laws. It was shown in court that the Trump Org maintained two different sets of books and lied to conceal those payments and what they were for and as s result, avoid tax liabilities related to it.

Maybe Skud believes it's okay to cheat on your taxes.

Les Carpenter said...

When the ego is in charge, conditioning reality to suit our egoism and its grasping after material desires, then indeed we become ignorant to truth and are affected by ignorance and delusion.

Dave Dubya said...

Skud certainly exemplifies what is very wrong with our country.

He stupidly thinks Trump was convicted for paying off a porn star, when it was really for FRAUD intended to INTERFERE with an election.

Then in true believer MAGA mode, he takes Trump's word as gospel that he "promised to do what is best for the country and not just special interest groups". As if the billionaire oligarchs are not special interests and vindictive persecution of democrats and DOJ officials for DOING THEIR JOBS is "best for the country".

Such PROFOUND willful ignorance.

It's a good thing I'm about to go on vacation and plan to stay off the internet for a while. I'm leaving this insanity for a much needed break.

Stay sane, everyone. Well, everyone but Skud and the MAGA trolls. Ignorance and delusional faith in their malevolent mendacious messiah is their bliss.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Enjoy your time away from madness, Dave. I’m about to do the same thing after Jan. 20th. Well miss you.

Les Carpenter said...

When and if this approach to life and living becomes the guiding principals and practices of this nation and the world perhaps humanity will survive. With the malignant narcissist soon sitting in the space of power and control in this nation it is almost certain the nation will be moving in the exact opposite direction.

BB-Idaho said...

Unfortunately , Skud is not alone in thinking paying big bucks to a pornstar is
a huuuge attribute for electing a megalomaniac. Orwell is laughing.

Les Carpenter said...

Here's the link inadvertently left out of previous comment{this approach to life and living}

Mike said...

tRUMP will be gone in 1469 days. I've got a countdown clock running.

Grey One talks sass said...

I am glad to read of vacations being taken. I prefer that option to the one I'm observing, meaning two of my fave sites are closing. I understand why and one's health is most important. Still, I will miss them. That said knowing the break here will have an end and the result is a rested and hopefully healthier blog hostess and honored commentator - I'm happy to wait.

In the times of darkness all we have is each other (whispered amongst the clans huddled in their caves back in the day, or so I've been told)

skudrunner said...

Grey, I give all politicians a zero on the competence and trustworthy level. I also don't put much faith in the knowledge of those who believed biden was mentally sharp and who supported the least liked VP in history who's greatest accomplishment as VP was helping the DNC kick the pres to the curb so she could step in.
Did you bother to read what trump was found guilty of. All of the "34" counts were accounting entries and most of them were multiple entries for the same activity. If any person of wealth was scrutinized to the extent trump was they would be in the same situation. Maybe they should look at soros or pelosi and see what they find.
I am not saying he is not guilty but guilty of what, not murder or theft by of creative accounting

Dave Dubya said...


What Skud calls innocent "creative accounting" was really was FRAUD intended to INTERFERE with an election.

Grey One talks sass said...

You didn't answer my question skud. Didn't even mention it. I don't even wonder why anymore. Asked you a direct question and of all the commentators calling you out, I'm the one you address, without mentioning the one thing you can't drop. If it was me I'd have the question ready but you? It is my sincerely held belief that you are a liar skud. Not just to me and others here but to yourself and that is a sad thing to know. Indeed skud, what happened to you?
There was more but I erased it. I'm just so sad because lying to oneself never ends up well.

Les Carpenter said...

skud is very invested in his ego Grey One talks sass. It has him the short hairs and won't let go.

skudrunner said...

Grey, I didn't answer your question because if you do not know the answer nothing I say can change that because you will just call me a liar and believe nothing I say. I will ask you what did I say that was a lie?
I do appreciate the concern towards me but I am fine. I live in the real world which is something an idealist cannot understand so therefore thinks everyone else deserves their sympathy, I do not need it. I have worked for everything I have from education to retirement income and no I do not have a pension from any company, I'm self funded.

