Delusional MAGA like to tell themselves that America is "once again respected" now that Trump, the Felon of the United States, is back in office.
MAGA live in a bubble and willingly know nothing outside of it.
In fact, Trump is the brunt of savage ridicule and jokes for all civilized people.
(Just a reminder for the Trumpers who read this blog: NOTHING like this was published by our allies about former President Biden when he was in office. Because America was actually respected while he was the POTUS.)
We told them this would happen.
However, in the bubble it's us and the rest of the sane civilized world that are insane.
We are living in the bizarre and chaotic times the MAGA cult ordered.
The Emperor with no suit has been and will continue be widely unpopular.
For example in the Obama 8 years he was rated on the average of the countries there between 58-89% liked. Trump managed 13-32% Skud can review those stats at PEW. His offer to lure Norwegian immigrants was met with scorn-
"Norwegians are not necessarily known for their humour, but they laughed at US President Donald Trump's suggestion that there should be more of them immigrating to the United States. When we asked Norwegian business leaders about Trump's comments, they said, "Norwegians may have immigrated to the United States a hundred years ago, but today, there are more Americans coming to Norway than the other way around."
We would expect that a policy that calls friends enemies and enemies
friends. White is black, down is up- a lot believe that and Goebels would be overjoyed. Tis sort of a sickness.
BB... it's a different looking glass these days. We still have plenty of ppl who DO want to come here, but not from developed countries where they ahve mostly caught up to the US standard of living, without all the drama.
Ignorance, the result of lack of educational opportunity is understandable.
Wilfull ignorance, the result of chosing to remain uninformed and marinating in reified beliefs is indeed a sort of sickness.
This is where American MAGA hype has us today as a nation. It is only going to metastasize and get worse with Trump, PROJECT 2025, and the oligarchs running the show.
Being of partially Swedish decent I feel a sense of kinship with the folk of Norway. There exists no sense of kinship with the Trump's, his MAGA hype, or his fascist agenda.
Mostly caught up and then some Dave - the Nordic states rank 3,6,8 and 10 and Switzerland 5 in the Quality of life index (across 8 columns of criteria.
We stand at 15th in the world..and probably will slip rapidly further, considering. These indexes seem to vary depending upon the critera and on of them has the US at 27th, Business News states that we have slipped
a lot since the Truman/Eisenhower era.
Why would any foreign government say anything bad about biden. He was all in for the paris accord that consumed millions and did nothing. He was all in for WHO that consumed millions and did little. He was all in for the US funding the majority of NATO. He was all in for restricting oil so russia could supply china. There was nothing he wouldn't give away too other countries so why object to him.
Indeed, Les. I am mostly Norwegian by descent, but allergic to lutefisk. That's why they came here 125 years ago - to leave the alkaline cod behind!
I really feel sorry for Americans who know so little but have so much to say about everything.
The rest of the world respected Biden because he knew how to act on the world stage and had decades of experience on world matters. No one can say that about Trump.
In fact, skud, your comment reveals that you are a true red MAGA, since it is in harmony with everything Trump has said about the Paris Accords, the WHO and NATO. And, IMO, it is full of misunderstanding about complicated issues and little else.
BB-Idaho has evidence to back this up: "For example in the Obama 8 years he was rated on the average of the countries there between 58-89% liked.
Trump managed 13-32% Skud can review those stats at PEW."
It goes against your nature to believe FACTS, but the fact is that former President Obama was beloved by other countries. Trump is NOT. I have family and friends in the UK, Spain, Italy, France, and Germany (and my nephew now lives in Brazil). Trump is ridiculed and HATED by the majority of the people in those countries. And for good reason.
It is typical of some Americans to believe we are the best in the world, but we've forfeited that self-awarded medal when we chose FOR THE SECOND TIME, Trump, who is a convicted felon and adjudicated sexual assaulter as well as mentally unstable, as the leader of our country.
No matter how anyone tries, there is no way we can put that proverbial lipstick on that pig.
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