Lisa said...

A criminal who nobody gave two s**** about until he became president.
Maybe you should question how politicians with a salary of $150 to $200,000 are all millionaires now . And you know Joe didn't make money from writing any books.
But I'm sure you don't care

Grey One talks sass said...

Wow skud. Please explain how I can already know the answer to my question quoted from above " So what questions do you think she didn't answer."

Great deflection by the way. And I only call you a liar when you lie. Weird how that works. I called you a liar about your claim that VP Harris never answered any questions.

I asked you specifically what question you wanted answered by VP Harris that she did not address but you deflected. And accused me preemptively of not believing any answer you would provide. Wow.

skud, if you had a real answer you'd have already provided it, thus I'm now doubly sad for you because you cannot see what you cannot see.

And then you got all defensive, claiming you worked for everything you have (which no one here has denied so weird flex skud) while ignoring the rest of humanity who is doing the same thing but not with the same levels of rewards you enjoy.

Based on your previous comments on the site you sincerely believe if anyone doesn't have the same perks you enjoy then there must be something wrong with them, ignoring the unfairness of our current systems, the racism and misogyny baked into the rules so only White men can truly succeed (in this case success equals $). Oh, there are splashes of diversity but only because of those pesky Civil Rights and Equality laws.

Equal amounts of effort have never in this country equated to equal benefits. Never. Time for things to change.

Shaw Kenawe said...

This is what people who live in a bubble believe. Millions of us knew about Trump’s lawlessness before he became an official felon. You deceive yourself on a daily basis when you claim no one gave “ two sh*ts” about what a monumental crook Trump is and always was.

Grey One talks sass said...

Yep. Doubles down, repeats the most outlandish lies, and then gets fussy when the lie is called out. Almost like a toddler learning about big emotions, being honest, and how dishonesty can cause discomfort both mentally and physically. Even as I weep for humanity I hold out hope (it's a Mobius Strip of logic, my specialty) that more find the higher resonances needed to move humanity from adolescence to adulthood. Bookmarked the video you posted earlier. Thanks. Really needed it here/now.

skudrunner said...

Grey, Got it, it is someone else's fault because after all only white men can truly succeed. That is something I didn't know and glad I didn't because I wouldn't have tried and just accepted I couldn't succeed.

Regarding kamala when she was asked why all of her opinions about the border and fracking changed so dramatically, she went to one of her diatribes and never answered the question. The one telling question she did answer is if she would change anything biden did and she said no.

Les Carpenter said...

There ya go again skud. Confusing a much brighter, more successful, non felon for You Know Who. Do you really hate democrats and liberty that much or has diminished cognition set in?

Grey One talks sass said...

How oddly specifically nonspecific skud. In other words you've got nothing in regards to anything related to VP Harris. No quotes, just general concepts of questions regarding fracking and the border.

By the way skud who was it that skuttled the most recent border bill from Congress? Who got most of their wish list to the Democratic Parties disgust but hey, bipartisanship and the good of the country but nope, the bill collapsed. Why again did that happen?

(narrator's note - we all know what happened, watched it in real time. just wondering if skud knows or will acknowledge the facts of the matter.)

Regarding fracking - you lie again skud. VP Harris did address the issue when talking to constituents in PA where fracking is a way of life. But you are a lazy scholar and never look beyond the end of your nose. Not doing your homework for you.

As for your 'someone else's fault' goal post movement, yeah, it was someone's fault and the fact you are reacting as you are means somewhere deep down you witnessed the system which always worked for you and yours failing when addressing the needs of those in the minority. Rather than do something to balance the scales you decided those on the losing side somehow deserved to lose, that they are less than because of their minority status.

I stand by what I've said about you skud, your comments confirm it. I'd say do better but from what you've posted, this is as good as you've got.

skudrunner said...

Grey, Great post that hit every base. I applaud you for you for your dedication to your ideals.